"SGo5 was a fun server, but what wa the point of killing a CCy or CCZ?
or a BCHT?
5 minutes later (sometime as soon as the player got out of mission) the side would be
at the maxmimum amount of Heavy metal again."
Perhaps it had something to do with fun?
Fun isn't what I was hearing from newer pilots getting killed by an unlimited supply of enemy BCH's..
Fun isn't what some of the newer players posted about getting killed by enemy HM time & time again.
Fun isn't the word used on the last couple of servers I've flwon on when hear on voice coms one side complaining
about the other guys fielding "unbeatable combos" and "cheesy ships" .
Seems many players on both sides want to be able to fly whatver they want , but limit the other sides OOB
Again tis one server, and a simple idea
If everyone wants to keep using essentially unlimited heavy metal and mowing through the new players everyone claims we're trying
to keep around knock yourselves out.
It's much less work to simlply fly on one than try and set one up.