This is what I remember from previous editions of this project:
Yes, it is possible to tell a carrier what fighter is to be carried on the carrier. For example, I could tell a F-CVA to carry 2 squads of 4 F-14s, and 2 squads of 2 A-10s. Of course, the AI would also get these fighters, so perhaps a BPV bump might be in order.
However, there is no methodology to restrict the selection of fighters in the spacedock. So, if F-14s are in the fighterlist, then it is possible to buy F-14s on any grade of ship (so that cheap F-DDV could carry them).
To "prevent" the buying of F-14s by the DDV, people contemplated making fighters super-expensive (so it costs 1,000,000 PP to get a F-14. However, that also affects the replacement cost, so a CVA that loses it's 8 F-14s needs to pay 8,000,000 PP to replace the squadrons...