I can understand the need for the WG.
But is there any way to make sure the side's are more even before the server starts?
No. Polls don't work, are never accurate, and people lie. 
The only thing and admin you can do is make sure each side has a zealous RM to rally the troops and nag people to show up set the races on each alliance with a "best guess" as to what will be even.
For the record, I don't like the idea of people switching sides but I've been on boths sides of a blowout and that sucks more.
DieHard is right...the Leader is the key.
As an example...SGO5...
The Alliance, right up to the end, had more pilots signed up than the Coalition, but couldn't stop the Coalition steady push into their space.
RMs should first of all be prepared to BE THERE. Signing on as an RM and then making only a brief appearance on a server doesn't exactly inspire pilots. I know stuff happens that may prevent an RM from fullfilling their obligations, but, then the ARM should be prepared to fill the shoes of leadership.
And before anyone starts flaming, I mean no disrespect to ANY RM on any server...ever.
But, if you volunteer for the RM slot, you need to BE IN CHARGE.
Taking the RM slot so you can get first choice of assigned ships is about the worst reason to be RM.
RMs need to compliment pilots who perform great deeds, such as killing a superior ship, earning massive amounts of Prestige or other notable contributions to the campaign.
RMs should not belittle players who don't do so well. Work with lesser skilled pilots to help them improve, make sure they have wings, maybe even help them personally with battle tactics (you'd be surprised how well that works alone

Historically, any great battle that is won is credited to the Commander, not the grunts who fought and died in battle.
But, then the Commanders usually reward those that performed well with promotions and such.
If there was a way, I would do the same during campaigns.
But, I have to suffice with threads praising their efforts and verbal rewards, possibly giving notable pilots first choice of assigned ships and the like.
You be surprised how simple things like that will make players WANT to play...maybe play more than they normally do, contribute more because they feel like they are appreciated, and Enjoy the game a little more, maybe even try and convince friends to play...

And above all, the RM needs to be quick to deal with ANY player issues, wether it be with friend or foe, firmly, but fairly.
Be willing to compromise and haggle, not be unyielding and uncaring about player issues. Even if it IS something trivial.
If they know you'll be there for THEM, they'll be there for YOU...for the TEAM.
Being an RM isn't always easy, and not always fun...
Constantly updating posts, dealing with problems, etc. isn't always preferable to flying and fighting, but, it is an essential part of the RM's duty.
Doing those things will inspire pilots, make them WANT to be a part of your TEAM and work harder to gain victory.

And, in the long run, makes being RM a little more rewarding.
RMs who can do these things will win support and respect from the pilots who fly with them...and those pilots will return again and again for many campaigns.

Yes, it is just a game...some take it more seriously than others...some just don't care one way or the other.
But, the Leader is the key to getting players to stick out a campaign. Motivation and inspiration come form the one in charge, in ANY instance, from gaming or RL.
Our community is no different.