Heh, I have the a similar issue with the league I'm in. Fortunately my I have enough quality guys starting that I'm not likely to lose unless someone really drops the ball. I'm 6 and 2 in that league, and I've only been beaten out by one guy, and he did it TWICE! Grrrrr. (I've outscored everyone else in that league 5 out of 3 weeks, so I'm feelin' kind of cocky at the moment.

Btw, whose playin' over here? I'd like to know who the Snowbunnies are, especially. Not only because they are in the lead, but I might be in Alaska next year sometime, and you never know who you'll bump into (of course it will be for a wedding so who knows how long I'll be there and how much time I'll have to be wandering around Anchorage.).