Topic: Berman expects to be done with Star Trek  (Read 8595 times)

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Offline Alidar Jarok

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Berman expects to be done with Star Trek
« on: November 19, 2005, 03:58:58 pm »
Did I beat Ratboy to this story?

When there is a new Star Trek series, Rick Berman does not expect to be a part of it.

Like his fellow Enterprise executive producer Brannon Braga (story), Berman told Star Trek Magazine (via Sci Fi Pulse) that when Paramount decides to revive the television franchise, "it’s going to be the result of someone fresh, someone who has not been extensively involved with Star Trek, coming up with a new approach to the series."

"I think when Roddenberry created The Next Generation it was similar in many ways to the original shows, but obviously with a brand – new cast and a lot of new elements to the universe and to the spaceship," he added. "But since then, we did nearly 700 hours of Star Trek." To reinvigorate it, Berman noted, a new show will "have to be something very fresh and new, and my guess is that it would very possibly be from someone other than the people who have been creatively involved with it in the past."

Though Berman is still attached to the eleventh Star Trek feature film, he said that the story for that film "is still up in the air." Originally it was planned to be a prequel set between Enterprise and the original series, but Berman said, "Whether the next movie takes place there or whether it takes place at another point, I think that the studio's feeling is that it would be nice to try to do a feature film with a fresh, new, no-television-series crew." He expected that that would negate any possibility of using characters from the existing shows.

"By the way, I would say that the film is still in the same early stages of development it was the last time we talked," Berman noted, admitting that no progress had been made. He is currently working on other television series for the next development season, the details of which he could not discuss.

For more, including Berman's memories of James Doohan and Robert Wise, the original article is in issue #124 of Star Trek Magazine. These excerpts are from Sci Fi Pulse.

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Re: Berman expects to be done with Star Trek
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2005, 04:33:07 pm »
YEY!  8)
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Re: Berman expects to be done with Star Trek
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2005, 04:37:35 pm »

Offline EmeraldEdge

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Re: Berman expects to be done with Star Trek
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2005, 05:34:59 pm »
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Re: Berman expects to be done with Star Trek
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2005, 10:21:25 pm »
now why do i get the funny feeling we might hear an annoucement w/ in a year for a new series.... it wouldn't suprise me lol

If they do do that, it better not be half assed

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Re: Berman expects to be done with Star Trek
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2005, 10:25:55 pm »
now why do i get the funny feeling we might hear an annoucement w/ in a year for a new series.... it wouldn't suprise me lol

If they do do that, it better not be half assed


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Re: Berman expects to be done with Star Trek
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2005, 10:44:54 pm »
I think that the studio's feeling is that it would be nice to try to do a feature film with a fresh, new, no-television-series crew." He expected that that would negate any possibility of using characters from the existing shows.

and the reason for us watching this movie except that they put the brand name Star Trek in it will be...
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Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


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Re: Berman expects to be done with Star Trek
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2005, 03:38:19 am »
Yeah, it might be different if they had had strong Trek offerings, but the plots have stunk, heck everything has stunk except for a few good actors.  Why on earth would you pay the big theatre bucks to go see a bunch of unknown actors doing the old tried and true Trek slop that they are used to putting out.  They've suddenly taken out one of the only redeeming qualities left in the franchise.  Now it's possible that they might be decent actors in it, but the point is you don't know for sure anymore so I wouldn't even bother.  It's obvious people were starting not to bother even when they knew what they were getting.

But back to the point of the thread!

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Re: Berman expects to be done with Star Trek
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2005, 02:32:14 pm »
Well I'd prob. go See It in all honesty, I mean we all got a kick out of that Fan Fim that was posted awhile back.

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Offline EmeraldEdge

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Re: Berman expects to be done with Star Trek
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2005, 03:03:37 pm »
Well, I have to say I did not go see Nemesis (which is saying something because I love Romulans).  I think it was the first Trek film I did not see in the theatre.  In fact I didn't even see it until a couple of weeks ago, and I didn't pay anything to see it because I checked it out of the library.  I'm not sure I would pay full price to see an uknown Trek.  I would like to think I would, but even the front line Trek offerings have disappointed for years now, so I'm very wary.  I think in many ways, I enjoyed many of the fan films more (they seem a little more Trek than even some of the official stuff, sometimes).

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Re: Berman expects to be done with Star Trek
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2005, 03:33:22 pm »
Well It's so rare that I get into town to watch a Movie myself. I usually rent them from BBonline. As to the original story. Horay horay horay.

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Re: Berman expects to be done with Star Trek
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2005, 09:00:12 pm »
Nah, if it's going to be a Trek film, it'd better be based on something they've already shown on TV for at least a year or two...

Offline Alidar Jarok

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Re: Berman expects to be done with Star Trek
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2005, 09:09:06 pm »
Well, I have to say I did not go see Nemesis (which is saying something because I love Romulans).  I think it was the first Trek film I did not see in the theatre.  In fact I didn't even see it until a couple of weeks ago, and I didn't pay anything to see it because I checked it out of the library.  I'm not sure I would pay full price to see an uknown Trek.  I would like to think I would, but even the front line Trek offerings have disappointed for years now, so I'm very wary.  I think in many ways, I enjoyed many of the fan films more (they seem a little more Trek than even some of the official stuff, sometimes).

Nemesis was the first I didn't see in theaters of all the TNG movies (I probably would have been too young to see STVI when it came out).  I didn't see it for quite awhile, and, even than, I only rented it when it was cheap.  I don't see movies that often, so I don't think I'd bother with a Star Trek movie that would come out either (until I can rent it conveniently).
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Re: Berman expects to be done with Star Trek
« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2005, 07:36:28 pm »
Well, I have to say I did not go see Nemesis (which is saying something because I love Romulans).  I think it was the first Trek film I did not see in the theatre.  In fact I didn't even see it until a couple of weeks ago, and I didn't pay anything to see it because I checked it out of the library.  I'm not sure I would pay full price to see an uknown Trek.  I would like to think I would, but even the front line Trek offerings have disappointed for years now, so I'm very wary.  I think in many ways, I enjoyed many of the fan films more (they seem a little more Trek than even some of the official stuff, sometimes).

I actually liked Nemesis.... I think I'm like the only person on the planet who did.... but I thought it was good because it was different. I liked that they weren't afraid to crash a few things. I acknowledged the same probs that most folks did.... (Lore/B4), but I just liked it. Oh well. That means I never have to worry about finding a copy on the shelves. But thank God B&B are gone. I have to think that just about anyone would do better.

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Re: Berman expects to be done with Star Trek
« Reply #14 on: November 21, 2005, 07:48:02 pm »
OMG...we got rid of them BOTH!?!

Oh this truly is GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D

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Re: Berman expects to be done with Star Trek
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2005, 04:38:01 am »
Got rid of ALL THREE.

Berman, Braga, and seeing new Star Trek on the screen.

I'm sooooo happy.
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Re: Berman expects to be done with Star Trek
« Reply #16 on: November 28, 2005, 06:24:44 am »
Personally, I'd like to see a Trek film that isnt tied with just one era, but spans several eras... say, some kind of on going plot that returns throughout history. The film could begin in pre-Federation days, with Archer and Enterprise, then move to somewhere just before TOS, (maybe have Kirk in his academy days), then move on to somewhere between TMP and TNG (maybe the Enterprise B and C)... and then finally somewhere post TNG... but it would have to be a really good story, something epic in the veign of Lord of the Rings or Asimov's Foundation series.
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Re: Berman expects to be done with Star Trek
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2005, 07:09:19 am »
*plays Happy Days Are Here Again*

Hopefully, not only will we see a new Trek show sooner than expected, but hopefully we'll start seeing more Trek games before the release of ST: Online, which, personally, I am dreading, because of that stupid pay-to-play tripe, but that's just me.

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Re: Berman expects to be done with Star Trek
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2005, 09:35:57 pm »
Personally, I would like to see the next Trek movie take place sometime after Nemesis with DS9 and VGR cast members reprising their roles.  I'm sick of prequels.  Let's pick up Trek where we left off before B&B decided to play Quantum Leap.

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Re: Berman expects to be done with Star Trek
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2005, 10:45:58 pm »
Personally, I'd like to see a Trek film that isnt tied with just one era, but spans several eras... say, some kind of on going plot that returns throughout history. The film could begin in pre-Federation days, with Archer and Enterprise, then move to somewhere just before TOS, (maybe have Kirk in his academy days), then move on to somewhere between TMP and TNG (maybe the Enterprise B and C)... and then finally somewhere post TNG... but it would have to be a really good story, something epic in the veign of Lord of the Rings or Asimov's Foundation series.

I just cant help myself...

I'd like to see one more with Kirk... ;)