Topic: Ferret's Bar and Grill "For you friends of Zim Zum"  (Read 991 times)

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Offline Ferretlxix_XC

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Ferret's Bar and Grill "For you friends of Zim Zum"
« on: November 16, 2005, 01:57:59 am »
Here is what he's up to.
Sorry I diddn't get this out earlier to you folks but, being kind of busy puts a hamper on computer time.  >:(

First this:
October 28th, 2005

NanoWrimo Writin'
I'm writing a novel on NanoWrimo due to fuzzynerds pointing me in that direction. You can see my profile here Zims page, and fuzzynerds here:Fuzzynerds. Drop on by in a week or two and see if we've written anything worth yer time!

November 1st, 2005

Started writing yesterday. I find that while sitting at my desk at work I can bust out a lot. I got 1600+ words down in around an hour and a half, no title for the thing yet, but that's not surprising. Most of the Trek Fic didn't get a title until I was half way to completely done and the title would slide in. I must say that this thing is spurring me on nicely, and I'm actually coming up with a decent plotline and storyline that I hope will intrigue and entertain people. Anyhoo, check it out here: Zim's NaNoWriMo Profile. Cool new things coming down the pike there also, as they are revamping the sites with a high speed writer's profile page with bells und whistles! Hippity hoo. Oh, and 'Ween pics should be uploaded either today or tomorrow, depending. I have an Astronomy quiz to take online this week, got the Physical Readiness Testing tomorrow plus meeting with the big wigs for the department, and it's the start of the month, which of course means a new cycle of stuff at work. Busy little bee, that's me.

November 3rd, 2005

Sneak Peek of NaNoWriMo Novel
SOmething to whet yer appetite...

DefLeague Task Force Base Mojave

"By God you are the worst pieces of sh*t I have ever had the chance to come in contact with!" Bellowed Sergeant Dwayne Ford at the assembled squad before him. The troops were lined up in formation, after a rigorous training exercise that included a 10 mile run, target shooting, demolitions, and escape and evasion. After 36 straight hours of physical and mental exertion, the troops were exhausted, dirty, and not in the best of moods. Sgt. Ford expected nothing but perfection from these men and women. They were being groomed into the elite, the best of the League's troops. They were in the special warfare program, and death was about the only way out for them.
It wasn't that the words he screamed were his actual thoughts on the troops assembled before, far from it. They had performed rather well, but the extra stress of being told that one did everything wrong was a necessary evil to spur them into even better performance on the field next time. Ford himself had gone through this training years ago, come out at the head of his unit. That honor had given him the opportunity to travel the world, performing acts that were necessary for the good of the population. He had no qualms about killing people, it was his sworn duty to the Earth. The peace and tranquility of the planet was a tenebrous thing, at best, and the men and women of the Special Forces units around the globe were sworn to keep it in the best interests of the rest of the populace.
He scanned the group once again drinking in the fatigue of them through his eyes. He loved this duty, and had been performing it for the better part of three years. Countless men and women had come into Alpha Squad under his tutelage, every one of them he considered a success. He didn't care much what they did with themselves after this training, but for now, they were his children and he pushed them to their limits. Of course, this was the easy part of their transformation into the elite. The hard part would come after basic training, when the augmentations were performed. That was a part of his life emblazoned in his memory as if it were yesterday.
"Alright, maggots," He said, his voice gravelly, "fall out and get cleaned up for evening chow." With that, the troops broke out of formation, dispersing into the barracks behind them. Ford watched them go, wondering how many of them would make it through the augmentation process and how many good soldiers the League would lose because of it. When they finished filing into the elongated building, he turned, and began heading for the Drill Instructor suites near the barracks compound. He had only made it half way when his aural implant kicked on and some administrative puke relayed a request from the Camp Commandant to report to the HQ building on the double.
Ford sighed, all thoughts of a hot shower and meal going from his mind. He began to run across the compound in the direction of the Headquarters building for the base. His mind was awash in the possibilities this request brought with it. He couldn't begin to fathom a reason that the Commandant would want to see him. He wasn't due for promotion for another couple of months, and he hadn't missed any of the meetings, deadlines, or reports that were due in the offices since he'd arrived here. It was a definite mystery to him at this point.
After a rousing run, he reached the main building housing the administrative and command sections of the base. He passed through the front doors, and headed down the hallways to arrive at the Commandant's office. He paused in front of the administrative assistant's desk, coming to tight attention.
"Sergeant Dwayne Ford reporting as ordered." He barked.
The Staff Sergeant at the desk looked up from his holo-display showing various figures and statistics, and shook his head at the Sergeant standing there before him. The administratives were not what one could call the most military of the League, and had a rather lackadaisical outlook on the military life. Ford hated every single one of them. "You may proceed, Sergeant." The Staff Sergeant said to Ford, and buzzed him through the reinforced doors leading into the Commandant's office.
Ford entered the room, the rich smell of a cigar and real mahogany filtered into his nostrils. He approached the desk, coming to a halt just before the edge and coming to a ramrod perfect attention. "Reporting as ordered, sir." He said, and set himself in parade rest.
"At ease, Sgt. Ford." Brigadier General Matthis said. He motioned to a chair to one side of Ford, and said. "Please, have a seat."
Ford complied, sitting himself down in the rich leather of the chair. He marveled at the luxury of the Commandant's office, the realness of it. There was no fakery in this office and spoke highly of the man's position to have such rare items placed in one spot.
"You must be wondering why I've called you here, Sergeant." Matthis said. After Ford replied with a, "Yes, sir," he continued. "You're current squad is going well, I assume?"
Ford answered with an affirmative, wondering where exactly this was going.
"Alright, son, here's the bottom line." The General said. "There has been an attack on Earth, by what looks like Colonial vessels. They his several of the Defense League's bases globally, as well as killing untold numbers of civilians. Now, there is no declaration of war against the Colonials right now, doesn't necessarily mean one won't come down later after the investigations. Right now, the Parliament and Imperial Councils want a team spun up. Highly secretive; highly covert in Colonial space; the whole nine yards. You up to heading the team, Sergeant?"
Ford stared at the General, his face impassive. He mulled the scenario over in his head for a few moments. The Colonials actually had a military, and one that was capable of attacking Earth? It seems incredulous, but Ford was nevertheless intrigued by the notion of striking back against those who would dare attack his beloved home

There you go with out going into any other stuff dealing with him.  He's getting back into writing as you see so give him some support if you got the time to check his page out and all.

He currently frequents the Red Vs Blue site since that is all he has time for since the rest of his life is pretty hectic so, if you don't visist the RvB site (like I do) and you wanna give him a hollar, then message me or comment here and I'll see that it's sent his way. ;D

For now, Poing-Poing-Poing!