Topic: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..  (Read 8569 times)

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Offline Hexx

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #20 on: November 01, 2005, 05:58:41 am »
yes I did
Then I paid Kytarh to make up the post about me taking on his C10K with
my DGX with 1/2 hour left on the server

And Dizzy- how exactly did I twist things?
did TT actually sound happy to you?
Of course he switched out, what's he going to do tell
2 of the core Alliance players that he's keeping the ship he wanted to fly?

You told him -despite the fact that he'd done so on the server- that he & his ship
weren't up to the job. He said he was.
You said he needed a Fed DNH to do it,
He said he didn't know how to fly Fed, but that he could do it as Lyran

You "asked" him to get out of the ship so another Fed DNH could be put on the board.
Finally he agreed- because yes, TT is a team player

But did he seem happy at the idea to you? Are you so wrapped up in yourself that
you though he jumped at the opportunity?

You were the server admin- and you told a player to get out of a ship he obviously wanted to
fly .

So have fun knocking the Karma down Diz, you're still a f*ckin idiot.
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #21 on: November 01, 2005, 06:42:31 am »
Ok you guys, get over this now.

Dizzy since when has Hexx's leadership been indispensable?  No one takes him seriously anyhows  ;D 
It is a game and he played to have fun, while I personally think it was a bad idea for a RM to switch,  everyone is entitled to make the choice to do what they see as fun.  I respect Hexx's right  to have fun in the manner of his choosing,  even if that meant he switched over as an RM.  Should Hexx RM again however, it will likely make it harder to pull pilots to follow him, but then again thats always been the case with Hexx  :P

And Hexx, I think what you forget about this Team player bit is that Trama Tech made his own decision on the matter choosing what would be the most fun for him, ie playing team ball.  If he wanted, he could have stayed in his ship, but he made a decision that going along with the team would ultimately be more fun for him, even if it wasn't his first choice at the time.  I wasn't on when this episode occurred, but I have learned enough about TT to know that he can stand up for himself and wasn't intimidated by other pilots in the least, but made his own descision about whether or not to change ships.  He looked at the situation weighed the merits of the comments and made a decision.  I think anyone suggesting otherwise is doing TT an injustice by questioning his ability to make such a decision, although I'm sure that is not your intent.

So would you guys just let this drop.

Offline Hexx

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #22 on: November 01, 2005, 07:13:59 am »
Ok you guys, get over this now.

Dizzy since when has Hexx's leadership been indispensable?  No one takes him seriously anyhows  ;D 
It is a game and he played to have fun, while I personally think it was a bad idea for a RM to switch,  everyone is entitled to make the choice to do what they see as fun.  I respect Hexx's right  to have fun in the manner of his choosing,  even if that meant he switched over as an RM.  Should Hexx RM again however, it will likely make it harder to pull pilots to follow him, but then again thats always been the case with Hexx  :P

And Hexx, I think what you forget about this Team player bit is that Trama Tech made his own decision on the matter choosing what would be the most fun for him, ie playing team ball.  If he wanted, he could have stayed in his ship, but he made a decision that going along with the team would ultimately be more fun for him, even if it wasn't his first choice at the time.  I wasn't on when this episode occurred, but I have learned enough about TT to know that he can stand up for himself and wasn't intimidated by other pilots in the least, but made his own descision about whether or not to change ships.  He looked at the situation weighed the merits of the comments and made a decision.  I think anyone suggesting otherwise is doing TT an injustice by questioning his ability to make such a decision, although I'm sure that is not your intent.

So would you guys just let this drop.

Bastard, I hate it when you're right  :P

And for the record- I didn't switch sides, I even managed to draft an enemy DN is the last bit of the server and keep him busy for all of 5 or 6 minutes I think  ;D
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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #23 on: November 01, 2005, 07:24:57 am »
Then why did you post this a little earlier?

"yes I did
Then I paid Kytarh to make up the post about me taking on his C10K with
my DGX with 1/2 hour left on the server"
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #24 on: November 01, 2005, 07:28:05 am »
So I'm the devil telling TT that a LDN cant take down an ISC+Klink Fleet and he needs to fly the FDN instead? hehehe, u have it in for me, dickweed. We just had gone thru a battle where Duck crashed out of it... but had a good 25 mins of seeing just how good a LDN and 2 support ships did against what we were trying to hunt... And I did say at the end of trying to convince TT that what he wanted to fly wouldnt work that fine, take the LDN and we will just do it. I was gonna let him see 1st hand, providing Duck doesnt crash out again after another futile 25 mins, just how useless it is using our current ship combo vs what they had. How dare you mince words and tell me I 'ordered' a player to change ships! That's ur job as RM, oh, sorry you were having an identity crisis and couldnt function properly. If you were so concerned about TT's feelings on the matter why didnt you stand up and say something about it then? Oh, sorry forgot, you cant reach the mic. You need to STFU.

At least I stuck around for more than one mission the last three days of the server. And at least I posted once or twice in the Alliance threads the last three days of the server. You need to STFU.

Offline Hexx

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #25 on: November 01, 2005, 07:39:25 am »
Then why did you post this a little earlier?

"yes I did
Then I paid Kytarh to make up the post about me taking on his C10K with
my DGX with 1/2 hour left on the server"

LOL uhmm gee Dax, guess you caught me.
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Offline Hexx

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #26 on: November 01, 2005, 07:52:13 am »
So I'm the devil telling TT that a LDN cant take down an ISC+Klink Fleet and he needs to fly the FDN instead? hehehe, u have it in for me, dickweed. We just had gone thru a battle where Duck crashed out of it... but had a good 25 mins of seeing just how good a LDN and 2 support ships did against what we were trying to hunt... And I did say at the end of trying to convince TT that what he wanted to fly wouldnt work that fine, take the LDN and we will just do it. I was gonna let him see 1st hand, providing Duck doesnt crash out again after another futile 25 mins, just how useless it is using our current ship combo vs what they had. How dare you mince words and tell me I 'ordered' a player to change ships! That's ur job as RM, oh, sorry you were having an identity crisis and couldnt function properly. If you were so concerned about TT's feelings on the matter why didnt you stand up and say something about it then? Oh, sorry forgot, you cant reach the mic. You need to STFU.

At least I stuck around for more than one mission the last three days of the server. And at least I posted once or twice in the Alliance threads the last three days of the server. You need to STFU.

And heh, let's get thi RM crap out of the way..

I joined as ARM as I felt that I could handle player complaints, figured Brax would run the show
Unfortunately the hurricane(s?) hit and Brax had much bigger stuff to worry about
So it fell to me.
I tried -by my own admission- later than I should have to post some plans to deal with the
attack by bypassing it.
They were ignored by the alliance players, said OK, try again the next night, they were ignored also
While the ideas may have been crap, some feedback would have been nice
When I was online those two nights, Dizzy & DH were directing things, people directed theier
questions at them,and they were told where to attack.
** Dizzy & Dh are much better at the planning stuff than I am**, so I'm not saying we should have stuck with
the plan I came up with.

However- if the Alliance players are not going to listen to anything I say, if I have no support
from two of the core Alliance players, and if the Alliance players are going to continuosly ask
Dh & Dizzy where to go and what to attack- I'm not really the RM am I?

Please don't take this as a criticism of their decision to do this, you both directed and fought the war
much better than I could have.
But when what I post is ignored, and you two take over, I honestly don't feel I have any responsibility
to act as RM.
Respect goes both ways.

As Chuut pointed out, my persona here is, and has always been ,a joke , people decided they didn't want to
follow me, their choice and I'm fine with that.
The Alliance made it 100% clear they didn't want me as RM, and it was probably a good choice.
but don't come after me now saying I owed them something
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #27 on: November 01, 2005, 08:13:21 am »
I tried -by my own admission- later than I should have to post some plans to deal with the
attack by bypassing it.
They were ignored by the alliance players, said OK, try again the next night, they were ignored also
While the ideas may have been crap, some feedback would have been nice
When I was online those two nights, Dizzy & DH were directing things, people directed theier
questions at them,and they were told where to attack.
** Dizzy & Dh are much better at the planning stuff than I am**, so I'm not saying we should have stuck with
the plan I came up with.

So not only are you short, but you have an inferriority complex too?  ::) You probably dont remember that DH and I were hunting players. And with the likes of others pvpers those nights, we were going for pvp points, just as important as hexes, imo. A good RM will recognize the two kinds of players he has, hex flippers and pvpers and direct accordingly. I will grudgingly do hex flip work when needed, but I dont like it. Keep this in mind next time you find yourself in a leadership position, you need to cater to two groups of players, not one.

However- if the Alliance players are not going to listen to anything I say, if I have no support
from two of the core Alliance players, and if the Alliance players are going to continuosly ask
Dh & Dizzy where to go and what to attack- I'm not really the RM am I?

Gee, I never heard you stand up to me and DH for yourself... But you sure can stand up for TT.  ::)

Please don't take this as a criticism of their decision to do this, you both directed and fought the war
much better than I could have.

Oh please, spare me your twisted thoughts. As example, Duck asked me what to do and what the orders were when he flipped as geese and I explained to him I wasnt running the show and currently we didnt have orders and that I wasnt gonna take the role, it was yours and that I hadnt seen you since you decided to defect. I suggested someone else do it...

But when what I post is ignored, and you two take over, I honestly don't feel I have any responsibility
to act as RM.
Respect goes both ways.

Go to the SFC2 alliance forums and show me where we 'took over'. You are so fos.

As Chuut pointed out, my persona here is, and has always been ,a joke

If it wasnt before, it is now.

The Alliance made it 100% clear they didn't want me as RM, and it was probably a good choice.
but don't come after me now saying I owed them something

No, I think YOU made that 100% clear around Fri or Sat night on week 3 when we didnt have any orders, no one to tell us where to go or what to do and we were left floundering like a rudderless boat in an angry sea. Tough sailors do not a smooth sea make. You want to be RM, get in where the storm is. Leadership isnt for the timid. You have made it 100% clear you arnt interested in the role. Not us.

And yes, you owed us at the least the respect to tell us you were quitting as RM instead of being half assed about it and letting us wonder wtf you and we were doing. I think you still owe us something, although you probably wont figure it out even if u had a map.

Offline Hexx

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #28 on: November 01, 2005, 08:29:16 am »
QAhh so again- even though the ops and stuff I had posted a week or two before
went ignored and unresponded to, and that people were asking you and HD where to attack I should have just spent my limited time writing up ops that no one was going to use or reply to?
Even simply to tell me they sucked?

As I said- the Alliance pilots chose twice not to follow what I had posted, they did choose to follow your's an DH's instructions on what to attack and what hexes they should run down.

And it was probably a much better idea for them to do so

But if the player base chooses not to try what I ask, and to follow someone else's lead they've chosen not to follow me . _if they've chosen not to follow me I personally don't feel I have any responsibility to keep posting Ops.
Maybe I'm just a bad person

And of course i didn't stand up to you and DH, why would I want to?
You can both do a better job of planning and executing a strategy than I can,and the
Alliance players tend to follow you both. I would have had to pots some long whining diatrabe in the forums complaining that I'm the RM so everyone has to listen to me for a job that I didn't really wnat, and one that the both f you were far more qualified for.

I've told DH , and I think I've told you- you two are for all intents and purposes the
Alliance RM's-whether you want to be or not.
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #29 on: November 01, 2005, 08:32:21 am »


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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #30 on: November 01, 2005, 08:35:14 am »

2. Messages should always maintain a respectful, civil tone towards one another. Name-calling,
personal attacks, baiting of others, and abuse is not allowed.

Knock it off with the insults guys. Official warning.

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #31 on: November 01, 2005, 09:38:56 am »


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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #32 on: November 01, 2005, 10:23:12 am »
Umm, why do this need to get so nasty?  No need to get into the name-calling, me thinks.  In addition, why is internal Alliance affairs being discussed in a public forum?  That's a major faux pas.

As for RM and ARMs in SFC2. I would say that this game has been plagued by ineffective leaders more than the SFC3 dynas I played in DomWars. Pretty much a good RM has to be able to stay on top on things. Basically, if they are not playing 2 hours a night, 6 out of 7 nights a week, then they are not doing their jobs.  In addition, if the RM/ARM is not polling the forums on a daily basis then that's a dismissal offence because they are supposed to be leading with ops. and snuffing out flame wars.  In the end, players quickly find out who are the effecitive leaders and listen to them. No amount of grand-standing will change those facts.  Difference in this game is that not too many Admins. are holding their RMs to meeting the minimum standards, as detailed above. This is a sad situation because the players are not getting the leadership they deserve and the side that is plagued with ineffective leadership gets a double whammy with "too many" ad-hoc chiefs taking matter into their own hands. Then the CnC structure is for all intents and purposes destroyed.

Dynas campaigns are all about teamwork. For that you need leaders with dedication (ie. play a lot, monitor forums a lot), setup a viable CnC structures (ie. players always knows who is the boss anytime they are logged on AND they actually respect that leader's ability), and finally are discreet (ie. not private forums stuff in the public domain so people don't get OTT hostile and wreck team cohesion). 

That's what it takes to win a dyna.  There's no getting around it.  Sorry. :-\
« Last Edit: November 01, 2005, 01:38:23 pm by el-Karnak »

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #33 on: November 01, 2005, 12:37:57 pm »
In the end it is simply a game, and not worth beating each other up over on the forums, if something didn't work think about why it didn't, discuss it civillaly, work together to solve the problem and move on.

Now lets try to support each other instead of this nonsense.


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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #34 on: November 01, 2005, 01:33:33 pm »
In the end it is simply a game, and not worth beating each other up over on the forums, if something didn't work think about why it didn't, discuss it civillaly, work together to solve the problem and move on.

Now lets try to support each other instead of this nonsense.

What he said a thousand million times too. It's about having fun. Good Admins and good RMs will always make sure you are having fun, too.

People should not be name-calling each other over a game.  Better not to play then. Instead of getting into such venal banter, U could go play your favorite DVD on your PC, or do something with your family. U can walk your dog, and watch him drag you all over the neighborhood chasing cats and squirrels and hope he does not dis-locate your shoulder. ;D

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #35 on: November 01, 2005, 10:50:30 pm »
Sorry Dizzy, but your careless disrespect toward someone who is monitoring this set of postings, is rude, unnecessary, and in poor taste.  I did not give you or Hexx any minus, but at least respect those around you please.  This goes for Hexx as well, and any others who show disrespect.

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #36 on: November 02, 2005, 01:44:14 am »

Offline FPF-Paladin

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #37 on: November 02, 2005, 07:31:13 am »
Let me get this straight...

Dizzy, Hexx, Karnak, TT and DH were all on the Alliance side at the same time...


*prepares for hara-kiri*
~Life cannot find reasons to sustain it, cannot be a source of decent mutual regard, unless each of us resolves to breathe such qualities into it. ~


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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #38 on: November 02, 2005, 08:19:18 am »
Let me get this straight...

Dizzy, Hexx, Karnak, TT and DH were all on the Alliance side at the same time...


*prepares for hara-kiri*

Actually, I was on the Coalition side.  ;D

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #39 on: November 02, 2005, 09:50:50 am »
i think EVERYONE needs to stfu and settle down -.-...........and you people wonder why people leave....GET TO IN PRIVATE NOT IN PUBLIC!!!!!!!!!!!! omg im tired of seeing all the complaining....some one always needs something to complain about, how about everyone stops complaining for a month about meaningless BS like hexx n diz are it might actually HELP -.-