Topic: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..  (Read 8580 times)

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #40 on: November 02, 2005, 10:18:47 am »
Let me get this straight...

Dizzy, Hexx, Karnak, TT and DH were all on the Alliance side at the same time...


*prepares for hara-kiri*

Actually, I was on the Coalition side.  ;D

Eh, okay.

I think someday I need to fly Coalition, just once at least... my list of "must fly with" (allied to that ist..) still needs work...

.. and yes, no need for flames.  It's enough to know there are passionate pilots here, it's not really isn't necessary is it?
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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #41 on: November 02, 2005, 11:35:13 am »
It was kinda mild, only people I yelled at were Josh and Dizzy  ;D
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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #42 on: November 02, 2005, 11:54:49 am »
Lock the thread.. move it to the grave yard...

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #43 on: November 02, 2005, 11:56:02 am »
Bonk's thoughts in general on this topic:

In the last seven years I have never flown a ship larger than a CCH on a serious server. I still had fun.

I think BB fests are silly.

I do not understand why so many want to fly big ships. (I'm reminded of how people refer to sportscars as compensation for inadequate male anatomy) Neither do I understand why people freak out and cry like babies if they all cant fly a BB or CVA.

I had fun on vanilla servers.

Herr Burt servers rock!

I thought the "slot" was a great idea.

I miss Skull.

We need to get SQL working to bring him back! (we have finally started the process that will tell us exactly where the problems are...)

I still want to finish a complete SFB style OoB interface based on the OP+4 shiplist once we have the SQL server stabilised.

Do not take any of this too seriously, or personally,  please.


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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #44 on: November 02, 2005, 11:59:40 am »
I really hope you guys nail the SQL thing. Without it I fear for the future of D2.

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #45 on: November 02, 2005, 02:07:28 pm »

Umm, well cool if you could make sense out of this:

it's not really isn't necessary is it?

*dizzy from trying to dissect the quote*

Darn... thanks for not jumping on that one, left myself wide open.



(No, that's not an invitation for Kroma or anyone to cut me up :P)

Yeah, tame I guess.  Would you believe I worry about you guys?
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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #46 on: November 02, 2005, 04:36:53 pm »
Let me get this straight...

Dizzy, Hexx, Karnak, TT and DH were all on the Alliance side at the same time...


*prepares for hara-kiri*

Actually, I was on the Coalition side.  ;D

Eh, okay.

I think someday I need to fly Coalition, just once at least... my list of "must fly with" (allied to that ist..) still needs work...

.. and yes, no need for flames.  It's enough to know there are passionate pilots here, it's not really isn't necessary is it?

You're always welcome to, sir!  ;)
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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #47 on: November 02, 2005, 06:49:17 pm »
I'd like to as well. I just need to work on my drone wave some more.  8)
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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #48 on: November 12, 2005, 01:11:15 pm »
All this fuss about who's in charge and following orders is enough to make me threaten to take on being Alliance RM for a server or three.  :P
Flames and name calling? Pity parties? Sheesh! I've got to believe that I'm capable enough in a leadership role to actually do better than what has been done.

Hexx, you complain that nobody looked at your op-ords on Did you post here that there were new orders there? This has been SOP for as long as I've been able to play on the dyna.

As for the folks who do read the orders but didn't do anything to help carry them out, you may not respect Hexx, but at least you should have respected the title he held, that of Assistant Race Mananger. Since Braxton was out of the picture, the duties of leading the Alliance did actually fall on Hexx's (admittedly small) shoulders. As the Indians in this tribe, it was our job to make the Chief's job as easy as possible. Because people ignored the plan and went off to do their own thing, what basically finally happened was Hexx throwing his hands in the air and saying "Screw you guys, I'm going home."

I think it's time we sat down and realized that just because we tease Hexx 'bout small stature and supposed lack of leadership ability doesn't mean that the jokes are the truth. Hexx is, for the most part, a good-natured type and he takes the teasing in stride. Unfortunately, some folks seem to have gotten the idea that the teasing is the truth when we're really just having some fun.

I wasn't able to finish the server due to real life rearing its ugly head and biting me in the ass, but from the looks of it, I don't think I missed anything except a lot of bitching and moaning. Time to be pulling heads out of asses, folks. If we can't separate the joking from what's real, maybe we should stop teasing Hexx until folks get their heads screwed on straight and we learn who he actually is.


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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #49 on: November 12, 2005, 02:34:35 pm »
Let's see, I do recall Hexx posting to go to to read instructions at least twice.
"Sticky: FRIDAY OPS_ Operation F*CK the NEBULAS"  37 reads
"LOOK!!!!'   15 reads

You're going to RM the alliance? You hardly showed up on the last server and I remember being on while you just sat on TS talking our ears off while among other things wondering which other game you should play because you weren't about to play this one. Sorry about RL and the end of the server, but what about the above time you loitered on TS?
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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #50 on: November 12, 2005, 03:50:12 pm »
I got side-tracked, admittedly, but I got done with the other games fairly quickly (for me) and I was going to play more when my internet finally got cut off because I couldn't pay the bill. Right now I'm working on a new job and a new place to stay, as I'm not only out of work but out of my apartment.

As for my lack of play on one server, that really doesn't have a lot to do with RMing a totally different one. I don't know that I'd get any more respect than Hexx, but nobody's making short jokes about me all the time so that has to be a plus, there. And while I'm not a great pilot, what does that have to do with mediating disputes and planning strategy? Given my general addiction to RTS games (Real-Time Strategy games. I've got every Command & Conquer game except C&C: Generals), I ought to be good at looking at the map and planning objectives. I do know that had I been the Alliance RM or ARM for SGO5. I would not have been playing the other two games I got side-tracked onto as I would have been busy with matters involved in coodination of Allied forces on the server.

I'm thinking that it wouldn't be the next server that I'd volunteer for at this point, though. I have to get work and get myself out of the hole I'm in at the moment. But I'm willing to take a crack at it in the near future and the fact that I'm willing has got to count for something.

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #51 on: November 12, 2005, 07:25:48 pm »

"Sticky: FRIDAY OPS_ Operation F*CK the NEBULAS" 

That was priceless  ;D

PS.   More "newb" training will commence on Monday.   I wantto focus on 1v1, I'm sure we can get others to help in fleet actions
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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #52 on: November 15, 2005, 09:45:17 am »
+1 to you Josh, for willingness to take a stance, and stating the crap put on Hexx.

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #53 on: November 16, 2005, 08:25:50 am »
I appreciate that, DFly. Hexx is a good guy to put up with the sh*t we give him. Unfortunately, some folks seem to see only that we give him a hard time rather than the fact that we wouldn't tease him if he wasn't our friend. So like I said, maybe it's time to lay off a while so folks get the idea that the jokes are just that, only jokes, not what we really think of our buddy.

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