Topic: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)  (Read 21456 times)

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Offline TraumaTech

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #60 on: November 26, 2005, 12:46:51 am »
note that one is a word (my spelling), while the other is not (your spelling). :P

NOTE   ----> i don't care   :)   it doesn't matter   :)    u understood what i ment ---> big   :)    and i still used less letters to say the same thing u said,ther 4---> efficient use of letters---> biggest  :)     :drink:

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #61 on: November 26, 2005, 10:08:26 am »
Shiplist used for the tourney is OP+ 4.0?
C-ya there.
KBF LordSaxon

Get your voice comm issues resolved?
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #62 on: November 26, 2005, 05:38:58 pm »
ok rules update

start time----------saturday november 26/05 at 10:30 p.m. eastern time

shiplist---------------OP+ 4.0

single elimination    2v2 tourney, posibly  3v3 if the numbers warrant it

open matches   1 advanced era   ,1 early era  4 mid/late era     this is based on 6 rounds.

game speed-----> 9 and 8.odd numer round will be speed 9,even number rounds will be speed 8.if teams agree on handshake,then speed can be whatever speed they agree on,if no agreement,then default will apply based on even or odd round

DROP/LAG RULE---> u have 2 minutes to declare LAG after that ,you are  S.O.L.     if some one drops in first 2 minutes, a simple restart is done,after 2 minutes.-----> play goes on,if both side agree to the lag or drop after 2 minutes,they may restart the match.Any dispute,then default applies

as for bugs,anything goes ie: pushing off the map,into asteroids,the dropping of shuttles to distract fighters ect ect

just 2 extra rules to add  :)     the 2 most important ones  ( #1)    HAVE FUN!!!!!    (#2) BE HONOURABLE!!!!!      Both sides are representatives for thier style of play.How you play, speaks volumes of yourself and your team   GH GL  CYA TONIGHT  :)

 teamspeak addy's

dynaverse ts------->        password----->sfcrulz

cugs ts-------------->                  password---->winston

Offline KBF MalaK

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #63 on: November 26, 2005, 11:08:08 pm »
post deleted as it wasn't PC.

Thanks for your support.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2005, 10:59:42 am by MalaK »
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #64 on: November 27, 2005, 03:44:44 am »
In the final match, Risky in a ICLX and my FCX vs XE_Austin and XE_MessedupGood defeated us in their FDNW and LSTL.

It was a quick match. We basically got spanked... Risky decided to get close and nasty, but his R torps snagged a weasel instead of hull and after that it was disastrous... He died and I lived to blame it on him, I mean, he's dead, right?

Austin said it was decided when we chose ships, not during the battle... While I concede to losing and playing horribly, (perhaps it was due to the fact that we waited 6 and half hours to get to the final match: must be time limits on matches from now on), I do not concede that our ship choices couldnt win vs what they had.

GG to Dfly and Green... was terrible to beat Dyna players in a Cugs Vs tourney.

Was pretty fun, would like to do it again sometime. Nice job TT on organizing it. Risky and I, er he's dead, so I take home the Silver Medal for the Dynaverse guys and gals. We did get 1st place in something... 2nd place is the 1st loser. ;)

Offline TraumaTech

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #65 on: November 27, 2005, 04:44:03 am »
my appoligizes to Warp (my wing) and the rest of Dynaverse team for falling asleep in the middle of our battle vs Cugs.TY for the vote of confidence in arranging this,and ty all those who answered the call of battle.this was truely a blast.i hope we can run another(hopefully with some twists and turns) for added interest in future matches.Ummmm  btw,could some one post the top 3 teams  :)

 probably see it posted somewhere here in another thread or something.and lastly lol lucky for me,i awoke in time for work.last thing i remember saying before falling asleep was"wow warp,in another 2 hours,i have to get up for work :)" guess my age is catching up with me  :(

GG to Dfly and Green... was terrible to beat Dyna players in a Cugs Vs tourney.


sorry about that dizz,risky,dfly and green.somehow the possibility of this circumstance occuring due to our successes vs Cugs early on in the tourney,just never occurred to me,although it should have.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2005, 10:25:48 am by TraumaTech »

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #66 on: November 27, 2005, 04:56:45 am »
What a cluster **** that was. I didn't know about the 2 drop rule either.
Buncha cheatin &%#@^%*^ those GFA punks are. It'd be nice if the dyna people acted like adults but they we're too busy gettin stoned.

Friggin children !

malak...see this post:

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #67 on: November 27, 2005, 05:01:08 am »
my appoligizes to Warp (my wing) and the rest of Dynaverse team for falling asleep in the middle of our battle vs Cugs.TY for the vote of confidence in arranging this,and ty all those who answered the call of battle.this was truely a blast.i hope we can run another(hopefully with some twists and turns) for added interest in future matches.Ummmm  btw,could some one post the top 3 teams  :)

 probably see it posted somewhere here in another thread or something.and lastly lol lucky for me,i awoke in time for work.last thing i remember saying before falling asleep was"wow warp,in another 2 hours,i have to get up for work :)" guess my age is catching up with me  :(

No worries did more than most of us could do brother....

have a good day at work.....the tounrey had a good turn out...and was full of flamage....a win/win.....not if we can get some of those peeps on a server we'll be just fine.....

BTW...I got there to late to get in...but I did have a blast playing some pick up games.....

next week bud....

Offline Dfly

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #68 on: November 27, 2005, 08:49:30 am »
Sorry you feel that way Malak, but how could they cheat? rules clearly stated beforehand and states any tactic and any ship is valid.  As for people being adults or not, well, children will be children, and that for some reason, cant be changed.

Loved the tourney, had a great time.  Never had any flak from GSA or Dyna guys (unless you bothered to read all the crap that was typed out in the lobby<<children>>.  TY for winging with me Green.  Our loss came in second lass round vs our own guys and 3 things were factors.  Fatigue-Dizzy-Risky.

GJ Dizzy-Risky to get to the finals, and to all who participated, to the organizing of it, etc.

Offline KBF MalaK

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #69 on: November 27, 2005, 08:57:28 am »
What a cluster **** that was. I didn't know about the 2 drop rule either.
Buncha cheatin &%#@^%*^ those GFA punks are. It'd be nice if the dyna people acted like adults but they we're too busy gettin stoned.

Friggin children !

malak...see this post:

Your right, I shouldn't be starting a flame war, msg read, now read your mail, sir.
When I say 'cheat' I meant they took advantage (violated the rules) inso that the tourney was in their back yard. My connection issues as well as those mysterious port scans dissappeared when I left GSA for the night to get in some merc practice. In the old days I've know a few that pulled simillar stunts by pinging the life outta some guy just before the mission drop to make his connection unstable. I thought that practice was dead.

Maybe next tournament I'll actually get to play.
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Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #70 on: November 27, 2005, 11:12:47 am »
Sorry you feel that way Malak, but how could they cheat? rules clearly stated beforehand and states any tactic and any ship is valid.  As for people being adults or not, well, children will be children, and that for some reason, cant be changed.

Loved the tourney, had a great time.  Never had any flak from GSA or Dyna guys (unless you bothered to read all the crap that was typed out in the lobby<<children>>.  TY for winging with me Green.  Our loss came in second lass round vs our own guys and 3 things were factors.  Fatigue-Dizzy-Risky.

GJ Dizzy-Risky to get to the finals, and to all who participated, to the organizing of it, etc.

Dax here, my other account is FUBAR'd at the moment:

Aside from Malaks' thoughts on pinging, let's look at my experience and Saxon's last night. Don't get too mad at me for posting, I think this deserves a little consideration.

We were accused of forcing 6 or 7 restarts, when it was clear in spacedock that Saxon was having issues and they said go on and try it, suggesting that the models difference would hold and that resulted in 2 drops. (never saw a drop rule posted) While Saxon got things fixed, I got booted from gsa due to some sort of GSA encountered a problem thing and in the 3rd start was totally locked/frozen up and neither muse nor keyboard would work, so yes I rebooted, but not before noting that XE-soulform had changed ships, going from gorn monitor to a CAY..

Anyway, I explain this when I get back and thank them for their understanding and then point out that they should be flying their original ships and not changing them. We get on the field and they both now are flying different ships from their original gorn combo. They now are flying the exact ships that Saxon and I are. I point out as ladder players that they should know better than to change ships etc on a restart (it's in their rules, I have read them) and that I will not play until they get back in them and will gladly discuss it with officials. They comply after a bit and we now start AND finish the match in our 5th attempt. (apparently they can't count) We get into the game and they have changed the map size to small now. Perhaps a mistake? I don't think so in light of how it all played out, at any rate, my PPD that I lost to a hit and run apparently repaired to fast for Mixx' liking, (I thought it took too long, lol) and I was branded a cheater, cursed repeatedly in game (i have a few screenshots) and then Mixx declares they are the winners in the lobby. Mixx tried to suggest that ship substitution restart was ok, but even one of his fleetmates questioned that openly.

Well my schedule won't allow a saturday night for a month, maybe I'll feel better playing vs. such toads by then and perhaps a few bad apples doesn't spoil the entire barrel, but what a mouthy sub-group of juveniles they have.

These kind of things should be discussed with the tourney Admins. Perhaps TT could point you in the right direction to do that, if you're not sure of who to talk to about it. But, IMO, as a long-time ladder player myself, I can see clearly that you are definitely correct about the way they acted.
It's Sad, but True...attitudes and behaviors like what you experienced is the main reason I left the ladder leagues.
And to this day, every time I'm on GSA, I still see such attitudes and behaviors and it simply reinforces the reason I don't play on GSA very much at all.
Lord Krueg
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #71 on: November 27, 2005, 11:27:08 am »
Great tourney TT.  Had a blast.  Am even halfway happy we lost to Dizzy and Risky since it allowed me to get to bed a little after 4 am. 

Great jod Dfly...a definate lesson in patience.  Game #2 was over 2 hours in length and saw Dfly take out both of the opposing players (after I died early).

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #72 on: November 27, 2005, 11:38:27 am »
Well...Everyone seems to have had issues at one time or another during the night....I didnt get to play in the tourney...but I did get to play quite a few fun games....and I really had a blast...

clearly...a few of the GSA players have made it a point to cause trouble...and I'm really proud that the D2 guys in general blew it off and played well...

Stoney was cracking me up....and the whole evening reminded me of the old M-player days...

So I say we simply concentrate on the positives...

We had a really good showing...LOTS of pilots...doing what we do best..

A few of our guys did VERY well.....

I saw people online I havent seen in AGES....that's a VERY good thing...

In all the BS flying around....I was able to convice a couple of ladder guys to at least check us out next if they show...we should do our best to show them a good time...


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #73 on: November 27, 2005, 12:04:53 pm »
Frey and I had our share of crap as well.

Our Round 1 opponents took Hydran with 20 fighters total (crappy fighters no less). After we wiped out more than half of them without taking damage, one of them simply alted out. Real class. To top it off, his wingman had the audacity to ask for a rematch (after admitting he bailed). We politely declined.  ::)

Our Round 2 opponents took two ships that basically have to castle, then whined for an hour and 45 minutes after we refused to run them over. They also set speed 9 for a game that was supposed to be speed 8 - don't know if that was intentional or not, but it would have been even more amusing to see them lose even more patience.

And of course there was the usual crap - you guys are losing, just give up, this ship owns that one, we never lose, blah blah blah.

I think I am done with this. The whining I can deal with, but the BPV's are too high and Advanced is a joke. There is no skill involved in winning at 215 mid, or anything Advanced.

Dax, I had no idea what you guys had to go through. That is absolute crap. Mixx used to be pretty mellow; I guess XE has brought out the worst in him.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #74 on: November 27, 2005, 12:40:34 pm »

There is no skill involved in winning at 215 mid, or anything Advanced.

I do totally disagree withyour statement on the 215 mid.  We had 2hours 20 minutes of fighting, and I know that it takes a lot of skill to beat 2 opponents with 14 Hornet II and 8 other Hornets when your wingman dies prematurely.  If there were no skill involved in winning at that size then there would be no losers of battles for that size for they both should win. ?

I do agree totally on the fact that there are a few(maybe5or 6) from GSA who really give gaming a bad name with language, attitude, etc.  Glad to see most of that rarely if ever actually ends up in Dyna.  The other many GSA pilots would be a great boost to our community, as would even those that are a pain.  Most likely those(pain) ones would have to do some attitudional adjusting after joining us(maybe before lol).  Perhaps Green and I got lucky with pairing against guys I know, but we had absolutely no problems with any enemies, except Dizzy-Risky  ;)


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #75 on: November 27, 2005, 12:56:03 pm »
From experience I can tell you in high BPV mid battles you get a very pronounced rock-paper-scissors effect. Ships generally fall into 3 categories:

1) Ships that are optimized for castling
2) Ships that are optimized for speed (mostly DNL's)
3) CCY's

Typically 1 beats 2, 2 beats 3, and 3 beats 1. The game is usually decided by who picks what.

This is true to a small degree at all BPV's, but is much more pronounced at 200+ mid.

It's not impossible to get a good match in those ranges, but it's a lot less likely.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #76 on: November 27, 2005, 02:14:13 pm »
 Had fun in last night's tourney, though I didn't make it past the first round. My wing (a ladder player) must have been somewhat inexperienced as he said he flew Fed, but didn't know what a CLC was. (go figure) 
 Unfortunately, I got to see the flaming in the lobby, as others did here also, and have to attribute that to a "fleet attitude". Some fleets thrive on that crap, though usually not all of that fleet's members condone it. As long as they are a "winning" fleet, they'll put up with it, sad to say.

 Played several 3v3 fun games with different players, mostly CUGS guys and Crim came in for atleast 3 games while I was there. Lots of fun had by all. Including watching Crim, who was on my team, charge into all 3 of our opponents ships with his K-DXD. He finally broke their tractor and ran away for repairs. lol      <S> Crim

                                       Wraith 413

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #77 on: November 27, 2005, 03:15:38 pm »
... when your wingman dies prematurely. 

Hey!  I meant to die early.  I wanted to bolster your confidence ;).

Have to echo Dfly's comments.  I got a chance to fly against 4 CUGS - all of who were polite, good pilots, and definately added to the enjoyment of the game.  The 5 hours we spent in the game and not in the lobby was probably for the best.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #78 on: November 27, 2005, 03:29:36 pm »
Actually, Mess said it was decided at the beginning by ships in the last round... I was thinking it too...

X or no X, Messy owns with Mauler and that CLX was going to die by proxy anyways... GG it was though... However, I feel dirty for butplugging my second to last round opponants with duel H-XCF. Me and mess never do that, just did it for fun because we we're really irritated at the running from the previous round *wink wink XC*. I mean, I can see the logic if running = win... but geeze, some of us can barely take any of that waiting... However, we we're determined to win because Warchild won last, and we couldn't allow that to happen again! Lol, j/k, but was fun.

GL in the future guys... and Messy probably would say "LOL I PWNT U," if he were here right now.. And if anyone knows me well enough, you know why I put up with him, lol. 2 reasons. You can ask me in the GSA OP Lobby
« Last Edit: November 27, 2005, 03:50:11 pm by Austin »

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #79 on: November 27, 2005, 03:41:51 pm »
my appoligizes to Warp (my wing) and the rest of Dynaverse team for falling asleep in the middle of our battle vs Cugs.TY for the vote of confidence in arranging this,and ty all those who answered the call of battle.this was truly a blast.i hope we can run another(hopefully with some twists and turns) for added interest in future matches.Ummmm  btw,could some one post the top 3 teams 

 probably see it posted somewhere here in another thread or something.and lastly lol lucky for me,i awoke in time for work.last thing i remember saying before falling asleep was"wow warp,in another 2 hours,i have to get up for work " guess my age is catching up with me 


      You have no problem with me my friend. We were all tired and if I had a more comfortable chair I would probably been asleep as well. You did a great job getting this thing organized! After reading the many posts I think we should do it again. But this time look at the peeps who caused unnecessary problems with language, cheating, etc....and ban them from the next event. The cheating I am referring to is the ones who changed their ship selection on a restart and chose a small map. I don't remember who that was but I'm sure many of you do. The lobby chat during this thing was appalling, can't people act like adults? Also there may be younger people who may be participating in these events and we really don't need the potty mouth people included.   FSD Warp10

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