Messa also beat U up in a Z-MCD in IDSL many moons ago. U go Taco Bell real good. 
Failed to mention what ship you were in there, also I was new then, still I don't think I'd be likely to you take out a CCZ with a MDC on minimum reloads even today
I was flying a I-CAZ. I thought the little drone spirals were pretty and I got a little dizzy try to follow them all. 
Could have sworn I saw 2 PPDs on that boat, perhaps it was a CCY, think I left rather quicky anyhow, but so long ago I'm not positive 
Since then I think I've gutted your ships several times on GSA with scatterpacks 
Now that I think of it: it was an I-CAY. Yer right about the GSA tourneys back then, but messa is a new Frog ever since I posted this thread:,163361467.0.htmlIt brought back all the tactic reminders I had when I first did SFC full-time in 2002/3. Plus, I got my connection fixed so I got more PvP practice in. Other than messing around with DH and Dizzy in a EEK Convoy Escort to demonstrate to them that U can PvP in EEK convoy missions, I did pretty good in SG4. I had one Gorn kill, fought toe-to-toe with my I-CAY against a FSD L-BCP thingie and survived, ran off a F-BCG with my I-CCY (had a wing helper there though), and ran off some F-CADs.
The thread had good tactic info. Against the F-BCG, I stayed at speed 24 and kept my Plasma S torps as a deterrence from closing in on me, my PDs took care of the drone waves, chuck out some Pseudo-Torps to freak the Fed out, and the PPDs kept relentlessly pounding the Fed until he had no choice but to Taco bell.

Holding onto the S torps and staying at speed 24 saved me with the L-BCP. I was intimidating him everytime I turn towards him cuz he would turn away. I guess 2 S torps are a big ouchie. But, he got me once with his ESGs on a sweep that went too close and I had to go.

Messa pretty PvP happy now.