Topic: New Server Rules Ideas  (Read 9060 times)

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Offline Hexx

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Re: New Server Rules Ideas
« Reply #20 on: October 31, 2005, 01:30:28 pm »
Sockfoot was somebody who wrote a long D2 term paper which basically said PvP should be avoided at all costs, because running quick missions against the AI was the only way to win a server.

It was written way back in Articfire days but unfortunately it's still true.

Actually Sockfoot was one of the most skilled and honorable pilots ever to play the game.  He advocated not fighting a battle on the enemies terms but rather adopting strategy that best suited the goal of your side.  He actually believed in the concept of strategy rather than getting into the most uber PvP ship you could find and refusing to get out of it, preferring not to think but just sitting on a front line hexx with your best wing combination and waiting for someone to draft you.

He wasn't just a hex flipper like some would like to portray him as, although he could hex flip if it was called for, he was also skilled in PvP and one of the best ever at strategy and having more impact from his missions than could ever be achieved by mindless hex flipping.  So I call a sockfoot server one that makes it possible to use your brain to explore numerous strqategic options not limited by inordinate numbers of server rules restrictions (aimed at Nerfing those who know how to use such tactics) that are imposed because someone doesn't want to have to use their brain to counter their opposition and would rather sit on one hex in their awesome PvP boat to do so.

Now there are some good rules and many of these are necessary, but they should be made to achieve balance and to allow for all levels of strategy.

I'm trying to find a balance that doesn't give the server to the side with the best mission times, but also limits the number of the "PVP Boats" over the server
by having those knocked out be unreplacable. I've seen both over the past few servers and am not particularly fond of either.
(Unless it's me in the uber PVP bateau)
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: New Server Rules Ideas
« Reply #21 on: October 31, 2005, 01:32:14 pm »
Civil war servers should work well,  yopu can alolow lots of freedoms since the shiplists will be the same for all.

Offline Hexx

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Re: New Server Rules Ideas
« Reply #22 on: October 31, 2005, 01:37:33 pm »
Civil war servers should work well,  yopu can alolow lots of freedoms since the shiplists will be the same for all.

Speaking of those..
Did you know the Kzin had their own late-era Civil War?

Now we have yet another one to work on...   :P
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: New Server Rules Ideas
« Reply #23 on: October 31, 2005, 01:38:08 pm »

It worked though? I can see people taking a 5pt loss than risking a 20 pt loss,

Yes, it worked.   People did there damndest to not get chased off.  This also made and hour long battle that ends in disengamnet worht something.

I bagged over 10 DNs and lost 2 that server.   When was the last time we had that level of attrtion?

Make DN/BCH ships worth something if run off and you will see PvP get dirty again.
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: New Server Rules Ideas
« Reply #24 on: October 31, 2005, 01:38:38 pm »
Civil war servers should work well,  yopu can alolow lots of freedoms since the shiplists will be the same for all.

Speaking of those..
Did you know the Kzin had their own late-era Civil War?

Now we have yet another one to work on...   :P

Actually the Kzin had tons of early and extra early Civil wars, that would be a real fun server!

Offline Hexx

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Re: New Server Rules Ideas
« Reply #25 on: October 31, 2005, 02:01:37 pm »
Civil war servers should work well,  yopu can alolow lots of freedoms since the shiplists will be the same for all.

Speaking of those..
Did you know the Kzin had their own late-era Civil War?

Now we have yet another one to work on...   :P

Actually the Kzin had tons of early and extra early Civil wars, that would be a real fun server!

LOL I can barely kill something with spd 32 dronez, I don't want to think about spd 16...
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: New Server Rules Ideas
« Reply #26 on: October 31, 2005, 02:04:53 pm »

LOL I can barely kill something with spd 32 dronez, I don't want to think about spd 16...

Just think about how much easier they appear to be to avoid  ;)

I think we need to have a Kzin Civil war where the phaser 3 knife fights get really down and dirty, not one where people are killing each other with fast drones from range 30.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: New Server Rules Ideas
« Reply #27 on: October 31, 2005, 02:19:47 pm »

It worked though? I can see people taking a 5pt loss than risking a 20 pt loss,

Yes, it worked.   People did there damndest to not get chased off.  This also made and hour long battle that ends in disengamnet worht something.

I bagged over 10 DNs and lost 2 that server.   When was the last time we had that level of attrtion?

Make DN/BCH ships worth something if run off and you will see PvP get dirty again.

I agree pretty much with what Die Hard said, although perhaps the DNs could be scaled by BPV (adjusted if necessary for fighters and pfs)  so that for example  a DNL forcing a DNH to disengage might be worth slightly more than the DNH forcing the DNL to disengage.


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Re: New Server Rules Ideas
« Reply #28 on: October 31, 2005, 02:25:10 pm »
Too complicated. You don't need a rule to balance this when the shiplist already does it. People shouldn't even be flying DNL's when DNH's are out.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: New Server Rules Ideas
« Reply #29 on: October 31, 2005, 02:37:51 pm »
Too complicated. You don't need a rule to balance this when the shiplist already does it. People shouldn't even be flying DNL's when DNH's are out.

Well that was just an example, fact is some DNs are not even close to being balanced and perhaps we should consider some minor adjustments for that, just something to consider.

As for it being too complicated, it could be simplified by assigning a standard disengage VC award based on the ship before the server.  For example a F-DNG is worth 5 pts a Fed DNH is worth 7.  Make it a little more costly if you are forced out flying the biggest baddest boat. 


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Re: New Server Rules Ideas
« Reply #30 on: October 31, 2005, 03:30:38 pm »
Civil war servers should work well,  yopu can alolow lots of freedoms since the shiplists will be the same for all.

Speaking of those..
Did you know the Kzin had their own late-era Civil War?

Now we have yet another one to work on...   :P

Actually the Kzin had tons of early and extra early Civil wars, that would be a real fun server!

But, where's the part about the ISC coming in with their CAs and CCs thingies and BBQing, err....I mean, Pacifying everybody?  ;D


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Re: New Server Rules Ideas
« Reply #31 on: October 31, 2005, 04:15:00 pm »
Too complicated. You don't need a rule to balance this when the shiplist already does it. People shouldn't even be flying DNL's when DNH's are out.

Well that was just an example, fact is some DNs are not even close to being balanced and perhaps we should consider some minor adjustments for that, just something to consider.

As for it being too complicated, it could be simplified by assigning a standard disengage VC award based on the ship before the server.  For example a F-DNG is worth 5 pts a Fed DNH is worth 7.  Make it a little more costly if you are forced out flying the biggest baddest boat. 

No one in his right mind will fly a DNG over a DNH. You can assign a 2 point VC difference or a 200 point difference. It won't matter.

Don't make rules more complicated just for the sake of doing so. There has to be a gameplay benefit for it to be worth it.

Offline Hexx

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Re: New Server Rules Ideas
« Reply #32 on: October 31, 2005, 04:31:18 pm »
That is likely my fault, I had spread the DN's I suggested out with some having
the heavy upgrade and some not.
Probably far easier (and more fair) to have them all have the upgrades rather than worry about
wha's tougher than what.
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Offline Dfly

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Re: New Server Rules Ideas
« Reply #33 on: October 31, 2005, 09:25:44 pm »
Just a thought.  How about having say only 2 or 3 size DNs in total?  Say a DNL, a DNH, and a BB?  Skip all the other stuff and make it a little more simple.  Have all the races that would be in it having such said ships have equality(as close as can be achieved).  If it makes things down to  2 DNs per race, or 4, so be it.

This would be in conjunction with the emphasis on having a (as used for example somewhere above) 5 DV shift for running and a 20 DV shift for dying.


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Re: New Server Rules Ideas
« Reply #34 on: October 31, 2005, 10:08:03 pm »
There's nothing wrong with having multiple classes of DN's. It's all part of ebb & flow.

Some DN's will not be flown after a while. Nothing wrong with that.

Some races have better DN's than other races. Nothing wrong with that either, as long as the best DN available to each side are more or less balanced.

By "balanced" I mean a fleet with side A's best DN is not grossly outgunned by a fleet with side B's best DN.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: New Server Rules Ideas
« Reply #35 on: November 01, 2005, 03:50:54 am »
Too complicated. You don't need a rule to balance this when the shiplist already does it. People shouldn't even be flying DNL's when DNH's are out.

Well that was just an example, fact is some DNs are not even close to being balanced and perhaps we should consider some minor adjustments for that, just something to consider.

As for it being too complicated, it could be simplified by assigning a standard disengage VC award based on the ship before the server.  For example a F-DNG is worth 5 pts a Fed DNH is worth 7.  Make it a little more costly if you are forced out flying the biggest baddest boat. 

No one in his right mind will fly a DNG over a DNH. You can assign a 2 point VC difference or a 200 point difference. It won't matter.

Don't make rules more complicated just for the sake of doing so. There has to be a gameplay benefit for it to be worth it.

The DNH might not always be available, and there are differences in release dates.

It is no more complicated, its exactly the same, each ship has a set value.

Gameplay benefit = the grewater reward for the greater task. Its a whole lot easier chasing a DNL off the map than a DNH, and the rewards should be proportional. 

That being said it won't make or break a server, but it might make it better.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: New Server Rules Ideas
« Reply #36 on: November 01, 2005, 03:53:19 am »
Just a thought.  How about having say only 2 or 3 size DNs in total?  Say a DNL, a DNH, and a BB?  Skip all the other stuff and make it a little more simple.  Have all the races that would be in it having such said ships have equality(as close as can be achieved).  If it makes things down to  2 DNs per race, or 4, so be it.

This would be in conjunction with the emphasis on having a (as used for example somewhere above) 5 DV shift for running and a 20 DV shift for dying.

Nice thought Dfly, but some players have ships they really like that may get excluded by such a system.  Remeber we have DN carriers, Dns with Pfs, etc.

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Re: New Server Rules Ideas
« Reply #37 on: November 01, 2005, 04:57:49 am »
i know this is a little late, but i really agree with chuut on this one...having dn's and bb's worth something if you chase them off......and any time an isc bbz is involved have it give 20 reguardless as long as its in a fleet since the things jsut too damned over gunned even alone...:P might make isc players think twice before hopping into a bb when theres only an enemy dn on....risky.........LOL


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Re: New Server Rules Ideas
« Reply #38 on: November 01, 2005, 08:53:36 am »
Like I said Chuut, DNL won't be flown when DNH is out.  The shiplist already accomplishes what your rule is trying to.

And rating DN's like that is highly subjective - and likely to cause strife - for no real benefit IMHO.

Offline Dizzy

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Re: New Server Rules Ideas
« Reply #39 on: November 01, 2005, 09:41:14 am »
Like I said Chuut, DNL won't be flown when DNH is out.  The shiplist already accomplishes what your rule is trying to.

And rating DN's like that is highly subjective - and likely to cause strife - for no real benefit IMHO.

Wrong, I flew a DNL around 2285 for quite a few many PvP engagements. It's like a BCH on steroids... with a sucky turn radius...