This has actually been brought up several times before, these are the S2.0 Victory Conditions from SFB. In the original Taldren patrols, Victory Conditions were entirely based upon them and thus it was possible for a Frigate to score sufficient numbers of VC points when fighting against a DN so much so that they would win the encounter even if they disengaged. This became known as the "Patrol bug".
Today, Victory conditions are based on the last man standing in the hex, for Dynaverse play, this is really the only way it can work in such an environment, however, I have used S2.0 Victory Conditions from SFB for determining Bonus Prestige points. That is, if you damage your opponent, you get 10% of the ship's BPV, if you force them to disengage, 25%, if you destroy them, 100%, and so on. The highest percentage category is used, and then multiplied by 5 if the ship was human controlled. Additionally, if the ship is human controlled, you also get a mission medal based on the highest S2.0 Victory Condition category you scored in the mission. Best we can do in D2 play without re-introducing the Patrol bug.