Topic: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..  (Read 8567 times)

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Offline Hexx

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Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« on: October 31, 2005, 01:59:54 pm »
OK need SFBophiles.
(Wanderer  where are you?)

Feds had 3xCVA , one had Dizzy piloting it over Remus and well...
I'm assuming the other 2 were on the Klink Front
Klingons had (according to the text descriptions) at least 5 (!!!!) C8Vk's

Now since I'm not stupid we'll call it 2 as well
So far so good..

Kzin add a SCS (which can't be properly done, call it a CVA)
Lyrans add a SCS (maybe- can't be done anyway and I'd get killed adding a Lyran CVA)
So alliance has slight advantage in the big carriers.

But How many fricking DN's would hte Feds have had on the Klink border?
I'm thinking 3, (and giving the Klinks 2) but I have no idea how many should be there..

This would (btw) have the Heavy Metal at..

2 X Fed CVA
2 x Fed DNH
1 x Fed DNG
1 x Kzin SCS (CVA)

2 x C8VK
1 x C10K
1 x C8K/C9 (whichvever is better)
1 x Lyran DNH(t)

Lighter Metal would likely be along the lines of


2 X C7
1 X C7V
1 X BCH(t)
1 X C7V (currently being built, completed during second half of server)

Likely both sides would have 1 CX/DX ships

Lighter Units

1x PFT
1x CVP

1 x CVP

1x CAD

1x FD7K

« Last Edit: October 31, 2005, 02:46:12 pm by Hexx »
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2005, 02:49:57 pm »
All DNG would be upgraded to DNH

All C8/C9 ships would be updraded to C10K

The Napoleon and Zhukov were the 2 CVAs on the Klingon front.   The Napoleon was wrecked fighting the one C8VK that the Klingons built and missed the end of the war.   The Zhokov had a legendary Captain and survived the war in tact.

Oh I give up, this is already too complicated to try to make heads or tails of it.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Hexx

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2005, 03:02:57 pm »
Don't think it's entirely complicated

Feds lose a CAD in PVP it gets R d out on the list
Klinks lose 2xC7's in PVP they get Rd out on the list

All it really means is that one side can't (for example)

have 2xDN on the board
Lose one attacking a  hex
Have another run out of 5,5

Have 2 mor players buy DN's
have another run out of 5,5
have another run out of 5,5

Lose another
have a 5th or 6th player sign in and run a DN

SGo5 was a fun server, but what wa the point of killing a CCy or CCZ?
or a BCHT?
5 minutes later (sometime as soon as the player got out of mission) the side would be
at the maxmimum amount of Heavy metal again.
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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2005, 03:36:05 pm »
SGo5 was a fun server, but what wa the point of killing a CCy or CCZ?
or a BCHT?
5 minutes later (sometime as soon as the player got out of mission) the side would be
at the maxmimum amount of Heavy metal again.

What's wrong with that?  If there is too much Heavy metal on the dyna then reduce the max. BP allowed on.  If you go through the OOB for all the SFB races you will find that the heavy metal (ie. BCH and up ships) and special ships have a roughly 1 to 5 ratio when compared to regular vanilla line ships. So, the admin. should endavour to have the heavy metal BP limit to be configured in such a way that only 20% of the players regularly logged on have the BPs to buy their ACDC or cheesy special ships.

Take SG5 for example:  I would have had the max. BP set at 11 max. That way if one player takes the BB then all the other players have to dump their heavy metal ships.  With 11 BP you can get about 2 BCHs and a bunch of Frog CAs. Or, only one DN, one BCH and one Frog CA.  Anyway, you slice it you have only about 3 heavy metal players per side. Sometimes one, if you have a player hogging the BB.

Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2005, 03:39:45 pm »
"SGo5 was a fun server, but what wa the point of killing a CCy or CCZ?
or a BCHT?
5 minutes later (sometime as soon as the player got out of mission) the side would be
at the maxmimum amount of Heavy metal again."

Perhaps it had something to do with fun?
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Offline Hexx

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2005, 03:54:47 pm »
"SGo5 was a fun server, but what wa the point of killing a CCy or CCZ?
or a BCHT?
5 minutes later (sometime as soon as the player got out of mission) the side would be
at the maxmimum amount of Heavy metal again."

Perhaps it had something to do with fun?

Fun isn't what I was hearing from newer pilots getting killed by an unlimited supply of enemy BCH's..
Fun isn't what some of the newer players posted about getting killed by enemy HM time & time again.
Fun isn't the word  used on the last couple of servers I've flwon on when hear on voice coms one side complaining
about the other guys fielding "unbeatable combos" and "cheesy ships" .
Seems many players on both sides want to be able to fly whatver they want , but limit the other sides OOB

Again tis one server, and a simple idea

If everyone wants to keep using essentially unlimited heavy metal and mowing through the new players everyone claims we're trying
to keep around knock yourselves out.
It's much less work to simlply fly on one than try and set one up.
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2005, 04:06:30 pm »
Fun isn't having lesser pilots completly left out of the HM ships because of fear that they will hurt there side.

Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Hexx

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2005, 04:08:48 pm »
Fun isn't having lesser pilots completly left out of the HM ships because of fear that they will hurt there side.

Fun also isn't telling someone not to fly Lyran metal the last night of the server because they "won't be able to kill ISC"

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2005, 04:11:03 pm »
Fun isn't having lesser pilots completly left out of the HM ships because of fear that they will hurt there side.

Fun also isn't telling someone not to fly Lyran metal the last night of the server because they "won't be able to kill ISC"

But did it stop them from flying and having fun?  No.  There is a huge difference between suggesting people take a different fleet configuration that out-right telling people what they can fly.  The "points at a time" system keep things fun and reasonable.   Loosing a ship is punitive, but the loss it not critival to your side like it is in OOB servers.

You're being an ass. You're on your own in figuring out this mess.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2005, 04:18:04 pm »
Fun isn't having lesser pilots completly left out of the HM ships because of fear that they will hurt there side.

Yeah, this shouldn't happen.
That's part of the reason we lost os many...
Never is a pilot denied the oppritunity to fly a capitol ship at some point if they want.
I only ask that eveyone share the ships...
In other words, if you've been on for a couple hrs with a Capitol ship, and someone else is logging on and wants to fly one, trade down, log in with a different account or something. Take turns. This lets all pilots enjoy flying the Big Guns for a while.  ;)
As it should be... ;D
Lord Krueg
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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2005, 04:19:32 pm »
Fun is killing an enemy's dread and having a tangible reward for doing so.

Taking a piece off the board is tangible. Earning "attrition points" is not.

Taking down a DN should be a major accomplishment for your side.

Offline Hexx

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2005, 04:28:41 pm »
Fun isn't having lesser pilots completly left out of the HM ships because of fear that they will hurt there side.

Fun also isn't telling someone not to fly Lyran metal the last night of the server because they "won't be able to kill ISC"

But did it stop them from flying and having fun?  No.  There is a huge difference between suggesting people take a different fleet configuration that out-right telling people what they can fly.  The "points at a time" system keep things fun and reasonable.   Loosing a ship is punitive, but the loss it not critival to your side like it is in OOB servers.

You're being an ass. You're on your own in figuring out this mess.

 I agree- the points at a time system is fun, and it does work ,_-- it is NOT by any means punitive.
Again- I'm saying let's set this up for ONE server.
I wouldn't want to see it on every server

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Offline Hexx

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2005, 04:34:01 pm »
Fun is killing an enemy's dread and having a tangible reward for doing so.

Taking a piece off the board is tangible. Earning "attrition points" is not.

Taking down a DN should be a major accomplishment for your side.

Exactly (god, arguing with DH and agreeing with t00l, what's the D2 coming to..)

For this ONE server it will actually require some (small) amount of planning on where and
when to use DN's.
Not the "let's throw them at every planet we're fighting over"
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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2005, 09:40:43 pm »

Tool, you are right to a good extent, but how is "taking down a DN a major accomplishment for your side" if they can field another within minutes, and even if they lose a dozen, they can field another in minutes?

Hexx wants to try a (1) server where each side has very limited total Heavy Metal available period.  Nothing wrong with that.  He is not trying to change a whole D2 system.

DH, I also beleive that the pilot who was told not to bother flying Lyran heavy metal had every right to fly it as there was room for it on the board at the time.  I dont beleive that actual pilot did at any time(in my few days with you guys) hog any heavy or anything.  Did he have fun in his ship that he ended up flying?  Dont know for sure but most likely.  Would he have enjoyed even more being able to fly the Lyran HM that he wished to fly, I would bet his answer would have been yes.

What is the world coming to?  I support HEXX in 2 statement in the same post?  HELP   :huh:

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2005, 09:51:46 pm »
Fun is killing an enemy's dread and having a tangible reward for doing so.

Taking a piece off the board is tangible. Earning "attrition points" is not.

Taking down a DN should be a major accomplishment for your side.

I think you hit on a good point there

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #15 on: October 31, 2005, 09:56:50 pm »
Tool, you are right to a good extent, but how is "taking down a DN a major accomplishment for your side" if they can field another within minutes, and even if they lose a dozen, they can field another in minutes?

It's not. That was my point.

I am more partial to the old style build-point OOB. The last two servers have had the "X amount of metal on at a time" style which is fine, but I wouldn't mind seeing the old style for the next one.

Offline Hexx

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #16 on: October 31, 2005, 10:03:57 pm »

Tool, you are right to a good extent, but how is "taking down a DN a major accomplishment for your side" if they can field another within minutes, and even if they lose a dozen, they can field another in minutes?

Hexx wants to try a (1) server where each side has very limited total Heavy Metal available period.  Nothing wrong with that.  He is not trying to change a whole D2 system.

DH, I also beleive that the pilot who was told not to bother flying Lyran heavy metal had every right to fly it as there was room for it on the board at the time.  I dont beleive that actual pilot did at any time(in my few days with you guys) hog any heavy or anything.  Did he have fun in his ship that he ended up flying?  Dont know for sure but most likely.  Would he have enjoyed even more being able to fly the Lyran HM that he wished to fly, I would bet his answer would have been yes.

What is the world coming to?  I support HEXX in 2 statement in the same post?  HELP   :huh:

Ahh but I quoted DH out of context (and I was bitter I have to actually work and learn how to do something... bastard)
I have again manipulated and twisted another players words for my own evil uses.
I suppose I should apologize, but I've still got 168 karma for you to work through so..

And everyone supports me, just not everyone has come along far enough to admit it
You've grown a little today Dfly
I'm very proud of you  :P

(Hey I agreed with t00l earlier.. I'm still a littel queasy)
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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2005, 10:42:07 pm »
Dang it all now Hexx, if I have grown a little, then that puts you WAY shorter than me.  Means your head only comes to(edited for fear of incrimination) ;)

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #18 on: October 31, 2005, 11:03:24 pm »
Fun isn't having lesser pilots completly left out of the HM ships because of fear that they will hurt there side.

Fun also isn't telling someone not to fly Lyran metal the last night of the server because they "won't be able to kill ISC"

But did it stop them from flying and having fun?  No.  There is a huge difference between suggesting people take a different fleet configuration that out-right telling people what they can fly.  The "points at a time" system keep things fun and reasonable.   Loosing a ship is punitive, but the loss it not critival to your side like it is in OOB servers.

You're being an ass. You're on your own in figuring out this mess.

Not even if he had a map.

Ahh but I quoted DH out of context (and I was bitter I have to actually work and learn how to do something... bastard)
I have again manipulated and twisted another players words for my own evil uses.
I suppose I should apologize...

Yeah, but you didnt apologize. And yes you twist... At least I can paint it black and white. So how bout this: I told TT to sell his L-DNH cuz it wouldnt kill the ISC fleet we were gonna hunt with duck and me and he should instead get a F-DNH. He wanted to go Lyran and explained if we needed DF, I could fly the FDN and he'd be happy with a support ship instead. TT is all about TEAM, Hexx, but what do you know about TEAM? How bout this:

I can understand the need for the WG. 

But is there any way to make sure the side's are more even before the server starts?

No.   Polls don't work, are never acurate, and people lie.   ;D

The only thing and admin you can do is make sure each side has a zealous RM to rally the troops and nag people to show up set the races on each alliance with a "best guess" as to what will be even. 

For the record, I don't like the idea of people switching sides but I've been on boths sides of a blowout and that sucks more.

<snips huge speech>

Well I guess that certainly put me in my place..  ;D

Yes I'll take teh blame for the Alliance getting whacked on SGO5, they needed a more inspirational RM after Brax had the hurricane (or was it two).
Actually any leader like figure would have been handy..

But I have to agree, getting a solid RM who knows the players on his (or her) side is far more important than setting up some geese rules.

You shouldnt even have a place. And you have no idea of the concept TEAM. And I was SHOCKED when you decided to switch to the enemy side at the end! If you know anything about TEAM, its all about the knife in the back. When it comes time for selecting another RM, I hope they use at least a yardstick for height requirements.

but I've still got 168 karma for you to work through so...

Make that 167. I doubt anyone in this community would disagree with me on this one. Grrrr. Wait till you REALLY have to do your own server yourself without getting someone (DH) to do it for you. Then talk smack, midget boy. Till then STFU and stick to your stupid polls.

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Re: Stupid SFB dumb background grrr..
« Reply #19 on: November 01, 2005, 05:17:41 am »
Hexx switched sides at the end when he was supposed to be back-up to Braxton?
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