I have heard many times that pilots who were GSA only(like me) that came to D2 had difficulties adapting to the new regime(my new word of this post). They were captured, or deathdragged, or fought for 25 minutes, got stupid due to GSA games being short and died, etc. I dont know why, but I never found any of this to be a problem for me. I have never ever been captured(bet you guys all try to cap me now), won more PvP than I have lost(only exception being first Dyna, where I lost 1 more than I won), and even got to fly a Gorn CVA for days on my second campaign. Luckily I was a veteran pilot in GSA, and a couple pilots in D2 here were quite willing to help me out for several missions in my first campaign. It is up to all of US VETS to help out ALL newcommers, new to OP or just to D2. I realise many of us have gotten well experienced at flying wing with particular individuals, and dont really want to break up your winging teammates and yourself, but for the sake of the community we need to do that at any time a newer person comes online. If we dont, they wont be sticking around too long without some help to get past the rookie stages.