Topic: Top ten causes of debt  (Read 1439 times)

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Offline Jack Morris

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Top ten causes of debt
« on: November 22, 2005, 08:40:10 am »

Dracho, you should have included that link (Or send it to them to back up your idea) to that society contest!

My reasons for having a previous bankruptcy and not achieving what I could have done earlier?

2. Divorce. More than half of us do it, some more than once. I can think of few things more expensive and likely to put you in debt. For those of you who have never done it and would like to get some idea of the impact, sell all your assets and get the money in $50 bills. Go to a hotel on a busy street, and you and your spouse open two windows and see who can throw the most money out the fastest. It can be breathtaking.

. Poor money management. A monthly spending plan is essential. Without one you have no idea where your money is going. You may be spending hundreds of dollars unnecessarily each month and end up having to charge purchases on which you should have spent that money. Planning is no more difficult than writing down your expenses and income and reconciling the two. You will be surprised at how powerful you'll feel when you are making thoughtful decisions about where and when to spend your money.

Live and learn people, and your life can and WILL improve.  ;)

Offline Dracho

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Re: Top ten causes of debt
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2005, 09:20:43 am »
Recent studies indicate the #1 cause of debt is borrowing money.   :o
The worst enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan.  - Karl von Clausewitz

Offline Mackie

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Re: Top ten causes of debt
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2005, 02:45:13 pm »
1. women
2. drinking
3. cars
4. loans taken due reasons above
"Integrity is doing what is right even when the outcome is already known."

Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Top ten causes of debt
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2005, 03:48:17 pm »
At least your honest Mackie, I do not even want to think how much in the past I blew on booze, parties, and ciggies.  :(

Offline Capt. Mike

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Re: Top ten causes of debt
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2005, 04:20:50 pm »
The biggest one for me now a days....grandchildren (my youngest granddaughter turned 1 today....just glad my mom lives near the Fischer Price plant and can get stuff a bit cheaper there)


And my only grandson turns 2 on the 20th of December....then I turn 50 on the 24th...what a year

Summum ius summa iniuria.

The more law, the less justice.

Cicero, De Officiis, I, 33

"It doesn't, and you can't, I won't, and it don't
it hasn't, it isn't, it even ain't, and it shouldn't
it couldn't"
FZ, 1974

My chops were not as fast...[but] I just leaned more on what was in my mind than what was in my chops.  I learned a long time ago that one note can go a long way if it's the right one, and it will probably whip the guy with twenty notes.
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Offline Mackie

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Re: Top ten causes of debt
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2005, 08:11:28 pm »
At least your honest Mackie, I do not even want to think how much in the past I blew on booze, parties, and ciggies.  :(
Hm. I somehow quessed that  ;D
The biggest one for me now a days....grandchildren (my youngest granddaughter turned 1 today....just glad my mom lives near the Fischer Price plant and can get stuff a bit cheaper there)


And my only grandson turns 2 on the 20th of December....then I turn 50 on the 24th...what a year

Ah yes, children... Dont have none of my own yet so thats propably why I forgot ;p

Another good way to get debt is to buy home electronics varying from computers to kitchen stoves and TV-sets in the way that you dont have to pay them all at once but a little by little, cant remember the correct term ;p

+Mail order scams
+Failed pyramid scams
(I seen a few guys i know do these over and over again and get f*cked the sideways to sunday each time but still they do it again. must be birth caused braininjuries.)
« Last Edit: November 22, 2005, 08:22:47 pm by Mackie »
"Integrity is doing what is right even when the outcome is already known."