It's not just Noobies...
I decided not to play SG5 as I got a late start, and noticed how serious everyone seemed to be getting about being sure not to get destroyed flying certain ships. In AOTK2 a couple times I got drafted and my allied players were annoyed - they wanted to play with THEIR buddies. I was even asked to leave certain hexes so I couldn't be drafted "accidently"! That had NEVER happened to me in the years I had played previously.
It's almost like the game is becomming an "old boys/girls" club where noobies (and returning oldies) are not made to feel particularly welcome.
You can kind of get a feel of how this game is treated too seriously just by seeing how fun servers don't get players. Indeed unless you are one of the few accepted members - you can start a server and no one plays. It has to be Dizzy, or Hexx or J'inn or something otherwise the server - even if it may be pretty good - is a ghost town.
Well I guess I owe you an apology for one of those Kzinbane.
The situation was not exactly typical however,
We were trying to drive Duck's Rom DNL, what ever its called off the planet we had taken from the coalition, so that we could boost back the DV on it. We had organized a strike force of 3 pilots to do so each with a specific function, A fast Lyran cruiser to anchor and keep up the pressure, a Mirak DWD to restrict his movement somewhat with medium speed drones and possibly anchor, and a mirak carrier (battletug variety since the shipyards were unkind at theat moment) to provide the "Boom". We knew Duck to be very skilled with that boat and didn't want to take any chances.
We had asked everyone on voice coms to stay clear, and I had even typed it on mirak chat, but the message wasn't recieved. So instead of the fast Lyran we drafted Kzinbane in an mirak mediun command cruiser. To make matters worse, and my mood as well, the carrier pilot who had just bought his ship for the purpose of catching duck forgot to update from stock fighter loadouts.
I was a bit frustrated that mission since we couldn't coordinate with Kzinbane via voice coms and missed a couple of opportunites due to being out of synch. Without the Lyran fast cruiser I had the only ship with the speed to catch and tractor duck, but my wingmen weren't able to arrive on the scene when I managed it breifly before being gutted.
My frustration wasn't due to any desire to fly with a particular pilot Kzinbane, my frustration was not being able to fly with a particular ship combination that we had tried to set up for that particular task, and tried to communicate to our side beforehand. About 5 minutes after the battle I got over it and decided "it just wasn't meant to be this time" we will just have to try again later. But I admit at the time I wasn't very pleased with that situation.
I do apologize if you took it to mean you were not welcome to fly with me, that was not the impression I meant to give. I had fun running missions with you as my wing after that so I had no idea you were upset about that affair.
I do recommend that pilots do get on voice coms, even if it is listen only, when at all possible to avoid this type of miscommunication. Racial chat is also helpful but to a much lesser degree.