Topic: How is your city doing economically?  (Read 832 times)

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Offline Jack Morris

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How is your city doing economically?
« on: October 31, 2005, 07:38:38 am »
Front page of Austin American Statesman had Austin's stats yesterday.

$854 - region's average weekly wage for the FIRST QTR, the highest for the period sionce $858 in 2001.

19% increase in single family homes through Sept., compared with 2004

41,600 new jobs forecasted through 2006

93% occupancy rate for apts, a 3 yr high (Go AWAY, PLEASE!).  ;D

131.7 million, price paid for the 300 W. 6th St. office bldg., a TX record.

58% increase in sales of homes costing 1 million and up. Flucking rich people.  :P