Hehe, I still am in contact with many on that list, lets see:
SFCShadow (that would be me. LOL)
Sfaret (Edster, we all know and love)
oScottyo (Sal, still alive and kicking, talk to him at least once a week, sometimes much more often. LOL)
Khoros (Dutch, sadly I've not talked to him much since NwN days)
Magnumman (James, he still plays NWN and I hear from him once in a while still, he's trying to get us back into NwN. lol)
Kirk Jr (Jake, Was in constant contact with him up to about 2-3 months ago, and he's fallen off the planet, Sal and Jay have also lost him at about the same time.

NTDN (Jay, He's got an IT contract gig that has him hopping all over the west, but I talk to him at least once a week or so, still)
Ynrohkeeg (Lost the Horny Geek after SFC:OP unfortunately)
Crimson Knight (Steph, hear from him from time to time as well still, say once a month)
Crimnick (now who is this guy .... hmmmm I wonder (LOL), just kidding Crimmy, who could forget you!)
Wisdom (Roger, still hear from him as well, about bi-monthly or so)
I think the one you think you forgot was
Denali (Mike) who I also am still in semi-contact with, though maybe there was someone else. LOL.

Oh wait, there was also
Talenclaw (Jim), I'm in semi-regular contact with him as well, he's deeply involved in WoW still (Sal, Jay, Jake and I all stopped playing that several months ago).