I just wanted to wish all of you who are celebrating Thanksgiving a wonderful day!
If you're not celebrating this holiday I want you to have a wonderful day as well, but take a moment to reflect on the blessings God has given you through the year, or even years!
6 years ago I came back to my father's house in a 1979 Lincoln Towncar, with all my remaining worldly possessions in the back seat and trunk. I had gone through a divorce and my life was in a complete shambles. If you have ever had to deal with this you know what I'm talking about. While I don't want to sound preachy, I still truly believe that God was trying to get my attention, and for that first and foremost now I thank Him.
I was in "mourning" for my losses and threw a massive pity party for about 3 weeks. It may have been necessary for me to do that to separate my "new life" from my "old life". I still don't suggest them, they stink!
Once i got over myself, I got a new job and started trying to put the pieces back together. In the next few weeks I started going back to church to be around other Christians to try and feed off of them for the happiness I was lacking. It worked! I found out that there is a commandment to "forsake not the assembling together of yourselves".
I Thank you God for other Christians!

I started messing around with on line gaming and trying to make new friends when I got an instant message that just said "Hi".
The message led to a 6 month long friendly relationship that resulted in my getting married to Becca and forming the massive family a lot of you have come to know though email and playing. (4 boys and 4 girls for those of you who don't).
I thank you God for the Wife and family you gave me!

Since we were so large we had to start looking for a place to live. We were blessed with finding 3 acres from a man who was moving to Washington state and needed some one to oversee the remainder of his holdings here. We were able to get the house we now live in, (5 bedrooms and 3 baths!), despite the credit I had been left with as a result of the divorce. God moved my credit mountain!
I thank you God for my land and home you gave me!

During the next year I had a birthday and was given a copy of "Starfleet Command", (yes, the original). I have enjoyed all things Star Trek since I can remember. I started playing on line, after I had "beaten" the game in single player mode, in a place called M-Player. There i met 2 guys that led me to "fly" with a fleet called the 9th. I have no idea where they are now and wish them well in their endeavors. Through the next couple of years I enjoyed the company of the folks we now refer to as "old timers". The changes in the game have been many and varied with the typical ups and downs you find in any relationship. The constant has been camaraderie and friendship. I can depend on a kind word, even from the likes of DH, and the flamers any time I can get on and play. The group of people I have met has been trying at times, but always amicable in the end. If I have ever upset any of you, (specifically one instance with Tracey comes to mind, I off humble apology. You people have raised my spirits when other friends might have turned their backs and forgotten.
I thank you God for a world of friends that you have given me!

I'd be remiss if I didn't Thank you God for the most important thing you gave me and anyone else that will come and accept the gift you have for them, my salvation and your unending, undying Love.
I Thank you God for your agape love and the things and relationships you have given to me as steward of. I pray you remind me when I forget that.
Is there something you are thankful for? Whether you celebrate this as a day set aside for it or not, What are you thankful for?
I know one person out there has something to be grateful for, Nail I hope you and your family have a great day with your new bundle of joy!
Sorry to have taken so much space for this. It seems when I got started I couldn't stop!
Happy Thanksgiving all!