Topic: what about a cugs vs dynaverse server??  (Read 5925 times)

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Offline TraumaTech

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Re: what about a cugs vs dynaverse server??
« Reply #20 on: November 04, 2005, 07:55:32 pm »
You all don't mind if I throw down a little bit of friendly poison do you? And post the  link to this thread  in the RFA forums, were I know a lot of Cugs players will see it..
             It might fuel up enough emotions to get something like this off the ground...

        BTW wots a Mirror server?


     i think throwing down the gauntlet would be fine.nothing like a little healthy smack talk to get the challenge going is kewl.


     as for the mirror mirror campaign.think of the episode of star trek in which kirk,bones,scotty and urhura boonce into another universe of an evil federation. good federation vs evil one,but this one i envisioned all races good vs all  evil races,perhaps minus isc and maybe hydran

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Re: what about a cugs vs dynaverse server??
« Reply #21 on: November 04, 2005, 08:02:04 pm »
Nah strip out the ISC and the Hydrans (just to irritate t00l)
and use the same shiplist for both sides.
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Offline KBF-Netman

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Re: what about a cugs vs dynaverse server??
« Reply #22 on: November 04, 2005, 08:04:37 pm »
I like where this is going., It will be alot of fun to play with some of my GSA freinds.. I hope  NEO and Dark horse are interested in playing ;D

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Re: what about a cugs vs dynaverse server??
« Reply #23 on: November 04, 2005, 08:13:27 pm »
this looks like it could be alot of fun

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Re: what about a cugs vs dynaverse server??
« Reply #24 on: November 04, 2005, 08:20:32 pm »
#1...once again...numbers many players can CUGS field?

#2 skill set....playing in a campign setting isnt the same as playing a ladder set up....PvP is only one aspect...and getting an "even" match is pretty much unheard of...

Ladder play requires extensive knowledge of era ,BPV, and capabilties...

Campaign play requires a different skill requires the abilty to co-ordinate mission selection, just who, is where, with what ship, and what the status is of the hex you are in..

#3 fairness...if we are asking ladder players to come and play in our back yard....we as campaign players should be also willing to step into a tourney arena and lay it down...

This goes back to skill sets....(see above)

#4...endurance.....a campign setting requires the abilty to place focus on tasks and goals over a long period of time(weeks)...will ladder players lose interest if they dont make imeadiate progress?

#5.. endurance...a ladder setting requires the abilty to be on top of your game for long periods of time (Hours) in order to adavce...will campaign players *without full knowedge of BPV and era*  lose interest if they cant win the first or second match?

Losing a campaign can be as simple as not showing up....loseing a ladder match can be as simple as picking the wrong ship....

These two issues need to be addressed in the spirit of fairness...

IMHO ofcorse... ;)

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Re: what about a cugs vs dynaverse server??
« Reply #25 on: November 04, 2005, 09:03:53 pm »
well frey...the only cugs players ive played (the ones ive playd most any way lol) have been able to fly any era any bpv....and even let me choose it, usually its mid-late no x with a some what kool bpv........those are the players im talkin about, the ones ive playd that have NO objection to era bpv race what ever...after all when cugs sets up tournies the era's n bpv's are all over the place. the last cugs tourny i playd in had early era for the second match....and ya i chose the wrong ship for the job to what my opponent chose....but it was still a very nice ship that i took, and it was well playd on both inMY experience cugs isnt limited to advanced era x tech, its all over the place. yes true they PREFER x tech, but when im involved i dont allow it ;), oh and one more matter what ship ive taken into battle no matter what kind of chance it should have, ive always been beaten down like i was nothing...the ones who are LIMITED to x tech are the noobs, the ones who will fly anything without so much as a diagreement are the better cugs players. hope this info helped out a bit :)

p.s. once i get in touch with josh i can find out for you just how many players they can get, but i assure you they CAN match our numbers easily

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Re: what about a cugs vs dynaverse server??
« Reply #26 on: November 04, 2005, 09:05:59 pm »
the last time i logged into cugs successfully, only 75 players had played a game. their best are very good. After the elite, well....
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Re: what about a cugs vs dynaverse server??
« Reply #27 on: November 04, 2005, 09:18:07 pm »
I am all for it. ;D ;D

And I just bought an ATI X700PRO :o

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Re: what about a cugs vs dynaverse server??
« Reply #28 on: November 04, 2005, 09:34:26 pm »
3 fairness...if we are asking ladder players to come and play in our back yard....we as campaign players should be also willing to step into a tourney arena and lay it down...

This goes back to skill sets....(see above)

does this mean we're all gonna pile into GSA for some 1v1s and fleet actions against them? Cause that sounds mighty cool too.
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Re: what about a cugs vs dynaverse server??
« Reply #29 on: November 04, 2005, 10:07:17 pm »
Flew vs many CUGS pilots.  In GSA I still use the KIG signature as well as the TSC.  I lead both fleets and KIG did well in some ladder play.  TSC never was a ladder team.  They had at that time numbers well over our D2 numbers.  Now, well, they most likely still beat us in total numbers.  Can I beat them, well I used to.  Entered one of their first ever tournaments, and the prize was a Klingon Knife.  I won that tournament vs Vader, which had over 100 entries.  The next time a Klingon Knife was offered for a prize(only twice ever offered btw) I did not enter it, and Vader won.  I was very glad for him.  I felt kinda lucky to have chosen the right ship at the right time for each time I had too.  There are many pilots over there who can fly any era, any bpv, and win much more than lose.

As to who Pwnd who in a campaign, well, sheer numbers can win it, but then PvP can also make a difference as they are USED to PvP, but not hex flipping, so they may get bored with hex flipping and lose interest.  I hope that is not the case.  I would love to see them come over here for a campaign, but suggest it be only a 2 week, not 3, so that they dont lose interest.  As part of the challlenge, I would suggest we go to one of their challenges vs us as well.  Be it Ladder style, or tournament style PvP.  I personally thing tournament style would be best for us as ladder is much longer.  Just my 1.7cents.

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Re: what about a cugs vs dynaverse server??
« Reply #30 on: November 05, 2005, 08:35:38 am »
they usually have KOTH every saturday night on GSA sposored by CUGS. See ya there maybe...depending on RL.
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Re: what about a cugs vs dynaverse server??
« Reply #31 on: November 05, 2005, 08:57:49 am »
We should just all show up for one of their tourneys. It would be funny seeing the top 10 spots get taken by D2 pilots.  ;D

Of course that probably means we'd have to deal with Advanced.  ::)

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Re: what about a cugs vs dynaverse server??
« Reply #32 on: November 05, 2005, 09:03:39 am »
We should just all show up for one of their tourneys. It would be funny seeing the top 10 spots get taken by D2 pilots.  ;D

Of course that probably means we'd have to deal with Advanced.  ::)

Actually's probably a great Idea to do's not like we are still getting a flood of new players...

And every time a new game comes out...we lose a couple more...

I'm sure they could use a few more ladder players just like we could use a few more campaigners....

I know a few people do both....but maybe more of us should too...

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Re: what about a cugs vs dynaverse server??
« Reply #33 on: November 05, 2005, 09:04:19 am »
I've posted this thread link into the RFA forums, done a little bit of stirring.. (as you do)   ;D
   And invited them to make a responce..


Offline KBF-Netman

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Re: what about a cugs vs dynaverse server??
« Reply #34 on: November 05, 2005, 10:19:29 am »
I've posted this thread link into the RFA forums, done a little bit of stirring.. (as you do)   ;D
   And invited them to make a responce..


Yeah , I can see a response, of a full spread of photons on your port bow. I hope your cloak is operational Praetor :)

Offline TraumaTech

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Re: what about a cugs vs dynaverse server??
« Reply #35 on: November 05, 2005, 01:25:33 pm »
is there going to be a contingent of dynaplayers on gsa tonight?

also....what is the time frame for this or any other server?

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Re: what about a cugs vs dynaverse server??
« Reply #36 on: November 05, 2005, 01:42:08 pm »
Really, i feel no urge to fight in any tourneys.

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Re: what about a cugs vs dynaverse server??
« Reply #37 on: November 05, 2005, 03:30:28 pm »
That's cool...and I dont think anyone is suggesting anyone be forced to as a condition of playing on a server....

I was only suggesting that both groups could use a few more active players...that's all.. ;)

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Re: what about a cugs vs dynaverse server??
« Reply #38 on: November 05, 2005, 06:41:04 pm »
been a short while since ive playd against them...and i miss it, so ya....lets see when their next tourney is and get involved in it ;).......btw their tournies are usually elimination, meaning you lose your out...also its NORMALLY 1v1 tournies, so bring your BEST game if we actually get involved in one :)


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Re: what about a cugs vs dynaverse server??
« Reply #39 on: November 13, 2005, 01:19:30 am »
i think peeps on gs would have to form a fleet and elect its own higher ups .same goes for d2 peeps .then set up what kind of camp/rules and conditions for play.but put it in a way that peeps dont have to quit the fleet their in just put a 2nd fleet sign .then get some time for recriuting .as for trash talk FUC IT!! we feel the same as u .put your skill/honor to the test . ;D