i am sure it was just a snafu.Josh was extremely busy getting this set up,forming teams and what not,and it wouldn't have surprised me if bpv mix up occurred,which it sounds like it did.At anyrate,whether bpv was for 240 adv or 183 late,we still had the same ship selections to pick from as Cugs.I suspect due to the lateness that we arrived,Josh wasn't sure if there was gonna be a tourney.when we showed up,bam,he had a lot of shiat to pull together to get this thing off and running.For the next tourney,i would really like to see a lot more dyna players show up.we had a decent turn out,but they had more(i think 2 teams more and i think they could have called on more).
here's an idea,how about as Duck said in another thread,we host the next 2v2 tourney and invite them to it,besides just the next campaign,which may not occur for another 2 or 3 weeks or longer.try building soem strong ties with Cugs,so they will want to try out our campaigns. matter of fact,i think i'll start this in a thread of it own,and see who wants to sign on