I cannot seem to get any postings on the SFC2.net forums to work...

Great Job Warriors!
The Coalition has emerged Victorious!
For those who didn't see the final Score:
http://www.dynaverse.net/forum/index.php/topic,163361499.0.htmlBig thanks to the guys not normally with the Coalition...
762, BearSlayer, Karnak, Deadman6 (and anyone else I may have missed)...Great job! It was an Honor to fly with you, hope to see you guys again soon on our wing!
Thanks to all the RMs and ARMs who helped keep the focus and the Coalition machine running smoothly.
Special thanks to Dib, who again was my right hand when I was offline and handled player issues with class and fairness to all involved.

Soth, Kaz...damn...you guys earned more PP than 3-4 players combined.

Glad you guys are on our side!
To the "Geese" Sorry you guys missed the last 3 days with us, but you fought with Honor on both sides and it was great to fly with and against you.
And tremendous thanks to ALL who flew on the side of the Coalition! Even if it was for a few missions. Every little bit helped!
Again I apologize to all the players for my misinterpretation of the PvP scoring rules (couldn't be Dizzy's complicated wording of them

Everyone keep an eye on the Dnet forums for news of the next great server.
I hope to see all of you there on the next one, no matter which side you're on!
batlh Daqawlu' taH!