What if winning a PvP match had more effect on turing and a hex than beating the AI?
That might encourage PvP as being more helpful in hex flipping.
Just an idea, dont really know much about the Dyna mechanics.
This is the ideal solution. If we had working SQL we could make PvP victories worth more than PvAI victories, and we probably wouldn't even need a disengagement rule.
The question is whether we'll get to this point before the next server is ready.
Keltset actually had this working with SQL for his Dragon's Claw and Dragon's Tooth servers on EAW. What are the odds people would show up for an EAW server again?
(Don't know if his success means SQL works better for EAW, or if it was just the result of lower player loads.)
Yep...my two servers did all that and more. This was a post in the Gorn forums way back on July 13, 2003.
Fellow Reptiles,
The Dragon's Teeth server is far enough along in testing that I can share with you my progress to date.
1. I have implemented a new feature called GNN, or Galactic News Network. The GNN will broadcast messages on general chat for all to see. Currently, it only broadcasts info concerning astounding victories by players and PvP wins by players.
2. Astounding victory bonus DV shift. All players get a bonus point of DV shift when they earn an astounding victory. For example, if you attack a clear enemy hex at DV 10 and earn an astounding victory, the DV will actually shift to 8, instead of 9.
3. PvP bonus DV shift. All players get 8 points of DV shift when they earn a PvP victory. For example, if you attack a clear enemy hex at DV 10 against an enemy player and win a victory, the DV will actually shift to 1, instead of 9.
4. The bonuses are cumulative, so an astounding victory against another player in a clear hex at DV 10 will lower the DV to 0 (1+ 1 + 8 ).
5. Now the bad news. The database is updated correctly with the proper DV values. However, each of our maps is NOT updated until another mission is run (or forfeited) in the hex where the astounding victory or PVP bonus was earned.
6. Shipyards. According to the D2 Server Admin forum on Yahoo, there is a memory leak in the shipyard functionality that causes the SQL D3 server to crash. Well, I suspect that this leak also exists in the SQL D2 server kit. To avoid this problem, I built my own shipayrd. The old shipyard is still active, so you can still buy ships the old way. To access the new shipyard, you must be in Gorn chat. Simply type YARD: and then the individual command. Current commands are 'show' and 'buy.' So, to view all ships in the yard, type:
The second, (and final) server, the Dragon's Claw implemented even more features such as:
Bases set to destruct ONLY when a hex changed owners, not when the first successful mission was run in the hex. This made bases much more robust, but not indestructable.
Built in line-of-supply. You could only flip a hex for your empire if it could trace a LOS to a friendly supply point (base or planet). If the hex was not in supply, then it flipped neutral and stayed that way. This solved most of the deepstrike issues. A player could deepstrike to his heart's content, but the best he could do would be to deny space to his opponent by flipping hexes to neutral if no LOS existed.
Players could own up to 5 ships, but only fly one at a time. Ships could be spread out within your empire and the player could jump to any of his other ships by simply typing a command in the chat channel.
Other than LOS (it was not completely debugged), all of these features worked correctly 100% of the time. Everything was bug-free.
Does anyone remember the Dragon's Claw and Dragon's Teeth servers? I'll bet most do not, judging by the attendance on them. At that time, the remaining community members decided to move to OP as the game of choice. Very few stayed behind on EAW. The OP SQL kit did not even exist, so there was no chance of moving this new functionality to OP. when SQL became available for OP, it was more bugged than EAW I believe, so I did not choose to put the time and effort into porting my code to OP. I actually looked more into SFC3 than OP. Turns out SFC3 was even worse, so I retired from server developement permanently.
<ahem> Sorry to hijack the thread....back to retirement now...