Who says what ships are what points? Are we encouraging to fly the latest tech? I'll admit, the DNL I flew during the cheese years was ill advised, but I found it to be competitive enough. However, some ships, DN wise, are better than others. And who is gonna make an arbitrary ruling on whats worth what? Otherwise, I'll be forced to wait for the biggest badest DN out. I dont like that.
Also, disengagement points are very bad. Would lead to an elitist group that always fleets to win and excludes newbs. Bad. I love taking newbs into battle. Its an awesome oportunity to really ddisplay your skills as a leader and vet having a liability in battle. You have to make sure you both dont die. Very exhilirating. But the minute you slap disengagement points on a ship is the minute I'm not flying with a newb.
And if you suggest newbs dont fly with those DN packs, then where are they gonna get competitive pvp action? We mise well tell them to stick to flipping hexes.
I think disengagement penalties suck. I agree with DH, that having them would see matches get dirty and nasty, but at the expense of seeing only a handful of captains enjoy it and thats why its lame.