Topic: Durka Durka wants to give YOUR child a credit card!  (Read 1186 times)

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Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Durka Durka wants to give YOUR child a credit card!
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2005, 04:53:13 pm »
Somehow, this does not reassure me that my children won't get sucked into the American culture of debt. In both July and August, the most recent figures available as this column went to press, the U.S. personal savings rate was negative, meaning consumers spent more than they earned. According to the Commerce Department, July was the lowest monthly savings rate on record. If 2005 continues on this track, it may be the worst year for personal savings since the Great Depression.

Actually that's an excellent article...AND it explains why the US is in the major debt it has now with the current government.  The people who don't know how to budget are getting more and more into power.  Wonder about the trade deficit?  Same thing applies...goes hand in hand with American culture.

It's actually good for the economy and businesses like me right now...but it could have drawbacks in the future possibly.
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Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

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Offline Just plain old Punisher

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Re: Durka Durka wants to give YOUR child a credit card!
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2005, 07:18:43 pm »
Why? Do you sell impulse buy items?

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Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Durka Durka wants to give YOUR child a credit card!
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2005, 01:09:54 am »
Let them go broke, it will make things easier for people like me to buy from them!  ;D

I TRY to save an avg of 50% of all incomes. My parent's estate I do not touch. Then there is the 3 months savings of ALL bills to be paid in case of loss of income. I've managed to make that into almost 2 YEARS worth! So screw the dumbarses that do NOT save. They will learn one day.  ;)

Offline FMMonty

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Re: Durka Durka wants to give YOUR child a credit card!
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2005, 11:58:59 am »
Let them go broke, it will make things easier for people like me to buy from them!  ;D

I TRY to save an avg of 50% of all incomes. My parent's estate I do not touch. Then there is the 3 months savings of ALL bills to be paid in case of loss of income. I've managed to make that into almost 2 YEARS worth! So screw the dumbarses that do NOT save. They will learn one day.  ;)

Nah, the government will just tax the hell out of your savings, and inflation will do the rest when the economy falls appart.

Buy gold, it's the only way to be safe  :rofl:
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Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Durka Durka wants to give YOUR child a credit card!
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2005, 02:00:54 pm »

Yup, gold is causing a merger or two, plus buyouts. I had this one pegged before market opened, but I stay away from Canadian stocks as they tax it, then our Feds tax it. So the gains are really not what they appear to be.