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Topic: My latest attempt to make Meta Hail Planet missions larger for SFC3.  (Read 3735 times)

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Offline Stealth

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Hi, I have a problem to load the Meta Hail Planet missions when I try to attack planets. The compiler didn´t give me any errors.
The 3 maps, the Open space, The Asteroid space and the Nebula space map is all 11 times larger. I just changed the scale size on them, didn´t bother to change it from scratch yet...

I got this error after I tryed to load up the Meta Hail Planet mission.
Unhandled Exception! in Version 1.01 Build 534
SFC3.exe caused an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module SFC3.exe at 001B:00546165

EAX=03EAC024  EBX=0000004C  ECX=FFFFFFFF  EDX=00000000  ESI=7F6F4E78
EDI=017B604C  EBP=0012F74C  ESP=0012F738  EIP=00546165  FLG=00210216
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000

001B:00546165 (0x03EAC00C 0x004D0108 0x0000004D 0x04CB3CC8) SFC3.exe
001B:00584BA3 (0x04E30AE0 0x005849A9 0x00A4A5E0 0x04E30AE0) SFC3.exe
001B:00584A28 (0x0012F848 0x00A4A5E0 0x0086AEC8 0x04CB3CC8) SFC3.exe
001B:005849E7 (0x04CB3C50 0x0046C24C 0x04CB3C50 0x00F80198) SFC3.exe
001B:0058474F (0x04CB3C50 0x04050CB5 0x00F80198 0x00A4A5E0) SFC3.exe
001B:0046C97C (0x04050CB5 0x77D296C8 0x00A4A5E0 0x00000000) SFC3.exe
001B:00469C86 (0x0178F170 0x00405992 0x0099DE20 0x00407366) SFC3.exe
001B:0046AF92 (0x00400000 0x0014237E 0x00000001 0x00000000) SFC3.exe
001B:00632653 (0x00320034 0x00320039 0x7FFDE000 0x8054A938) SFC3.exe
001B:7C816D4F (0x007B9AB9 0x00000000 0x78746341 0x00000020) kernel32.dll, RegisterWaitForInputIdle()+0073 byte(s)

And if you check your sfc3 api scripts folder, more precisely "<sfc3 script folder>\Taldren\Projects\SFCTNG\Scripts\Shared" what can I do with the source codes from the Shared folder? Anything that can help me solve my problem to let the game load my Meta Hail Planet mission script fully?


Offline kohlrak

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Re: My latest attempt to make Meta Hail Planet missions larger for SFC3.
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2005, 06:59:36 pm »
Try deleting your allscripts.cache file. If that dosn't work, make sure all the rows are the same size. If it dosn't make a perfect box it dosn't work.
veqlarghlI' yIbuS 'ej veqlarghwI' vIbuS!!!

