I joined the Black Fleet a long time ago, and for the longest time, I couldn't win a single engagement. But, yeah, they stuck with me, and there was never any talk about how bad I was doing
or how little time I could spend in PvP because of my slow dialup. Now I'm better.... still lots of practice needed, but I can hold my own. Nobody ever made any issue of what kind of ship I got into (except when I picked one I wasn't supposed to have), and nobody ever hesitated to fly with me. That's why I'm so loyal to KBF, and why I still say this is the best online community. I've found that veterans pretty much take care of Newbies. It does kinda seem like the rules are written by lawyers though....
Yeah?..well...we only keep you around to make the rest of us look like we dont totally suck...*snicker*
Just kidding Brother!

It is said..." you do not find the KBF...the KBF finds you"
In my case..I had flown klingon exclusively for ages...since before the TFD(task force delphinus) aka "the inner circle" left...
I flew many a server as a privateer as "Crimnick"...happy to have a wing...or content to fly solo...allways fighting for my empire...blow out or not...(and yes...some of those servers where dark times for the Klingon empire...almost as bad and the Lyrans had it)
I was floored when Doggy asked me if I would like to join...and honored beyond words to join such warriors...
We've had our share of charactors for sure...and I (as well as others) try our utmost to uphold the traditions that made the KBF both feared and respected...
We are all equals...bound by a love for the game and our empire...our leaders lead, because they are the ones best suited to do so...not out of status or ego..
Membership is a lifetime affair.....two days gone...or two years...all warriors are welcome to fight as much...or as little as they have time for...and every member is welcomed back to the empire like the brothers they are...
The primary pre-requesit for membership is:
You flew for your empire,
When no one asked it of you...
When you where out numbered 5 to 1, and still showed up...
When you had more ships blown out from under you than you could afford...but didnt log off...
When you put empire before fleet or independance...
and that you did those things when you thought no one was watching....without complaint nor boast...
I am as honored to be a member of the Black fleet today...as I was the first day....