I have been in contact with Nate Simpson a former Taldren artist buit have had no luc tracking down the model used in the EAW intro. movie.
It is my hope that one of the mod gods here would take a crack at a high poly version of the Kzinti/Mirak CA as seen on the box COVER of the ST: EAW and in the ST: EAW intro movie:
http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~starmada/tgia/displayimage.php?pid=222&fullsize=1One of the things I have noticed is that the command pod has a [wrong word choice?] Scalloped or indent towards the rim. It can be best seen by the higher poly models in the intro movie as they fire at the Lyran CA.
In short, the Kzinti/Mirak could use a high poly version of the STOCK SFC Mirak CA as pictured above.
Just wishful thinking on my part mind you.