Thankyou for the feedback, all good points.
It was suggested that this would not work because of newbies, however, this system was designed so that ace pilots and newbies could fly together on a server with PvP VCs. Suppose in the example given that Hexx did kill 8 newbies and was worth 8 PvP VC points. If we assume that Hexx is not a newbie and has reasonable piloting skill (especially if he just had 8 victories in a row), then this measure of his PvP worth may very well be quite realistic. Under such a system, you may find that the really good pilots have 20 or 30 PvP points, so 8 may not be all that much.
Yes, it is an accounting nightmare, and ideally an automated system using SQL would be perfect for it. However, even without SQL, the only people that really need to know the system are the RMs and admins. Players really don't need to do anything at all, other than report the kills (however, accurate reporting would be essential, but this is no different to previous servers anyway).
The criticism about this being like the Bounty system, yes, in fact, this would replace the Bounty system. It can even be thought of as a self regulating bounty system.
In regard to the criticism about an 'ace' wanting to try out different ships and flying a race or ship that they do not excel in, and thus losing their PvP points, yes, this is a valid criticsm. It then needs to be weighed up then, which is better, the system that accomodates for new green pilots in a PvP rich environment or the current system based on hull class only, which adversely effects green pilots. The current bounty system, however, draws the same criticism. For example, on SG5, DieHard has a bounty placed on him. If he wished to fly a Gorn Light Cruiser and was caught on the front and killed, then the enemy would still get the bounty. Those pilots worth high PvP VCs then, would need to choose carefully which ship and where they would fly. Logically, if you are intending to seek out PvP on the front lline, then regardless of whether such a system was in place or not, a player will still prefer to take the best PvP ship available according to his or her own flying style. The argument, then, that this system would dissuade players from trying out different ships is partially supported, but this is no different to our campaign setups currently being employed. Any player can still chose to try out different ships away from the front line of course. This also presents a strategic decision that a player will be faced with. Do they take the PvP ship in case they get caught on the front line, or do they take that hex flipper and risk being killed. For such a criticsm to be substantiated firmly, the system would actually need to be tested on a real server to know for sure if in fact this would be the outcome.
I am not familiar with CUGS ladder play, but this system could be represented as a ladder of pilots based on who had the highest number of PvP points, and would reflect not just total kills, but overall skill as well. In the above example, supposing Hexx killed 8 newbies and was worth 8 PvP VCs and was compared to another player who had only one kill, numbers alone would make Hexx look like a PvP god. However, if the latter player's one kill hapenned to be WarSears and the battle was a very hard fought one between aces, and WarSears was worth 15 PvP VCs at the time, then this system better reflects the skill of a pilot, in addition to kills made. The overall worth of a pilot to each side then, whether it be through sheer number of kills, or hard fought battles, or both, is then characterised by their PvP VC worth.