Oh, what the hell.. I put one in..
Teach Children How to Handle Money
Submitted by Andy D. in Oklahoma
We implement all sorts of programs to try and bring our poor out of poverty, but we never provide them (or the middle class for that matter) with any education on how to handle money, other than basic checkbook balancing.
The lack of money management skills is evident in the statistics for people who win the lottery. Within just a few short years, most are broke again, because they have no clue how to make money work for them, instead of working for money.
Every child in America, before he or she graduates, should be required to take a basic class on managing money, how the stock markets and other investments work (including the risks) and the time value of money.
Otherwise, we are going to continue to rear generation after generation of impoverished people who, when they are presented with the rare chance to better their lives, do not even recognize the opportunity, and do not have the skills to keep themselves out of the numerous financial pitfalls our consumer society tempts them with.