OK...WTF is wrong with you guys!
This model is in no way indicative of a TNG ship...not one TNG ship shares any features with this ship...other than the standard saucer/hull/nacelle combination.
In fact only TMP ships have the curved pylons...not straight as some of you think....do some research, and you'll see what I am talking about .
TNG ships have curved corners not curved pylons....ever heard of a ship called Akyazi?
I mean dammit, I have never seen such a BS complaint in my life...Look, if you don't like it...don't DL it...or build one your damned self.
pet peeve?? pet peeve!!
this is my pet peeve...a lot of hard work goes into building a ship to fit the bill, that doesn't look like a damned TMP Connie Kitbash that makes no sense(no offence to you kitbashers out there you know I support you!)...or some pathetic BS excuse for those fan-boyed "uber cruiser".
a real design that follows the line of thinking to make a transition from TMP towards the future, transcending the Eras ...Like the excelsior...and you guys whine about it???
....(and you wonder why I ducked out of here)
Hello Sandman, MP, FW, FotS, Mackie, Ol'Buzz and others!!!
While I might not have expressed it EXACTLY like that ... what I CAN and will say AZEL is:

Narrow minded, half-axxxx, closed boxed ideas that only approve of a select preconceived ideals:
certain schools of designs approved by
certain GamesPRE-TOS .... as long as it meets a
particular criteriasorry ...
Though I personally might not have designed the ship like this ... I try to see past my own personal pettiness .. and see the design for what it is.
I dont know that I would have named it the Arizona simply out respect to the US Navys position on the matter.
BTW... WZ .. I mean no disrespect to you or your work making that statement. Others who know me know the high regard that I hold sacred for those who serve in the armed forces protecting our freedom. I particularly try to honor those who have given the supreme sacrifice for me to have the life that I enjoy today. (Perhaps that was WZ's intent ... )
please do not take this personal feeling of mine as a matter of dishonored criticism..... (dat cool?)
I said all of that to say this:
We can offer helpful criticism or arguments without trashing someones work. Not everything is posted with the intent of requesting PHILOSOPHICAL design techniques.
BTW... It's not tearing down the community to review something .. or even to disagree...
Perhaps a review on HOW that is presented might be in order.