One of the things we are working on lately has been a 8 mile wireless link for a customer. I thought I'd take a couple pics of the scenery at the top of the building where we have the AP (Access Point).
Here they are:
This is the inside of the rook access door where some - and I mean SOME - of the LMR and coaxial cable runs in from the outside.

This is the outside of the same door - here you can see the rungs ran to support cabling on the outside infrastructure.

Here you can barely see the outside rated Ethernet running up the building iron to the antenna,which is in the middle of the red circle.

Here's another image with the grounding clamps a little more visible.

Okay, now we've climbed up and this is a shot looking down on Frey's foot.

Now that we're up where the radio in the third picture. I took this one so you can see we're two stories (20ft) up from the perspective of the previous photos.

And finally here's a couple shots over the sidewall at the top of this building:

Yep, 18 stories up !!!
Gotta love it !