OMG, what a flacid looking "STFU!!!"!!! How sad for you Dizzy, looks like you are having trouble keeping it up. You know they have pills for that these days. Hell, I'll forward you a few of these emails clogging my inbox. No not the fan mail and love letters, the Viagra ads.
Since when is a bitch slapping of 762 a good example of a skillful display?
The difference is that when I am done bitch slapping him he sends
me flowers.
I've heard of Nannerites and Gowites, Even a High Church of Nanner, but never any Dizzites or Kromites, so you guys have a way to go as a cult movement is required for any pretentions at the throne.
Actually those sound like a medical condition and a venereal disease 
Well you are partially right, luckily Nannerites were easily removed with lasers, Gowites could be cleared up with an improved diet and better hygine.
You misspelled "the Ditzzies" though, which isn't so much a disease as it is a condition caused by a previously injury to the inner ear after having Kroma bitch slap you in a flame thread or in the privacy of his cabin (then it is more of a sexual related injury). The condition is easily diagnosed since the primary symptom is disagreeing with any idea put forward by myself as to game mechanics or my gorgeousness. I am pretty certain that you have been suffering from this Chuut. Ever since the in game smacking around I gave you that caused you to create the homage to my reptilian beauty, you have been a little scattered, might just be that you are getting all tongue tied in my presence.
There is no such thing as Kromites. You are probably confusing the flock of adoring fans, suitors and gentleman callers (not to mention all the cabin boy applicants) with disciples.
Kroma simply ignores the issue, and argues something completely different
while trying to maintain that he knows what he's talkin about.
Still smarting from the rejection letter to your cabin boy application I see? Let's face it Hexx you just never
measured up to my standards. I'm in a whole different league than you. If I was seen slumming while entertaining one of your hair brained ideas in a debate it was more out of pity than respect for your intellectual or physical prowess.
Yes Hexx that ringing in your ears and slight off balance feeling is the onset of "the Ditzzies". I'm pretty sure you will be coming down with a case given all the times I knocked you around.
Kroma gets into a rut too easily;
Well that is to be expected, when I have to keep explaining the same old basic facts to you dolts over and over. Now go crawl back under the lily pad you poked your wart covered head from under. I mean really what are you posting here for at all for, didn't you quit this game and community like 10 times?
PS, Actually in all seriousness, no poll on flame warriors can be complete or valid without Nanner or Gow on it. Now you want to start a poll attention/forum whoring Dizzy is the winner hands down. Man that guy really craves attention and just likes to here himself type. He's a bit of a narcissist too, even though his quoting skills are a bit lackluster.