Topic: Some interesting results on a PTSD treatment  (Read 967 times)

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Offline Jack Morris

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Some interesting results on a PTSD treatment
« on: December 02, 2005, 05:18:35 am »

"When (veterans) go to the doctor or hospital, they give them medicine. Pretty soon, they have a bag of medicine after medicine," said Laughter,

No sheet, you don't say? Right Seth? We both know how much stuff VA had me on. The latest is a doozy, talk about "cloudy mind."

Supposed to be a "sleep aid." Turns out it is a major non-narcotic tranquilzer.

I'm not even diagnosed with either of them, but the docs know that it has other effects too, Vicky tried half a tablet and she was knocked the fluck out. It's a great sleep aid, but you also gain weight, because you want to scarf before you go to sleep. I've eaten twice my normal intake before bed when I take a small dose of that stuff.

Maybe I should go see a medicine man in N.M., couldn't hurt. Their religions have been passed down since time eternal, whereas a lot of these meds are fairly new.  ::) Nothing like experimenting with people.