IE -- I see that PUNK spouting off in the lobby about tobin dax and accusing him of cheating -- well anyone who knows me from those dark ugly ladder days know I don't appreciate that word being used under any situation...
It does two things -- it makes me remember why I gave up on ladder matches (umm lets see about 20-30 players left online most of whom had egos and could not accept that they might loose a match fair and square...) and it gets my blood boiling to the point where I actually say -- I should rejoin and show those bastages just what flying was about in the old days.
Congrats on the excellent turn out by both sides -- the work by TT and Josh and also for everyone keeping a cool head.
I have to say when I saw the lobby break 60 players -- it did feel like there was life in the old bird yet..
I've got to say I agree this is what lead to the death of previous Tounraments. Some people just can't keep good attitudes.
And that just steals the joy from others whom would like to just have fun in a good clean atmosphere, a fun way to spend some evening time with some cool people.
I've told certain individuals, even those whom have this pride problem; I repsect everyone basically, even those people who are good SFC pilots, but with some people, I don't respect thier attitudes. They basically thrive by tearing others down to build themselves up. Thats a fast way to kill any group.
Solution: If a person displays that kind of attitude (Repeatedly and just what might be considered intensly immature), don't invite them back to the tourneys. I want to play SFC, but I don't want that kind of attutide killing fun for everyone.
Of the 60 people who played yesterday, how many caused problems? Not many. And if someone feels like playing the defence, "Your just picking on the winners cause you lost." There's been a lot of other tourney Champions and never heard any comments.
Cut the dead weight man. If thier are not involved, don't affect the system, they can be safely ignored. To this point the only way they can adversely affect the rest of the players is that you, as an indicvidual, might have trouble tuning them out.
Of course don't boot them irately either. If they can't be civil (Misunderstanding and dissagreements do happen!), and we as an organization were unable to reach an understanding with someone, by peaceful avenues, cuttem off!
Listening? Are you a braggart? Think you are better all those whom lose to you? Can't be agreeable? Do you put others down becuase they are not quite as good as you?
WE DON'T NEED YOU HERE. Play by you'r self, with all 3 of your friends, don't bother me. I won't bother your fun, won't talk about you behind your back, won't even hate you. Just don't bother my fun and everyone elses.
Of course theres another side to the coin.
I don't want people to take this suggestion to an extreme and boot anyone the second they say, "Cheat". (I don't personally know that it is possible to cheat in this game) Tempers flare for the best of them. Not everyone has the same ability to overlook things. But give them the benifit of the doubt if they are trying. Try to mediate. I suggest only boot if its a repeat offense with intention to cause harm or complete uncaring to the way it is affecting others. If they are trying to be civil, even if your opposed to them, let it go - They are at Least trying.. Much more you can say for those that try than those who are intent on causing trouble. Also, if a person was trouble but calms down and straightens out, invite them back.
Fore the most part, I don't belive there is much weight to cut off. I know most of us can get a little riled, but we can get by it. (Heard some of the 'discussions' on TS lately

) It only applies to those that just totally halt the progress and fun of the community's tournament.
Just my thoughts... If we let it go, it'll just kill our tourneys again...