ok rules update
start time----------saturday november 26/05 at 10:30 p.m. eastern time
shiplist---------------OP+ 4.0
single elimination 2v2 tourney, posibly 3v3 if the numbers warrant it
open matches 1 advanced era ,1 early era 4 mid/late era this is based on 6 rounds.
game speed-----> 9 and 8.
odd numer round will be speed 9,
even number rounds will be speed 8.if teams agree on handshake,then speed can be whatever speed they agree on,if no agreement,then default will apply based on even or odd round
DROP/LAG RULE---> u have 2 minutes to declare LAG after that ,you are S.O.L. if some one drops in first 2 minutes, a simple restart is done,after 2 minutes.-----> play goes on,if both side agree to the lag or drop after 2 minutes,they may restart the match.Any dispute,then default applies
as for bugs,anything goes ie: pushing off the map,into asteroids,the dropping of shuttles to distract fighters ect ect
just 2 extra rules to add
the 2 most important ones ( #1) HAVE FUN!!!!! (#2) BE HONOURABLE!!!!! Both sides are representatives for thier style of play.How you play, speaks volumes of yourself and your team GH GL CYA TONIGHT