Topic: QuestionFor The Auto tech people  (Read 1543 times)

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Offline Khalee1

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QuestionFor The Auto tech people
« on: November 05, 2005, 08:58:02 am »
Can one put A/C in any of the new fangeld cars coming out, or do I have to get a modle that allready has one in it. Looked at a new chevy Aveo car the Base model did not have A/c in it, I said ok maybe Ill put one in latter. Sales guy said I could not do that with this car, also the colbolt was the same way. Said I had to get the next level car which was the ls model if I wanted A/C. Was he storying to me about not being able to add A/C to these new cars just to try and sell me a hire priced car or not.

I gave up on a pickup truck as I just could not get insurence down to where I could aford it. So Im looking for another car instead.

Offline Jack Morris

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Re: QuestionFor The Auto tech people
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2005, 11:24:44 am »
Yes K, you can add A/C to the base models, they are built all the same except for different engines and suspensions. Don't let an auto salesman fool you, they get paid by comm. and want to get the most out of their customers, it's called "upsell."

Offline Dracho

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Re: QuestionFor The Auto tech people
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2005, 05:52:03 pm »
Dude, I have a 1963 Studebaker station wagon the US government purchased new (no a/c no radio) and I can STILL add an after-market A/C to it...Don't eat beans tonight because you'll get to see all the smoke he blew up your ass.
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Offline Midnight Tech

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Re: QuestionFor The Auto tech people
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2005, 09:04:24 pm »
Just as Dracho said...smoke and mirrors....if they put it on there at the factory you can add it onto the one you get....just become VERY good friends with someone at a salvage yard and have them call you the minute they get one in that's been totaled (but hopefully not hit in the front end) and pull ALL the components you need from it.
Just give me a shout if you have any questions...
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Offline Commander Maxillius

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Re: QuestionFor The Auto tech people
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2005, 09:44:00 pm »
You can do anything you want to a car.  I've seen vans and school busses with most of the top in back cut off so that the result is an improvised pick-up.  You could add a supercharger to an Aveo if you really wanted to.

But you do realize that if you got an Aveo, the best gas milage you can hope for is around 35 MPG, where if you got a Civic you could get 40, or 41 with a Corolla, and both the Toyota and Honda are bigger cars for around the same price as the base Aveo.  Of course, those numbers are with a manual transmission, and I don't know if the Aveo comes with a manual or not.

My Echo gets 40 with an automatic, but since Toyota sold around 300 of them in the US, you won't find an 06.  Ask a Toyota dealer if they could find you one, since they sold so crappily, you might be able to find one.
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Offline Jack Morris

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Re: QuestionFor The Auto tech people
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2005, 12:56:26 pm »
Give ya a great example of dealer markups.

I used to be an auto tech after the army years, and I knew a lot of guys at Charles Maund Toyota, techs, sales, parts, you know the drill.

When Leda and I looked at 03 Camrys back then she wanted a sunroof. My bud, who sold us a fully loaded leather interior Camry WITHOUT a sunroof told me "Jack, if she really wants one, go to Suncoast sunroofs, cost ya about 700 bucks." You see, Toyota does not make cars with sunroofs, that is something dealers do, and the price of that sunroof on a retail car? 2,000 bucks! That's 1300 right there for the dealer and you never even knew...  ;)