Topic: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)  (Read 21444 times)

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Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« on: November 20, 2005, 06:57:13 pm »
 here's an idea,how about as Duck said in another thread,we host the next 2v2 tourney and invite them to it,besides just the next campaign,which may not occur for another 2 or 3 weeks or longer.try building some strong ties with Cugs,so they will want to try out our campaigns. Who can show up for this? sign up thread.

i suggest a double elimination  match up. to add a little spice to it,i think a tbpv set up with or with out declaration of race.i can be good for either,or maybe assigning races for each round ie each team  would fly the same races,but in any ship combo they want based on the tbpv.soemthing to think about,or we could just do it as open match ups based on generated bpv's and era's.I'll try to get in touch with Josh and see what he thinks,and let everyone know by say wednesday for sure,whether a  tourney is doable.i'd appreciate any help anyone can volunteer for  :)

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2005, 09:43:49 pm »
I'd be willing to fly, but it's doubtful anybody would fly with me due to extended absence from the game. Maybe Sfaret and I could team up as a codger/newbue team, lol. ;)

'Hail Gurthang! No lord or loyalty dost thou know, save the hand that wieldeth thee. From no blood wilt thou shrink. Wilt thou therefore take Túrin Turambar, wilt thou slay me swiftly?'
And from the blade rang a cold voice in answer: 'Yea, I will drink thy blood gladly, that so I may forget the blood of Beleg my master, and the blood of Brandir slain unjustly. I will slay thee swiftly.'

Offline Hexx

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2005, 10:04:43 pm »
I'm really much more of a solitary hunter, but I suppose I could let someone tag along
for a few games.

Count me in if it happens.
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2005, 10:09:32 pm »
Hell thrain..I'm sure anyone would like to take your wing...

That being said....I think many people are hesitant to hook up in 2 vs 2....A bigger fear than taking your wing down with you...

I bet a 1 vs 1 tourney would get as many peeps to show...maybe even a few that wouldnt normally...

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2005, 04:57:40 am »
Sanfeng was in the GSA lobby Saturday night and asked for a wing, I spoke up and we went to the finals. Grab a wing and have some fun.  8)
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2005, 08:11:23 am »
I'd be willing to fly, but it's doubtful anybody would fly with me due to extended absence from the game. Maybe Sfaret and I could team up as a codger/newbue team, lol. ;)

Depending on time and date, I'll fly with you. The last time we winged on GSA was a fight to remember... ;)

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2005, 06:44:24 pm »
Same here, I showed up, TT had lost his wing, so with Josh's permission I filled in.  And I wing with everybody, except Hexx so far ;), but would :(   ;)

Offline TraumaTech

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2005, 09:19:21 pm »
come on boys and girls   time to step up and and defend dyan honour.whether it be 2v2 or 1v1 ,show soem spirit and pride in the dynaverse.or is talk cheap  :(

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2005, 09:43:52 pm »
just talked to Josh on ts and it seems they are interested in a rematch.he'll reply with his ideas for this tourney likely tuesday,but by wednesday at latest.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2005, 09:07:13 am »

Ok tt please make sure to follow up on this while its hot....

Question 1) do I have to registar in cugs -- I really don't want to be forced into that --

Question 2) looks around for someone willing to fly with me -- sends out mail to HyKull (KHH)

Comment 1) -- ummm Mrs Duck you have to take out son to Hockey practice Sat night as I will be home drinking and flying

Comment 2) can you let us know any rules re -- ship selection ie X 2? ships and fighters allowed?


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2005, 09:54:02 am »

I will fly with you! Old buddy old pal!

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2005, 10:13:03 am »
Strat -

Right after my post I sent out an email to Jakle, Minime and Mrouge if they are busy -- or unable to make it -- I'm all yours --

Ill let ya know as soon as they send a reply..

You know me all about 2v2 games or 3v3 - find those 1v1 just a tad boring.


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2005, 12:59:55 pm »
hey duck normally how it works is something like this:
question 1
i dont think its required, but it does help them out in order to keep a tally of who was there and all(think of how much we like to have people who come to dyna register here and get on our voice comms and such). with their ladder site down from a fire(it should be back soon they said), they might not really care though.
question 2
we all prettty much just winged up on the spur of the moment last time. Tool was gracious and daring enough to wing with me last time, so as long as we get our pilots all on there, I think that wont be an issue. Speaking of which, tool do you have a wing yet?
comment 1 I can't help ya there. Good luck though.
comment 2
Round 1 is 200 late, round 2 is 135 early, round 3 is ADV 350, round 4 is mid 168, etc with the bpv and eras all randomized. Those were just samples. As for ship and fighter selection..its whatever is on the 4.0 list in that era. So whatever you can buy is in.
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2005, 01:20:36 pm »
Yeah with their website down, how can they ask us to sign up? As such it didn't matter last saturday, but in the past with the site up, they awarded points to the ladder players based on their placing in the top 3 spots or so....
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2005, 01:27:42 pm »
K thanks for the replies --

A) Mrouge already responded to me and is now my wing...
B) I hope KHH_minime will be coming out and if jakle doesnt show up then he will be looking for a wing -- ya cant do much better then mini as a lead or wing so -- feel free to page and pester the dumb sh*te to wing with ya --Sangfeng? Strat? anyone ??? email the dork and set it up (needless to say if jakle is going to show up -- mini will wing with him)

I am really looking forward to this -- does that mean I need a life?
and someone remind me tell Mrs duck she is taking Matt to hockey sat night for a 1.5 hr practice between 9 and 10 30  -- for the record I get away with this because in 4 years of hockey I have never ever missed a game and very few practices have been pawned off on her. (read she owes me)

Offline Hexx

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2005, 03:41:25 pm »
2v2's would be perfect if I didn't have to wing with someone.

Still, should be an entertaining (for mw anyway) experience.

Not sure as how my yet to be punished wingman will feel  :P
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2005, 03:58:27 pm »
2v2's would be perfect if I didn't have to wing with someone.

Still, should be an entertaining (for mw anyway) experience.

Not sure as how my yet to be punished wingman will feel  :P

maybe youy should PM DH.... :)
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2005, 04:04:47 pm »
2v2's would be perfect if I didn't have to wing with someone.

Still, should be an entertaining (for mw anyway) experience.

Not sure as how my yet to be punished wingman will feel  :P

maybe youy should PM DH.... :)

Problem with DH is that he seems to see getting me killed as as big a victory as killing the other
team. Same as t00l,Bear, Kroma, J'inn... actually pretty much all of you..

Maybe that's why I prefer to fly solo.. not as many people shooting at me..
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #18 on: November 22, 2005, 04:10:24 pm »
Hey Hexx

I would not kill you.  I would not even T-bomb you on a downed shield like so many others...


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #19 on: November 22, 2005, 04:20:57 pm »
Hey Hexx

I would not kill you.  I would not even T-bomb you on a downed shield like so many others...


If I only had a dime....

perhaps i should get a wing.
DH seems to be upset with me (took a shot at Superman in another thread, you know how
DH feels about grown men in blue tights..)

Perhaps gather a list of people who have the desire to be my cannon fodder ?
Feel free to sign up below , along with a list of your accomplishments.

Winner (plus replacement) will be randomnly determined Sat night.
Cash bribes are (of course) accepted.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #20 on: November 22, 2005, 04:31:17 pm »
If its random, why do you care about my accomplishments?!

I'm intrested, but I'll post again later when I have a CV!


I should think not killing you as my team mate would be enough :P

Offline TraumaTech

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #21 on: November 22, 2005, 04:38:37 pm »

Question 1) do I have to registar in cugs -- I really don't want to be forced into that --

Comment 2) can you let us know any rules re -- ship selection ie X 2? ships and fighters allowed?


     comment #1  no Duck,you will not have to join Cugs,as this is being hosted by us,the dynaverse players

                      comment #2  i hope to have Josh's answers and suggestions by wednesday evening


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #22 on: November 22, 2005, 04:42:02 pm »
If its random, why do you care about my accomplishments?!

I'm intrested, but I'll post again later when I have a CV!


I should think not killing you as my team mate would be enough :P

I don't really care about anyone's accomplishments anymore than I care if my wingman survives.
As long as I win that's all that matters.

Just gives me something to read while i try and convince peeps to put a server up.
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Offline TraumaTech

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #23 on: November 22, 2005, 04:45:30 pm »

I don't really care about anyone's accomplishments anymore than I care if my wingman survives.
As long as I win that's all that matters.

Just gives me something to read while i try and convince peeps to put a server up.


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #24 on: November 22, 2005, 04:47:27 pm »
Oh in that case:

I enrolled in Starfleet Academy at age 3.

Made Fleet Admiral 6 months later.

Of my many accomplishments, the most revered is when I Conquered the evil Hexxian empire, killing all opposers.

It remains yet to be seen if they will allie for the future threat:  Cugs.


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #25 on: November 22, 2005, 04:52:28 pm »
Hexx, I will only wing with you if you fly Lyran.

I won't take any hellbores, I promise!

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #26 on: November 22, 2005, 05:10:02 pm »
Hexx, I will only wing with you if you fly Lyran.

I won't take any hellbores, I promise!

<It's a trick Hexx.. it must be a trick..>
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #27 on: November 22, 2005, 05:39:00 pm »
conspicuisly noted player absent .   Dizzy?? Die Hard?? Krueg??Bonk??TraceyG??  PILLARS OF OUR COMMUNITY.Come on guys and girl,step up  :) lets make this a big event.A chance to show our numbers and skill. And anyone else i forgot to mention here

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #28 on: November 22, 2005, 07:30:28 pm »
We'll just have to rely on Hexx to step up in their absence.
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #29 on: November 22, 2005, 10:42:53 pm »
Im sure I can make it... If a KHH needs a wing Ill be there, or anyone else.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #30 on: November 22, 2005, 11:34:04 pm »
We up for anything you guys would like . If Dyna wants to host  2v2 3v3 or 1v1 CUGS is interested . we enjoyed last Saturday and everyone agreed another Meeting would be great and hopefully we could  coral some more pilots to fly


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #31 on: November 23, 2005, 12:59:15 am »
ok guys    here are some of the details for the tourney this coming saturday nov 26/05




DROP/LAG RULE---> u have 2 minutes to declare LAG after that ,you are  S.O.L.     if some one drops in first 2 minutes, a simple restart is done,after 2 minutes.-----> play goes on,if both side agree to the lag or drop after 2 minutes,they may restart the match.Any dispute,then default applies

as for bugs,anything goes ie: pushing off the map,into asteroids,the dropping of shuttles to distract fighters ect ect

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #32 on: November 23, 2005, 01:14:41 am »
just a note,Josh and i decided on single elimination because,if we get the numbers out for this tourney that we expect ,then there will be lots of players on,that have been eliminated,that can have fun 1v1's,2v2's and or 3v3's.So,please drop in and have fun...thx

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #33 on: November 23, 2005, 12:27:38 pm »
 teamspeak addy's

dynaverse ts------->        password----->sfcrulz

cugs ts-------------->                  password---->winston

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #34 on: November 23, 2005, 02:46:30 pm »
 I should be able to make it. It all depends on how tired I am from:
a) Thanksgiving Day meat coma !!!
b) Honey-do's ! :hoppinmad:
c) gotta-do's before the weather gets too cold.

                                                 Wraith 413

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #35 on: November 23, 2005, 06:36:33 pm »
I should be able to make it. It all depends on how tired I am from:
a) Thanksgiving Day meat coma !!!
b) Honey-do's ! :hoppinmad:
c) gotta-do's before the weather gets too cold.

                                                 Wraith 413

 thx wraithe     looking forward to seeing you and all others that are trying to make the time for this.Also,to those who have not replied in here,you are also still welcomed to participate.this thread is about getting an idea about how many will show up.the more the marrier  :)  gh gl to all

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #36 on: November 23, 2005, 07:23:47 pm »
I hope to make it there.
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #37 on: November 23, 2005, 09:19:55 pm »
I think I'll be there, although there's a good chance I'll need a wing.
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #38 on: November 24, 2005, 05:02:18 am »
Single elimination as in 1 v 1s?
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #39 on: November 24, 2005, 06:11:45 pm »
Id assume single elimination as one loss and your out...

that means TT and fly get no second chances if they mess up...  ;D  :-*

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #40 on: November 24, 2005, 07:30:29 pm »
I do hope to make it, and should.  Single ellimination means you lose, your out.  it is to be a 2v2 to my understanding, therefore why many are asking for wings or offering to be there as wings.  As posted before, I will wing with anyone(so far Hexx Excluded) ;)

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #41 on: November 24, 2005, 08:29:36 pm »
yes         single elimination means you are out if u lose a  game.     that is also why i added,based on people who are trying to make it,and with me telling Cugs,that we are likely to have 12 or more,they will be trying to get out as many or more players out,AS THEY DID LAST TOURNEY,that if u lose the first game,there will be lots of teams there,looking for fun games to play.please don't base whether you will be there or not,base on  whether you play or not only one will get lots of games[/color].this is about bringing 2 comunities together,so we have more games to play,both in the ladder league,and in campaign style.both sides win,if WE have a bigger player base.PLEASE SUPPORT BOTH LEAGUES,this is important,if we both win.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2005, 09:53:45 pm by TraumaTech »


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #42 on: November 24, 2005, 09:15:08 pm »
I plan on being there again.

Someone on the CUGS side had suggested eliminating both Early and Advanced games to make both camps happy. I thought it was a good idea.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #43 on: November 24, 2005, 09:23:11 pm »
I plan on being there again.

Someone on the CUGS side had suggested eliminating both Early and Advanced games to make both camps happy. I thought it was a good idea.

this is a possibility,but only after i talk to Josh,and see what he thinks.some people like early an advance.we will decide based on what we feel each community wants.  "the good of the many ,outways the need of the few,or the one"  :)

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #44 on: November 24, 2005, 09:31:24 pm »
Single elimination as in 1 v 1s?

 this is a 2v2 tourney.......maybe 3v3 if we get more than we expect,and want to cut down the number of teams for the sake of convience and expediency<------i would be surprised if we  have this happen,but!!!!! pleasantly surprised ,if both sides have more than they expected.   AGAIN,this is to improve both communities.More is better,for both groups

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #45 on: November 25, 2005, 12:38:38 am »
outweighs  :P

There are only 10 kinds of people in the world;
those who understand binary and those who don't.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #46 on: November 25, 2005, 07:12:42 am »
outweighs  :P

i was simply being efficient  in my spelling :smackhead:       note the economical use of letters----> OUTWAYS VS OUTWEIGHS   :point:

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #47 on: November 25, 2005, 07:29:18 am »
told Josh last night,that i have 14 pilots trying to get there for the tourney,he states Cugs had "at least" that many pilots showing up.time to swamp GSA in DYNAVERSE WARRIORS   :2gun:

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #48 on: November 25, 2005, 09:48:49 am »
note that one is a word (my spelling), while the other is not (your spelling). :P

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those who understand binary and those who don't.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #49 on: November 25, 2005, 12:38:46 pm »
I plan on being there again.

Someone on the CUGS side had suggested eliminating both Early and Advanced games to make both camps happy. I thought it was a good idea.

Good compromise. If its agreed on, someone PM me and I'll show up.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #50 on: November 25, 2005, 04:15:13 pm »
Shiplist used for the tourney is OP+ 4.0?
C-ya there.
KBF LordSaxon

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #51 on: November 25, 2005, 04:39:54 pm »
Shiplist used for the tourney is OP+ 4.0?
C-ya there.
KBF LordSaxon

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #52 on: November 25, 2005, 04:40:43 pm »
I plan on being there again.

Someone on the CUGS side had suggested eliminating both Early and Advanced games to make both camps happy. I thought it was a good idea.

Good compromise. If its agreed on, someone PM me and I'll show up.

Speed 8 please! Speed 9 was the standard and there was a little lag in 2 of the four matches I played last week.
Suspected leader of Prime Industries, #1 Pirate Cartel


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #53 on: November 25, 2005, 04:54:59 pm »
And maybe a BPV or two that's actually lower than battlecruiser range.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #54 on: November 25, 2005, 05:50:25 pm »
I plan on being there again.

Someone on the CUGS side had suggested eliminating both Early and Advanced games to make both camps happy. I thought it was a good idea.

Good compromise. If its agreed on, someone PM me and I'll show up.

Speed 7
Speed 8 please! Speed 9 was the standard and there was a little lag in 2 of the four matches I played last week.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #55 on: November 25, 2005, 06:31:26 pm »
Shiplist used for the tourney is OP+ 4.0?
C-ya there.
KBF LordSaxon

 the shiplist is OP+4.0             i'll ask Josh tonight about speed,early/advance and speed


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #56 on: November 25, 2005, 07:04:03 pm »
TT, +1 to you for taking on the role of liason.  :thumbsup:

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #57 on: November 25, 2005, 07:27:40 pm »
TT, +1 to you for taking on the role of liason.  :thumbsup:

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #58 on: November 25, 2005, 08:45:56 pm »

  Count me in. Sounds like fun.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #59 on: November 26, 2005, 12:00:45 am »
ok rules update

start time----------saturday november 26/05 at 10:30 p.m. eastern time

shiplist---------------OP+ 4.0

single elimination    2v2 tourney, posibly  3v3 if the numbers warrant it

open matches   1 advanced era   ,1 early era  4 mid/late era     this is based on 6 rounds.

game speed-----> 9 and 8.odd numer round will be speed 9,even number rounds will be speed 8.if teams agree on handshake,then speed can be whatever speed they agree on,if no agreement,then default will apply based on even or odd round

DROP/LAG RULE---> u have 2 minutes to declare LAG after that ,you are  S.O.L.     if some one drops in first 2 minutes, a simple restart is done,after 2 minutes.-----> play goes on,if both side agree to the lag or drop after 2 minutes,they may restart the match.Any dispute,then default applies

as for bugs,anything goes ie: pushing off the map,into asteroids,the dropping of shuttles to distract fighters ect ect

just 2 extra rules to add  :)     the 2 most important ones  ( #1)    HAVE FUN!!!!!    (#2) BE HONOURABLE!!!!!      Both sides are representatives for thier style of play.How you play, speaks volumes of yourself and your team   GH GL  CYA TONIGHT  :)
« Last Edit: November 26, 2005, 12:41:09 am by TraumaTech »

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #60 on: November 26, 2005, 12:46:51 am »
note that one is a word (my spelling), while the other is not (your spelling). :P

NOTE   ----> i don't care   :)   it doesn't matter   :)    u understood what i ment ---> big   :)    and i still used less letters to say the same thing u said,ther 4---> efficient use of letters---> biggest  :)     :drink:

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #61 on: November 26, 2005, 10:08:26 am »
Shiplist used for the tourney is OP+ 4.0?
C-ya there.
KBF LordSaxon

Get your voice comm issues resolved?
Lord Krueg
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #62 on: November 26, 2005, 05:38:58 pm »
ok rules update

start time----------saturday november 26/05 at 10:30 p.m. eastern time

shiplist---------------OP+ 4.0

single elimination    2v2 tourney, posibly  3v3 if the numbers warrant it

open matches   1 advanced era   ,1 early era  4 mid/late era     this is based on 6 rounds.

game speed-----> 9 and 8.odd numer round will be speed 9,even number rounds will be speed 8.if teams agree on handshake,then speed can be whatever speed they agree on,if no agreement,then default will apply based on even or odd round

DROP/LAG RULE---> u have 2 minutes to declare LAG after that ,you are  S.O.L.     if some one drops in first 2 minutes, a simple restart is done,after 2 minutes.-----> play goes on,if both side agree to the lag or drop after 2 minutes,they may restart the match.Any dispute,then default applies

as for bugs,anything goes ie: pushing off the map,into asteroids,the dropping of shuttles to distract fighters ect ect

just 2 extra rules to add  :)     the 2 most important ones  ( #1)    HAVE FUN!!!!!    (#2) BE HONOURABLE!!!!!      Both sides are representatives for thier style of play.How you play, speaks volumes of yourself and your team   GH GL  CYA TONIGHT  :)

 teamspeak addy's

dynaverse ts------->        password----->sfcrulz

cugs ts-------------->                  password---->winston

Offline KBF MalaK

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #63 on: November 26, 2005, 11:08:08 pm »
post deleted as it wasn't PC.

Thanks for your support.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2005, 10:59:42 am by MalaK »
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #64 on: November 27, 2005, 03:44:44 am »
In the final match, Risky in a ICLX and my FCX vs XE_Austin and XE_MessedupGood defeated us in their FDNW and LSTL.

It was a quick match. We basically got spanked... Risky decided to get close and nasty, but his R torps snagged a weasel instead of hull and after that it was disastrous... He died and I lived to blame it on him, I mean, he's dead, right?

Austin said it was decided when we chose ships, not during the battle... While I concede to losing and playing horribly, (perhaps it was due to the fact that we waited 6 and half hours to get to the final match: must be time limits on matches from now on), I do not concede that our ship choices couldnt win vs what they had.

GG to Dfly and Green... was terrible to beat Dyna players in a Cugs Vs tourney.

Was pretty fun, would like to do it again sometime. Nice job TT on organizing it. Risky and I, er he's dead, so I take home the Silver Medal for the Dynaverse guys and gals. We did get 1st place in something... 2nd place is the 1st loser. ;)

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #65 on: November 27, 2005, 04:44:03 am »
my appoligizes to Warp (my wing) and the rest of Dynaverse team for falling asleep in the middle of our battle vs Cugs.TY for the vote of confidence in arranging this,and ty all those who answered the call of battle.this was truely a blast.i hope we can run another(hopefully with some twists and turns) for added interest in future matches.Ummmm  btw,could some one post the top 3 teams  :)

 probably see it posted somewhere here in another thread or something.and lastly lol lucky for me,i awoke in time for work.last thing i remember saying before falling asleep was"wow warp,in another 2 hours,i have to get up for work :)" guess my age is catching up with me  :(

GG to Dfly and Green... was terrible to beat Dyna players in a Cugs Vs tourney.


sorry about that dizz,risky,dfly and green.somehow the possibility of this circumstance occuring due to our successes vs Cugs early on in the tourney,just never occurred to me,although it should have.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2005, 10:25:48 am by TraumaTech »

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #66 on: November 27, 2005, 04:56:45 am »
What a cluster **** that was. I didn't know about the 2 drop rule either.
Buncha cheatin &%#@^%*^ those GFA punks are. It'd be nice if the dyna people acted like adults but they we're too busy gettin stoned.

Friggin children !

malak...see this post:

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #67 on: November 27, 2005, 05:01:08 am »
my appoligizes to Warp (my wing) and the rest of Dynaverse team for falling asleep in the middle of our battle vs Cugs.TY for the vote of confidence in arranging this,and ty all those who answered the call of battle.this was truely a blast.i hope we can run another(hopefully with some twists and turns) for added interest in future matches.Ummmm  btw,could some one post the top 3 teams  :)

 probably see it posted somewhere here in another thread or something.and lastly lol lucky for me,i awoke in time for work.last thing i remember saying before falling asleep was"wow warp,in another 2 hours,i have to get up for work :)" guess my age is catching up with me  :(

No worries did more than most of us could do brother....

have a good day at work.....the tounrey had a good turn out...and was full of flamage....a win/win.....not if we can get some of those peeps on a server we'll be just fine.....

BTW...I got there to late to get in...but I did have a blast playing some pick up games.....

next week bud....

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #68 on: November 27, 2005, 08:49:30 am »
Sorry you feel that way Malak, but how could they cheat? rules clearly stated beforehand and states any tactic and any ship is valid.  As for people being adults or not, well, children will be children, and that for some reason, cant be changed.

Loved the tourney, had a great time.  Never had any flak from GSA or Dyna guys (unless you bothered to read all the crap that was typed out in the lobby<<children>>.  TY for winging with me Green.  Our loss came in second lass round vs our own guys and 3 things were factors.  Fatigue-Dizzy-Risky.

GJ Dizzy-Risky to get to the finals, and to all who participated, to the organizing of it, etc.

Offline KBF MalaK

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #69 on: November 27, 2005, 08:57:28 am »
What a cluster **** that was. I didn't know about the 2 drop rule either.
Buncha cheatin &%#@^%*^ those GFA punks are. It'd be nice if the dyna people acted like adults but they we're too busy gettin stoned.

Friggin children !

malak...see this post:

Your right, I shouldn't be starting a flame war, msg read, now read your mail, sir.
When I say 'cheat' I meant they took advantage (violated the rules) inso that the tourney was in their back yard. My connection issues as well as those mysterious port scans dissappeared when I left GSA for the night to get in some merc practice. In the old days I've know a few that pulled simillar stunts by pinging the life outta some guy just before the mission drop to make his connection unstable. I thought that practice was dead.

Maybe next tournament I'll actually get to play.
"Artificial Intelligence is not a suitable substitute for natural stupidity"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #70 on: November 27, 2005, 11:12:47 am »
Sorry you feel that way Malak, but how could they cheat? rules clearly stated beforehand and states any tactic and any ship is valid.  As for people being adults or not, well, children will be children, and that for some reason, cant be changed.

Loved the tourney, had a great time.  Never had any flak from GSA or Dyna guys (unless you bothered to read all the crap that was typed out in the lobby<<children>>.  TY for winging with me Green.  Our loss came in second lass round vs our own guys and 3 things were factors.  Fatigue-Dizzy-Risky.

GJ Dizzy-Risky to get to the finals, and to all who participated, to the organizing of it, etc.

Dax here, my other account is FUBAR'd at the moment:

Aside from Malaks' thoughts on pinging, let's look at my experience and Saxon's last night. Don't get too mad at me for posting, I think this deserves a little consideration.

We were accused of forcing 6 or 7 restarts, when it was clear in spacedock that Saxon was having issues and they said go on and try it, suggesting that the models difference would hold and that resulted in 2 drops. (never saw a drop rule posted) While Saxon got things fixed, I got booted from gsa due to some sort of GSA encountered a problem thing and in the 3rd start was totally locked/frozen up and neither muse nor keyboard would work, so yes I rebooted, but not before noting that XE-soulform had changed ships, going from gorn monitor to a CAY..

Anyway, I explain this when I get back and thank them for their understanding and then point out that they should be flying their original ships and not changing them. We get on the field and they both now are flying different ships from their original gorn combo. They now are flying the exact ships that Saxon and I are. I point out as ladder players that they should know better than to change ships etc on a restart (it's in their rules, I have read them) and that I will not play until they get back in them and will gladly discuss it with officials. They comply after a bit and we now start AND finish the match in our 5th attempt. (apparently they can't count) We get into the game and they have changed the map size to small now. Perhaps a mistake? I don't think so in light of how it all played out, at any rate, my PPD that I lost to a hit and run apparently repaired to fast for Mixx' liking, (I thought it took too long, lol) and I was branded a cheater, cursed repeatedly in game (i have a few screenshots) and then Mixx declares they are the winners in the lobby. Mixx tried to suggest that ship substitution restart was ok, but even one of his fleetmates questioned that openly.

Well my schedule won't allow a saturday night for a month, maybe I'll feel better playing vs. such toads by then and perhaps a few bad apples doesn't spoil the entire barrel, but what a mouthy sub-group of juveniles they have.

These kind of things should be discussed with the tourney Admins. Perhaps TT could point you in the right direction to do that, if you're not sure of who to talk to about it. But, IMO, as a long-time ladder player myself, I can see clearly that you are definitely correct about the way they acted.
It's Sad, but True...attitudes and behaviors like what you experienced is the main reason I left the ladder leagues.
And to this day, every time I'm on GSA, I still see such attitudes and behaviors and it simply reinforces the reason I don't play on GSA very much at all.
Lord Krueg
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #71 on: November 27, 2005, 11:27:08 am »
Great tourney TT.  Had a blast.  Am even halfway happy we lost to Dizzy and Risky since it allowed me to get to bed a little after 4 am. 

Great jod Dfly...a definate lesson in patience.  Game #2 was over 2 hours in length and saw Dfly take out both of the opposing players (after I died early).

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #72 on: November 27, 2005, 11:38:27 am »
Well...Everyone seems to have had issues at one time or another during the night....I didnt get to play in the tourney...but I did get to play quite a few fun games....and I really had a blast...

clearly...a few of the GSA players have made it a point to cause trouble...and I'm really proud that the D2 guys in general blew it off and played well...

Stoney was cracking me up....and the whole evening reminded me of the old M-player days...

So I say we simply concentrate on the positives...

We had a really good showing...LOTS of pilots...doing what we do best..

A few of our guys did VERY well.....

I saw people online I havent seen in AGES....that's a VERY good thing...

In all the BS flying around....I was able to convice a couple of ladder guys to at least check us out next if they show...we should do our best to show them a good time...


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #73 on: November 27, 2005, 12:04:53 pm »
Frey and I had our share of crap as well.

Our Round 1 opponents took Hydran with 20 fighters total (crappy fighters no less). After we wiped out more than half of them without taking damage, one of them simply alted out. Real class. To top it off, his wingman had the audacity to ask for a rematch (after admitting he bailed). We politely declined.  ::)

Our Round 2 opponents took two ships that basically have to castle, then whined for an hour and 45 minutes after we refused to run them over. They also set speed 9 for a game that was supposed to be speed 8 - don't know if that was intentional or not, but it would have been even more amusing to see them lose even more patience.

And of course there was the usual crap - you guys are losing, just give up, this ship owns that one, we never lose, blah blah blah.

I think I am done with this. The whining I can deal with, but the BPV's are too high and Advanced is a joke. There is no skill involved in winning at 215 mid, or anything Advanced.

Dax, I had no idea what you guys had to go through. That is absolute crap. Mixx used to be pretty mellow; I guess XE has brought out the worst in him.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #74 on: November 27, 2005, 12:40:34 pm »

There is no skill involved in winning at 215 mid, or anything Advanced.

I do totally disagree withyour statement on the 215 mid.  We had 2hours 20 minutes of fighting, and I know that it takes a lot of skill to beat 2 opponents with 14 Hornet II and 8 other Hornets when your wingman dies prematurely.  If there were no skill involved in winning at that size then there would be no losers of battles for that size for they both should win. ?

I do agree totally on the fact that there are a few(maybe5or 6) from GSA who really give gaming a bad name with language, attitude, etc.  Glad to see most of that rarely if ever actually ends up in Dyna.  The other many GSA pilots would be a great boost to our community, as would even those that are a pain.  Most likely those(pain) ones would have to do some attitudional adjusting after joining us(maybe before lol).  Perhaps Green and I got lucky with pairing against guys I know, but we had absolutely no problems with any enemies, except Dizzy-Risky  ;)


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #75 on: November 27, 2005, 12:56:03 pm »
From experience I can tell you in high BPV mid battles you get a very pronounced rock-paper-scissors effect. Ships generally fall into 3 categories:

1) Ships that are optimized for castling
2) Ships that are optimized for speed (mostly DNL's)
3) CCY's

Typically 1 beats 2, 2 beats 3, and 3 beats 1. The game is usually decided by who picks what.

This is true to a small degree at all BPV's, but is much more pronounced at 200+ mid.

It's not impossible to get a good match in those ranges, but it's a lot less likely.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #76 on: November 27, 2005, 02:14:13 pm »
 Had fun in last night's tourney, though I didn't make it past the first round. My wing (a ladder player) must have been somewhat inexperienced as he said he flew Fed, but didn't know what a CLC was. (go figure) 
 Unfortunately, I got to see the flaming in the lobby, as others did here also, and have to attribute that to a "fleet attitude". Some fleets thrive on that crap, though usually not all of that fleet's members condone it. As long as they are a "winning" fleet, they'll put up with it, sad to say.

 Played several 3v3 fun games with different players, mostly CUGS guys and Crim came in for atleast 3 games while I was there. Lots of fun had by all. Including watching Crim, who was on my team, charge into all 3 of our opponents ships with his K-DXD. He finally broke their tractor and ran away for repairs. lol      <S> Crim

                                       Wraith 413

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #77 on: November 27, 2005, 03:15:38 pm »
... when your wingman dies prematurely. 

Hey!  I meant to die early.  I wanted to bolster your confidence ;).

Have to echo Dfly's comments.  I got a chance to fly against 4 CUGS - all of who were polite, good pilots, and definately added to the enjoyment of the game.  The 5 hours we spent in the game and not in the lobby was probably for the best.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #78 on: November 27, 2005, 03:29:36 pm »
Actually, Mess said it was decided at the beginning by ships in the last round... I was thinking it too...

X or no X, Messy owns with Mauler and that CLX was going to die by proxy anyways... GG it was though... However, I feel dirty for butplugging my second to last round opponants with duel H-XCF. Me and mess never do that, just did it for fun because we we're really irritated at the running from the previous round *wink wink XC*. I mean, I can see the logic if running = win... but geeze, some of us can barely take any of that waiting... However, we we're determined to win because Warchild won last, and we couldn't allow that to happen again! Lol, j/k, but was fun.

GL in the future guys... and Messy probably would say "LOL I PWNT U," if he were here right now.. And if anyone knows me well enough, you know why I put up with him, lol. 2 reasons. You can ask me in the GSA OP Lobby
« Last Edit: November 27, 2005, 03:50:11 pm by Austin »

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #79 on: November 27, 2005, 03:41:51 pm »
my appoligizes to Warp (my wing) and the rest of Dynaverse team for falling asleep in the middle of our battle vs Cugs.TY for the vote of confidence in arranging this,and ty all those who answered the call of battle.this was truly a blast.i hope we can run another(hopefully with some twists and turns) for added interest in future matches.Ummmm  btw,could some one post the top 3 teams 

 probably see it posted somewhere here in another thread or something.and lastly lol lucky for me,i awoke in time for work.last thing i remember saying before falling asleep was"wow warp,in another 2 hours,i have to get up for work " guess my age is catching up with me 


      You have no problem with me my friend. We were all tired and if I had a more comfortable chair I would probably been asleep as well. You did a great job getting this thing organized! After reading the many posts I think we should do it again. But this time look at the peeps who caused unnecessary problems with language, cheating, etc....and ban them from the next event. The cheating I am referring to is the ones who changed their ship selection on a restart and chose a small map. I don't remember who that was but I'm sure many of you do. The lobby chat during this thing was appalling, can't people act like adults? Also there may be younger people who may be participating in these events and we really don't need the potty mouth people included.   FSD Warp10

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #80 on: November 27, 2005, 03:48:15 pm »
Messy needs to stfu sometimes...

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #81 on: November 27, 2005, 04:40:05 pm »
Agreed Austin, nice to hear from you, and btw, Warchild went down in the first round to Green and myself in a VGG.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #82 on: November 27, 2005, 05:47:22 pm »
" irritated at the running from the previous round *wink wink XC*. I mean, I can see the logic if running = win.."

Well ,tactics are about wining.
I recommend  bolstering your patience threshold.

One small tactical hint for you,try to force your tactic upon the enemy.

Btw complaining is not a Orion pirates feature last time i checked, i fear you got to get more creative in countering  a unwelcomed tactic.;)

Manipulating the game through ,changing ships ,breaking agreements about game speeds etc, will not let you  gain any  respect from us.


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #83 on: November 27, 2005, 05:50:08 pm »
             ty for "ALL", the input re:problems some of you experienced and also the positive feedback  :)  I'll talk to Josh about all of it.I too had an oppratunity to see some of the ,well....vulgarity in the GSA lobby,and it was disheartenning,especially when taking into context why this tourney was being held;that being,to bring two great communities together.The diehards of SFC,and some new people.

            As for the bpv's and era's ,they were produced by a battle generator by Cugs,and i believe they produced them fairly.This was a great tourney which needs to be tweaked in some areas just like the dynaverse campaigns for maximum enjoyment by as many people as possible.Maybe in the next tourney(hopefully there will be one),we can do it diferently,so that dynaverse doesn't eliminate dynaverse players,smaller bpv's,diferent map sizes and terrains,who knows,maybe,whoever you fly against will pick your race that you have to fly and vice versa.maybe a frigate war or lite cruiser war.I think it is important to remember,that the Cugs players have thier likes and dislikes too,and maybe they are in thier forums ,saying similar stuff about what we like to fly in.The point is,we all have to be adaptive.Were not always going to get to fly in the ships or era's that we like,but neither will they.Josh worked just as hard to get his Cugs players out,as i did to get Dyna players out for this event,and he was very accomadating to compromises.

         I don't mean to be preachy,and i am sorry if it sounds that way,but just think of the goals we were trying to achieve,and that was to meet new peeps,and talk to them about dynaverse,just as it was Cugs goal,re: the same for thier league.I know one thing as result of this tourney,i was very proud of the numbers we got out,and i think we could have more,if not for real life issues.

          I would like to try another one in a week or two if both sides are interested ,but i'll start another thread for the interest part for y'all to reply     Once again  THANK YOU!!   ;D

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #84 on: November 27, 2005, 06:44:46 pm »
The 'Battle Generator' needs to be tightened up a bit. And there is something I loathe about how FS did OP+ 4.0, he added in all the 1st gen X ships into the late era. So if you play late era, ur really playing the 1st gen X era in most cases. I'd like to see the random battle generator dish out only a 33% chance that X tech will be available in a late era match. Late era matches just suck on GSA when everything is available.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #85 on: November 27, 2005, 07:05:39 pm »
Had fun in last night's tourney, though I didn't make it past the first round. My wing (a ladder player) must have been somewhat inexperienced as he said he flew Fed, but didn't know what a CLC was. (go figure) 
 Unfortunately, I got to see the flaming in the lobby, as others did here also, and have to attribute that to a "fleet attitude". Some fleets thrive on that crap, though usually not all of that fleet's members condone it. As long as they are a "winning" fleet, they'll put up with it, sad to say.

 Played several 3v3 fun games with different players, mostly CUGS guys and Crim came in for atleast 3 games while I was there. Lots of fun had by all. Including watching Crim, who was on my team, charge into all 3 of our opponents ships with his K-DXD. He finally broke their tractor and ran away for repairs. lol      <S> Crim

                                       Wraith 413

The first match at 115 was my favorite... ;)

Yeah...the blood lust  turned me into a berserker (and the beers)....We did win that one ;) though

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #86 on: November 27, 2005, 07:11:53 pm »
Trying to tire your opponant is not a tactic... and it's wasteful and pointless especially against me and messy... We don't stop.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #87 on: November 27, 2005, 07:21:24 pm »
The previous week, I was taunted for simply outrunning plasma. Are we supposed to just run in, hit emergency stop and go boom? Earn your win, corner your opponent. Tactics.
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #88 on: November 27, 2005, 07:30:01 pm »
Trying to tire your opponant is not a tactic... and it's wasteful and pointless especially against me and messy... We don't stop.

U remind me of me when I was new at this game and cocky as hell...

Actually, tiring your opponent is a tactic. Apparently, you claim to be immune to it, either that or ignorant. Just because it doesnt work on you doesnt mean its not a tactic and wont work on others. Try not to act so brazen to the point you think you are the hottest ticket. You'll get punched soon enough. Everyone does.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #89 on: November 27, 2005, 08:51:16 pm »
 Yes, we did win that one, Crim. lol 

Thanks for putting this together, sorry I didn't say that in my earlier post.  I think that every other weekend for a tourney would work. But if the number of players are there, I 'd say go with 3v3's instead. Just mho.  <S>

                                   Wraith 413

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #90 on: November 27, 2005, 09:30:58 pm »
Actually, Mess said it was decided at the beginning by ships in the last round... I was thinking it too...

X or no X, Messy owns with Mauler and that CLX was going to die by proxy anyways... GG it was though... However, I feel dirty for butplugging my second to last round opponants with duel H-XCF. Me and mess never do that, just did it for fun because we we're really irritated at the running from the previous round *wink wink XC*. I mean, I can see the logic if running = win... but geeze, some of us can barely take any of that waiting... However, we we're determined to win because Warchild won last, and we couldn't allow that to happen again! Lol, j/k, but was fun.

GL in the future guys... and Messy probably would say "LOL I PWNT U," if he were here right now.. And if anyone knows me well enough, you know why I put up with him, lol. 2 reasons. You can ask me in the GSA OP Lobby

Well it certainly lays down the gauntlet for the skill vs cheese argument.  I won't complain but now that I know the kind of tactics you use I don't think it will be a problem in the future.


Just ONCE I would like to see Tournament ships used in an SFC Tournament.  But I'm afraid that might scare off too many headcases. 

But duh...

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #91 on: November 27, 2005, 10:21:50 pm »
Thanks to all who Attended (We had 61 people show up in Game Spy Lobby) The Saturday 11/26/05 CUGS/DynaVerse 2v2 Match Up Battle Tourney. We had 22 Teams/44 entrants Sign up and Compete in the Tourney, which started at 10:30 pm est. Terms for each round were as follows:

Round 1

173 mid med map sp 9

Round 2

215 mid med map sp8

Round 3
137 late med map sp9

Round 4

349 Adv med map sp8

Round 5
256 late med map sp9

Round 6
116 early med map sp8
Congrats to Our Winners
1st place XE-Austin/XE-MessuUpGood
2nd place Dizzy/Risky
3rd place Slider-Icop/Rondo

Remember You heard it hear first from your SFC Community Angel


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #92 on: November 27, 2005, 10:32:25 pm »
I have a question

How come Slider/Rondo get 3rd for losing in semi-finals when there were 2 teams that lost in semi-finals?  Perhaps they should both be mentioned?

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #93 on: November 27, 2005, 10:33:23 pm »
Remember you heard it here first from your SFC Community Angel


ALSO: Players please provide information on the following:
1) Should we have a time limit on matches ie: some matches took over 2 hours +
2) any corrections on rules ie: lag/drop
3) any suggestion to make Tourney better


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #94 on: November 27, 2005, 10:36:38 pm »
I would love to have a "hardcore" tourney - no X ships, tugs, heavy war destroyers, BPV's primarily in the 100-200 range.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #95 on: November 27, 2005, 10:41:33 pm »
How come Slider  answer: Slider/ Rondo got to round 4.  Dizzy/Risky  vs  Dfly/Green was a 3rd round match in which Dizzy/Risky won and then recieved a bye in round 4. This is why Dfly/Green didnt recieve 3rd place but possibly in furture, we could have a match off  for 3rd  depending on how many peeps fly. Jeff (DIFJmet) is still learning  how to run a tourney but all and all he think he did a good job

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #96 on: November 27, 2005, 10:46:23 pm »
as for Tourney Ships  sounds kewl. Its always about what you the Community want. Remember our Slogan at CUGS is " We do this for Community Sake" if you want it, lets talk, then do it

Remember you heard it here first from your SFC Community Angel


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #97 on: November 27, 2005, 10:52:21 pm »
Jeff (DIFJmet) is still learning  how to run a tourney but all and all he think he did a good job

   sorry about that DIFJmet,u did an excellent job of setting up battle generator and running the rounds.especially as it put you in the role of not being able to fly in it yourself.TY and DAM FINE WORK  :)

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #98 on: November 28, 2005, 02:28:49 am »

ALSO: Players please provide information on the following:
1) Should we have a time limit on matches ie: some matches took over 2 hours +
2) any corrections on rules ie: lag/drop
3) any suggestion to make Tourney better

Time limit for each match should be 60 mins and winners chosen on most internals. Final match shouldnt be timed.

Lags/drops: Somehow a match needs to be played. If this requires getting an admin in to figure it out cuz some players are dumb then so be it. Admins need to babysit if players cant figure it out for themselves. sigh

Tighten up the battle generator. The bpv's and era's should be better used to generate ship bpv's geared more toward CA/CL hulls and go up and down a bit from there. (Example: Early era the mean average for CA/CL is lower than it is for the late era, so the bpv starting range average should be lower in the eearly and higher in the late.)

Late era should also include matches with and without X tech. This is a fault of the interaction between Firesoul's YFA and the Multiplayer's selecting YFA from the list. (Example: In mid era selection matches you cant buy a F-CLC, despite it being available in the mid era at 2275. But in the late era match when a CLC is available, you can instead buy Xtech. This is a discrepancy I have always loathed ever since OP+ came out.)

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #99 on: November 28, 2005, 07:41:13 am »

Time limit for each match should be 60 mins and winners chosen on most internals. Final match shouldnt be timed.

60 Minutes is just getting started  ;D
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #100 on: November 28, 2005, 09:01:05 am »
I would love to have a "hardcore" tourney - no X ships, tugs, heavy war destroyers, BPV's primarily in the 100-200 range.

I second this moition!

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #101 on: November 28, 2005, 12:40:35 pm »
Remember you heard it here first from your SFC Community Angel


ALSO: Players please provide information on the following:
1) Should we have a time limit on matches ie: some matches took over 2 hours +
2) any corrections on rules ie: lag/drop
3) any suggestion to make Tourney better

1)  No time Limit on matches as long as there is a fight taking place.  Sometimes it takes awhile for an inferior force to crack the shell on a superior force or during a match where both sides are about equal.
2)  I'm not one to complain about lag/drops unless wingmen are not visible to the opposing side.  Lag sux and I've lost plenty of matches where lag played a major role in my defeat.  But thats the breaks of the game (and probable my connection).  But if a player constantly drops over and over, then keep the rules as is and the remaining player must play it out.
3)  Have sign-up well before the tournament so that we can see the brackets and know who we face in the next round.
  -  Play the brackets as they come available and not hold up the entire round because one match isn't finished.
  -  DON'T RUN THE THING so that it gets over at 3:00 am in the morning.  I was one of the few who stuck it out just to see how things
     went.  The good, the bad and the dizzy...  Congrats Dizzy and Risky  I wanted you guys to take them down!!!!  LOL
  -  We could easily set up a tourney for the D2 crowd and fight it out on the Dynaverse

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #102 on: November 28, 2005, 01:08:59 pm »
2)  I'm not one to complain about lag/drops unless wingmen are not visible to the opposing side.  Lag sux and I've lost plenty of matches where lag played a major role in my defeat.  But thats the breaks of the game (and probable my connection).  But if a player constantly drops over and over, then keep the rules as is and the remaining player must play it out.

This the 'unpublished' 2 drop rule ??
I had this exact same scenerio this weekend that I can't say for sure was lag or not becasue I've seen the same symptoms before flying against Duck and Duckskid during the last campaign but I'm pretty sure Ducks network config was the culprit. Weird network configs under your statement here Rogue gives an unfair advantage to the weird network player. As I've accepted the fact that I cannot wing with either Duck, or Duckskid I've had to maintain a 'distance' from the action in AOTK2, and I'd assume in future campaigns as well.

There's got to be a way to reassign a player with 'issues' to another mission instead of a seemingly automatic forfeit, or allow the 'good' wingman to take a larger ship to offset the missing wingman.
If your statement is actually the 'norm' then I will NOT be in attendance for any more of these tournaments.
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #103 on: November 28, 2005, 01:13:59 pm »
To the best of my knowledge I have had problems connecting with 3 players


That being said -- my problems with TT ended last sever when he went to Cable -- Shin also went to cable and he and I were able to connect more often but still had a few issues..

Now you may or may not know Matt (ducks kid) was on a seperate IP then I was so --- any chance your on Dial up? or are you on cable -- maybe we can try to connect via GSA and see if we can make it there.


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #104 on: November 28, 2005, 01:32:02 pm »
I am in fact on dial-up. It's strange how i never have connect problems while goofing off on GSA., until the battles count.
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #105 on: November 28, 2005, 02:20:48 pm »
As someone suggested, I did email Josh about the "Mixx" adventure and he affirmed the CUGS rule of not changing ships after a drop, among what we discussed.
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #106 on: November 28, 2005, 03:28:14 pm »

Ok mrougue and I got knocked out in the first round -- by the team that came in first place...
Umm what can I say -- they took a Cav with hornet 2 fighters and we got in too close..our bad...

Soo many other things some good some bad --

IE -- I see that PUNK spouting off in the lobby about tobin dax and accusing him of cheating -- well  anyone who knows me from those dark ugly ladder days know I don't appreciate that word being used under any situation...
It does two things -- it makes me remember why I gave up on ladder matches (umm lets see about 20-30 players left online most of whom had egos and could not accept that they might loose a match fair and square...) and it gets my blood boiling to the point where I actually say -- I should rejoin and show those bastages just what flying was about in the old days.

Bottom line is most of the players online seemed to be cool -- everyone had FUN? I know we did despite being booted out early in the tourney..and hell I even got to ignore  some of the lobby smack talk -- but when you start to use that Cheat word -- dont just dont expect me to have a good time = I behaved to the point where I didnt really get into a pissing war -- that wasnt what this 2v2 event was designed for -- it was designed to begin a merger process for two seperate leagues/bodies of players that cannot survive without the influx of players from each others communities.

I have only ever got to know tobin from out limited time winging each other in FED mirror mirror campagin -- it doesnt take more then a few missions for one to gain respect for a wing and hence to support him when some idiot spouts off about things he has no idea while I will  show up for the next event -- this tourney did remind me why HyKull left the ladder days behind..

There are times when I say hmm maybe I should rejoin a fleet -- well if that day ever happened it would have to be one that didn't get involved in pissing wars over a game thats barely holding itself afloat.


Congrats on the excellent turn out by both sides -- the work by TT and Josh and also for everyone keeping a cool head.

I have to say when I saw the lobby break 60 players -- it did feel like there was life in the old bird yet..

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #107 on: November 28, 2005, 03:59:53 pm »
hah i got accussed of hacking jest i the last round. One of the XE guys still saw my ship after I died and accussed me of hacking because my ship wouldn't blow up...everyone else including me saw it as dead and it didnt affect the battle, but dang they're sure quick to jump the gun on that sort of stuff...

As a side note, maybe use the byes for the long matches...spending over 2 hours waiting around is kinda annoying. Some people do need sleep in the mornings.

Also what happened to the early and adv era matches? I think i ended up flying 2 late and 2 mid matches.
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #108 on: November 28, 2005, 04:52:28 pm »
from my notes, match 4 was to be 349 advanced and match 6 116 early.
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #109 on: November 28, 2005, 04:53:36 pm »

IE -- I see that PUNK spouting off in the lobby about tobin dax and accusing him of cheating -- well  anyone who knows me from those dark ugly ladder days know I don't appreciate that word being used under any situation...
It does two things -- it makes me remember why I gave up on ladder matches (umm lets see about 20-30 players left online most of whom had egos and could not accept that they might loose a match fair and square...) and it gets my blood boiling to the point where I actually say -- I should rejoin and show those bastages just what flying was about in the old days.

Hear, hear...someone give that man some karma... ;D
Lord Krueg
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #110 on: November 28, 2005, 05:26:09 pm »

Ok mrougue and I got knocked out in the first round -- by the team that came in first place...
Umm what can I say -- they took a Cav with hornet 2 fighters and we got in too close..our bad...

Soo many other things some good some bad --

IE -- I see that PUNK spouting off in the lobby about tobin dax and accusing him of cheating -- well  anyone who knows me from those dark ugly ladder days know I don't appreciate that word being used under any situation...
It does two things -- it makes me remember why I gave up on ladder matches (umm lets see about 20-30 players left online most of whom had egos and could not accept that they might loose a match fair and square...) and it gets my blood boiling to the point where I actually say -- I should rejoin and show those bastages just what flying was about in the old days.

Bottom line is most of the players online seemed to be cool -- everyone had FUN? I know we did despite being booted out early in the tourney..and hell I even got to ignore  some of the lobby smack talk -- but when you start to use that Cheat word -- dont just dont expect me to have a good time = I behaved to the point where I didnt really get into a pissing war -- that wasnt what this 2v2 event was designed for -- it was designed to begin a merger process for two seperate leagues/bodies of players that cannot survive without the influx of players from each others communities.

I have only ever got to know tobin from out limited time winging each other in FED mirror mirror campagin -- it doesnt take more then a few missions for one to gain respect for a wing and hence to support him when some idiot spouts off about things he has no idea while I will  show up for the next event -- this tourney did remind me why HyKull left the ladder days behind..

There are times when I say hmm maybe I should rejoin a fleet -- well if that day ever happened it would have to be one that didn't get involved in pissing wars over a game thats barely holding itself afloat.


Congrats on the excellent turn out by both sides -- the work by TT and Josh and also for everyone keeping a cool head.

I have to say when I saw the lobby break 60 players -- it did feel like there was life in the old bird yet..

Wow.....Duck got riled up
I have to admit to being surprised by some of what has been written.....about 1 person in particular....I didn't really think about him in that way. Oh well, things change.


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #111 on: November 28, 2005, 05:52:43 pm »


IE -- I see that PUNK spouting off in the lobby about tobin dax and accusing him of cheating -- well  anyone who knows me from those dark ugly ladder days know I don't appreciate that word being used under any situation...
It does two things -- it makes me remember why I gave up on ladder matches (umm lets see about 20-30 players left online most of whom had egos and could not accept that they might loose a match fair and square...) and it gets my blood boiling to the point where I actually say -- I should rejoin and show those bastages just what flying was about in the old days.



Congrats on the excellent turn out by both sides -- the work by TT and Josh and also for everyone keeping a cool head.

I have to say when I saw the lobby break 60 players -- it did feel like there was life in the old bird yet..

I've got to say I agree this is what lead to the death of previous Tounraments.  Some people just can't keep good attitudes.

And that just steals the joy from others whom would like to just have fun in a good clean atmosphere, a fun way to spend some evening time with some cool people.

I've told certain individuals, even those whom have this pride problem; I repsect everyone basically, even those people who are good SFC pilots, but with some people, I don't respect thier attitudes.  They basically thrive by tearing others down to build themselves up.  Thats a fast way to kill any group.

Solution:  If a person displays that kind of attitude (Repeatedly and just what might be considered intensly immature), don't invite them back to the tourneys.  I want to play SFC, but I don't want that kind of attutide killing fun for everyone.

Of the 60 people who played yesterday, how many caused problems?  Not many.  And if someone feels like playing the defence, "Your just picking on the winners cause you lost."   There's been a lot of other tourney Champions and never heard any comments.

Cut the dead weight man.  If thier are not involved, don't affect the system, they can be safely ignored. To this point the only way they can adversely affect the rest of the players is that you, as an indicvidual, might have trouble tuning them out.

Of course don't boot them irately either.  If they can't be civil (Misunderstanding and dissagreements do happen!), and we as an organization were unable to reach an understanding with someone, by peaceful avenues, cuttem off!

Listening?  Are you a braggart?  Think you are better all those whom lose to you?  Can't be agreeable?  Do you put others down becuase they are not quite as good as you?

WE DON'T NEED YOU HERE.   Play by you'r self, with all 3 of your friends, don't bother me.  I won't bother your fun, won't talk about you behind your back, won't even hate you.  Just don't bother my fun and everyone elses.

Of course theres another side to the coin.  

I don't want people to take this suggestion to an extreme and boot anyone the second they say, "Cheat".  (I don't personally know that it is possible to cheat in this game) Tempers flare for the best of them. Not everyone has the same ability to overlook things.  But give them the benifit of the doubt if they are trying.  Try to mediate.   I suggest only boot if its a repeat offense with intention to cause harm or complete uncaring to the way it is affecting others.  If they are trying to be civil, even if your opposed to them, let it go - They are at Least trying..  Much more you can say for those that try than those who are intent on causing trouble. Also, if a person was trouble but calms down and straightens out, invite them back.

Fore the most part, I don't belive there is much weight to cut off.  I know most of us can get a little riled, but we can get by it. (Heard some of the 'discussions' on TS lately ;) ) It only applies to those that just totally halt the progress and fun of the community's tournament.  

Just my thoughts...  If we let it go, it'll just kill our tourneys again...

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #112 on: November 28, 2005, 05:55:21 pm »
I did enjoy the fun.

My internet died (for my whole city in fact) in the middle of a round. And it didn't come back till the next day.

But while I was able to be there it was Great. 

What made me most happy was the numbers. Even if it was every 2 weeks, thats just awsome.  Might even bring more the the Dyna's as we get to know each other.

Thanks all for a good time.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #113 on: November 28, 2005, 06:21:27 pm »
Remember you heard it here first from your SFC Community Angel


ALSO: Players please provide information on the following:
1) Should we have a time limit on matches ie: some matches took over 2 hours +
2) any corrections on rules ie: lag/drop
3) any suggestion to make Tourney better

1)  No time Limit on matches as long as there is a fight taking place.  Sometimes it takes awhile for an inferior force to crack the shell on a superior force or during a match where both sides are about equal.
2)  I'm not one to complain about lag/drops unless wingmen are not visible to the opposing side.  Lag sux and I've lost plenty of matches where lag played a major role in my defeat.  But thats the breaks of the game (and probable my connection).  But if a player constantly drops over and over, then keep the rules as is and the remaining player must play it out.
3)  Have sign-up well before the tournament so that we can see the brackets and know who we face in the next round.
  -  Play the brackets as they come available and not hold up the entire round because one match isn't finished.
  -  DON'T RUN THE THING so that it gets over at 3:00 am in the morning.  I was one of the few who stuck it out just to see how things
     went.  The good, the bad and the dizzy...  Congrats Dizzy and Risky  I wanted you guys to take them down!!!!  LOL
  -  We could easily set up a tourney for the D2 crowd and fight it out on the Dynaverse

I too am on dial-up and have lag/drop issues.  Thats why when I'm on any Dynaverse server I can't take any of the big ships or sit playing possum in a hex.  When the fighting gets fierce in an area and I'm causing problems about not being drafted with or against my friends, I leave the area instead of causing a mismatch.  Duck and I became pretty adapt as ambushing players when they moved into or come out of mission (ambush).

I like to play and have fun.  We've started many a battle over because someone's connection wasn't working right or someone dropped.  Rules can be flexible if everyone wants them too.  I play to play and have fun, not especially to win.  Its fun when I do and fun when I don't (unless I flew into a rock, like, oh do I dear say the name... Dizzy   lol.)  Thats what makes it fun for me.  So PLEASE don't take me wrong...


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #114 on: November 29, 2005, 12:21:53 am »
ok so feedback is mostly positive.A majority of the Community feels that each match should have NO TIME LIMIT,
Rules should be Posted  prior to start of Tourney ie: lag drop/crash (especially on changing of ships This has always been a big NO NO)
Start Time has been asked to be Started earlier ie: what is best Time to start ?
Round Terms to include 1 early, 1 advanced, 1 late no X, Late and Mid Era  BPVs'
We still need Imput on using enviroment ie asteriods, suns etc
Speed 8 or 9 but negiotable if both sides agree
2 v 2 or 3 v3 for next Tourney (12/2/05 start time:?)

Remember you Heard it here first from your SFC Community Angel


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #115 on: November 29, 2005, 12:34:05 am »
Question ? We have never done it but Do you want us to post all Rounds and Terms prior to start of Tourney ?
Team match-ups are posted  at start of Tourney and as they develop
Thank you for helping and providing imput


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #116 on: November 29, 2005, 01:12:19 am »
Well josh...

I'll add my two centavos...
ok so feedback is mostly positive.

On the tourny itself...yes....on the conduct of a extremely small few...not so positive....


Anyone who engages in foul and profain behaviour "during" the tourney commits an automatic forfiet.

A majority of the Community feels that each match should have NO TIME LIMIT,

Maybe...I think the point of contention is the "waiting" for the next round to begin....


The "Tourney" is conducted within a certain time frame....match ups and rounds posted before hand....battles still underway will be called on amount of internal damage...

Semi and final round matches announced on the fly as soon as results are in...

This should stop alot of "foot dragging" in early matches....and allow next round matches to play as they are available...

I have another suggestion below:

Rules should be Posted  prior to start of Tourney ie: lag drop/crash (especially on changing of ships This has always been a big NO NO)


Start Time has been asked to be Started earlier ie: what is best Time to start ?

WAY noon pacific or 3pm pacific....

Round Terms to include 1 early, 1 advanced, 1 late no X, Late and Mid Era  BPVs'

Sounds good.

We still need Imput on using enviroment ie asteriods, suns etc

Random terrain is best IMHO...

Speed 8 or 9 but negiotable if both sides agree

Even 7 if's also a help for drops...

2 v 2 or 3 v3 for next Tourney (12/2/05 start time:?)

I'd also like to see a day long 1 vs 1 tourney best connection hosts.......and again...2 vs 2 and 3 vs 3 produce a lot more lag and drop problems..

I think in a 1 vs 1 touney ...touney ships should be flown....and players should declare a race BEFORE starting and fly that race all tourney...this will eliminate BPV shopping...but add race selection as deciding factor...

I also think that final round matches should be "observed" by a neutral judge no matter how many they are (2 vs 2 or 1 vs 1)

The judge will be able to see in game conduct...and call time if no actual fight is taking place (taking racial makup into account)

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #117 on: November 29, 2005, 09:02:25 am »
thank you again for your imput Krim . I'll get with TT and we can Iron it out
 Still collecting information on next Tourney
do you guys want a  1v1/2v2/3v3

Thanks again guys. more info on what you guys want
The better we can serve you


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #118 on: November 29, 2005, 09:45:27 am »
late era with no xtech

In fact, what'd fix it all completely is a random battle generator that uses a stardate. So if you generate a stardate of 2274, only ships built on that date and before may be fielded. That way every game would load up with Advanced era and you use the stardate to choose what ship you get. This would open up some ship choices not ever used because Late era choices usually revolve around ships built 2277+. So late era ships 2274-76 arnt ever picked. Be nice to use stardates... Real nice.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2005, 09:59:32 am by Dizzy »

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #119 on: November 29, 2005, 10:08:32 am »
Ideas ---

Ok not a big fan of 1v1 games myself but others might like them -- however I think 2v2 is idea and the number of players who turned out might back that statement up..I would like 3v3 but know that there will be increased lag and drops so stick with 2v2

Start time to be moved up to say 8 est on a sat night? thats 5 PM for the Pacific zone ..

No x ships --

Anybody feel like creating a web page where terms for all rounds can be posted say 20 min before the touney starts?  - a creative web page will also allow for teams to be listed and show played agaisnt each other and the outcome, I belive it was Owl and GZ that had a similar set up?

Don't wait for everyone in round 1 to end their game before starting round 2 -- once you begin to get the first pool of players who are advancing start setting up games for round 2,3 4 etc..

Now this gets complicated but if you have a few admins to help it might work -- lets say your running a 2v2 tourney -- once the first round or even second round is over you can use the pool of players that have lost to start up a 1v1 tourney..(might be a bit much but hey its an idea)

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #120 on: November 29, 2005, 11:49:59 am »
What did someone give me negative karma for? A disagreement with a pov? Or is it a burr up your butt with me in general? Confess now and be spared my wrath should I find out later...

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #121 on: November 29, 2005, 12:45:04 pm »

I don't know who took it, but here is some more becuase I think you a cool guy...


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #122 on: November 29, 2005, 02:16:09 pm »
What did someone give me negative karma for? A disagreement with a pov? Or is it a burr up your butt with me in general? Confess now and be spared my wrath should I find out later...

There ya go, 69 will have to do until we can get you to something more appropriate like 666....
"Atheism is a religion like not collecting stamps is a hobby."

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #123 on: November 29, 2005, 06:39:13 pm »
I reallly dont know what gave you a neg Dizzy. 

2v2 are cool

would love to see a 1v1 with tournament ships, as stated earlier, where you sign up early and stick to chosen race all the way through

2v2 with a sub 1v1 would also be cool, but foresee problems where the guys who finish losing in 2nd or even 3rd or 4th round would be stuck out of it.  Also the guys who continue winning would not be elligible for it.

The few who really badmouth and use profane language especially after being warned by an admin should be banned from this tournament and the next Dyna/Cugs tourney as well.

Would love earlier start time.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #124 on: December 01, 2005, 02:55:17 pm »
Okay sew lets start this Saturdays Tourney  12/3/05
Start Time 8 pm est
2 v 2 Battle Tourney
No Time Limits on matches
All Terms of Rounds Posted prior to start of Tourney
Enviroments added to Terms
Limited Early/Advanced era BPV's
Rules Posted on Dyna  and  Prior to Tourney Start and during Tourney

Remember you heard it here first from your friendly SFC Community Angel


Please send anymore imput  quickly


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #125 on: December 01, 2005, 04:10:13 pm »
Josh, a lot of people here are put off by the high BPV's. Why not multiply them by 75% or something?

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #126 on: December 01, 2005, 06:13:34 pm »
8pm EST sounds good.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #127 on: December 01, 2005, 08:26:29 pm »
Limited Early/Advanced era BPV's


Use the random battle generator to generate a stardate. Example: 2276. If that is chosen for a match, then only ships from that year or previous years may be bought. Solves this ridiculous era crap. Host every game with Advanced and use the stardate system.


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #128 on: December 01, 2005, 08:32:25 pm »
OMG, like these GSA guys know from YFA's.  :screwloose:

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #129 on: December 01, 2005, 08:57:00 pm »
Know what, tool, I think those GSA guys might go for this. They arnt that dense. They are just set in there ways... This is a different approach no one has used. I think it's a great idea. Here's a screenshot, and I underlined the 'Date Introduced' in the screenshot below so everyone knows how simple it would be to use a battrle generator that produces a stardate allowing us to know what ships we can choose based off of when they were introduced.

So if the Battle Generator gave us 2271 as a stardate, we could use the CAY below, but not the CAZ because it was introduced in 2279. Real simple.

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #130 on: December 01, 2005, 09:12:16 pm »
Me - not dense!?   

What are you trying to say! :screwloose: :point:

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #131 on: December 01, 2005, 11:42:43 pm »
ok we can accept some lowered bpv terms. We dont have a battle generator that goes by  Star date. ill ask if we can get one created  but you guys might know that better than us
 so 8pm est is accepted Tourney Time

Thank you all

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #132 on: December 02, 2005, 07:42:43 am »
Ok here is Final Draft for Saturday's 12/3/05  2v2 OP Tourney
Sew lets Recap: 8pm Start time
2 v 2 Battle Tourney
Tighter BPV's
No Time Limits on matches
All Terms of Rounds Posted prior to start of Tourney
Enviroments added to Terms
Limited Early/Advanced era BPV's
Rules Posted on Dyna and Prior to Tourney Start and during Tourney

Remember you heard it here first from your friendly SFC Community Angel

Here are the 1st 7 Rounds of Terms
Thanks to all who Attended (We had 61 people show up in Game Spy Lobby) The Saturday 11/26/05 CUGS/DynaVerse 2v2 Match Up Battle Tourney. We had 22 Teams/44 entrants Sign up and Compete in the Tourney, which started at 10:30 pm est. Terms for each round were as follows:
CUGS Team Speak IP is password is winston

Round 1
154 mid med map sp 9

Round 2
190 late NO X asteriods med map sp8

Round 3
350 Advanced med map sp9

Round 4
129 early Black Hole med map sp8

Round 5
226 late No X med map sp9

Round 6
157 Mid med map sp8

Round 7
137 late med map sp9

Thanks again Remember " We do this for Community Sake"


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #133 on: December 02, 2005, 07:44:39 am »
8 pm Eastern Standard Time is Start time for 2v2 OP Tourney on Saturday 12/03/05


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #134 on: December 02, 2005, 08:10:33 am »
Rules in Effect for Tourney : 2v2 OP CUGS/Dyna Battle Royale on Saturday 12/3/05 8 pm est
Rules in effect are:
Game Speed is either 8 or 9 unless agreed by both Parties
2 Min. Lag/Drop Rule: Lag must be called with in first 2 minutes of Game start. if drop occurs before 2 minutes of game has been played , its an automatic RESTART. When more than 2 minutes have elasped in Game and a Player CRASHES or DROPS, The Wing must Play on to Games End unless Mutually Agreed by All parties to Restart Game/Match
10 Min. Forfeit Rule: You must Start Match within 10 minutes of Match Time or Team who doesn't show forfiets the Match
Take What U Can GEt: Space Dock and BPV use as you wish !

Remember you Heard it here first from your Friendly  SFC Community Angel


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #135 on: December 02, 2005, 08:24:07 am »
Being that RFA had to fly at least three  RFA vs RFA matches against ourselves were thinking of bringing a squad of us who enjoy dyna to wing over here...make the numbers a little more even...waits patiently for Frey to get back to me.

P.S. doc azteca and vorcha if you are over here buzz me via fleetsite if you can... :P


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #136 on: December 02, 2005, 08:31:22 am »
I'll play on dyna side :P

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #137 on: December 02, 2005, 02:06:29 pm »
i'll be there, and FSD has recieved fleet email ,so you likely see several FSD as well  :)

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #138 on: December 03, 2005, 02:39:34 pm »
Well Good Luck and have fun to All who attend
Remember " We Do this for Community Sake " please read rules and ask any questions you have . I assure you, me , TT and others will respond as quickly as we can. Rules are also Posted on

Remember you Heard it here first from your SFC Community Angel


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #139 on: December 03, 2005, 02:53:41 pm »
Rules in Effect for Tourney : 2v2 OP CUGS/Dyna Battle Royale on Saturday 12/3/05 8 pm est
Rules in effect are:
Game Speed is either 8 or 9 unless agreed by both Parties
2 Min. Lag/Drop Rule: Lag must be called with in first 2 minutes of Game start. if drop occurs before 2 minutes of game has been played , its an automatic RESTART. When more than 2 minutes have elasped in Game and a Player CRASHES or DROPS, The Wing must Play on to Games End unless Mutually Agreed by All parties to Restart Game/Match
10 Min. Forfeit Rule: You must Start Match within 10 minutes of Match Time or Team who doesn't show forfiets the Match
Take What U Can GEt: Space Dock and BPV use as you wish !

Remember you Heard it here first from your Friendly  SFC Community Angel


Good copy on all.  Do you have game settings (terrain, bpv, era, speed) for the matches?

One comment on the 10 minute rule, it should work well for the first round (8pm) but the follow-on games can't be scheduled. 


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #140 on: December 03, 2005, 03:27:29 pm »
Rules in Effect for Tourney : 2v2 OP CUGS/Dyna Battle Royale on Saturday 12/3/05 8 pm est
Rules in effect are:
Game Speed is either 8 or 9 unless agreed by both Parties
2 Min. Lag/Drop Rule: Lag must be called with in first 2 minutes of Game start. if drop occurs before 2 minutes of game has been played , its an automatic RESTART. When more than 2 minutes have elasped in Game and a Player CRASHES or DROPS, The Wing must Play on to Games End unless Mutually Agreed by All parties to Restart Game/Match
10 Min. Forfeit Rule: You must Start Match within 10 minutes of Match Time or Team who doesn't show forfiets the Match
Take What U Can GEt: Space Dock and BPV use as you wish !

Remember you Heard it here first from your Friendly  SFC Community Angel


Is it in the fine print where youcan't use a drop/restart to switch your ship choice as per CUGS rules and so forth?
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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #141 on: December 03, 2005, 04:18:54 pm »
Green, care to team up again if we can both make it?

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #142 on: December 03, 2005, 05:47:14 pm »
Green, care to team up again if we can both make it?


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #143 on: December 03, 2005, 06:22:45 pm »

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #144 on: December 04, 2005, 12:53:52 am »
  hailz all

tourney results for 2v2 on saturday  dec 3/05

1st place    TT and Risky

2nd place    Warhorse and Soulform

3rd place     KHH Senfeng and Capt Jack

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #145 on: December 04, 2005, 01:06:00 am »
WOW :o

GG guys!

How as the turn out?

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #146 on: December 04, 2005, 01:09:27 am »
not as good as last week, but still strong at least 30 or so...enough for 5 rounds
Everything is sweetened by risk. ~Alexander Smith

Offline TraumaTech

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #147 on: December 04, 2005, 01:10:07 am »
L-STL/ISC CAZ  VS HYDRAN OS AND L-DNph   ok,now that i am reasonably sober    i will make an adjustment to this original post.  :)  scuse caps from last nite  and any arrogance from the post,was purely based on the state of intoxication.Truth be told,i believe Risky likely won the match ups for us,as i flew as your basic plasma sponge,and my ship usually looked like it at the end of each match.thx for saving my ass Risky
« Last Edit: December 04, 2005, 08:16:38 am by TraumaTech »

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #148 on: December 04, 2005, 01:40:40 am »
Congrats u2! I think you and I would have won 1st place last week, Risky, had we not been playing as the living dead doing a match at 5am...


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #149 on: December 04, 2005, 09:15:06 am »
Naw, Risky just needed a better wing.  ;D

Offline Sanfeng

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #150 on: December 04, 2005, 10:52:13 am »
we tried to hold out until TT was drunk enough to pass out in our match... TT can hold his rum, although I think he was seeing double or quadruple. We sent one 1 squad of fighters after him and he thought he saw 4.

Was a fun match... 129 early is a good fun battle. We will have to rematch it for fun... Jacks beating himself up over the loss.  ;D

Offline TraumaTech

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #151 on: December 04, 2005, 05:05:31 pm »
we tried to hold out until TT was drunk enough to pass out in our match... TT can hold his rum, although I think he was seeing double or quadruple. We sent one 1 squad of fighters after him and he thought he saw 4.

Was a fun match... 129 early is a good fun battle. We will have to rematch it for fun... Jacks beating himself up over the loss.  ;D

  lol   u might be right....i fired at one of them,and killed u instead  :)    good year,that rum  :)

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #152 on: December 04, 2005, 10:54:08 pm »
Naw, Risky just needed a better wing.  ;D

Funny, I dont recall remembering who you are. Were you even in the tourney... Oh wait, someone's tugging on my shoelace... ahh,  my assistant hexx tells me you were indeed involved in a preliminary round but were brushed aside practically b4 the tourney started. Funny, I still dont remember even seeing you there. My bad.


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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #153 on: December 05, 2005, 10:09:32 am »
A RL engagement took precedence.

But I'll be there next week, listening to your excuses for getting pwned. :P

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Re: Dyna VS Cugs 2v2 Tourney(saturday night /nov26/05)
« Reply #154 on: December 05, 2005, 02:54:25 pm »
you three fighting over little ole me?
Everything is sweetened by risk. ~Alexander Smith