What about this,
Why not treat KCW like GW and have build points, that way their is enough variety for fun but with enough restrictions to take out some of the larger vessels.
Mainly because you didn't praise Kool-Aid
too late now

It's also because KCW is trying to have people fly Klink
Not drone type ships, not lumbering dreads, no mass fighter launches etc.
I can (imo) keep it "reasonably" fluffy if I don't have any of them, but if you allow multiple C7's
then why not dreads, why not droneboats, why not carriers etc
Then I have to balance rules for fielding all of htem, have a system for shuffling them around and
the server simply becomes another heavy metal fest.
1 C7 lets the house leader have a ship that *should* be able to beat anything else on the server
in a 1 on 1, but that isn't so tough it will dominate the server.