Every one got put on notice by the company I work for they said they are down sizeing, they allready let one go and cut hours of a few others. I did not get any hours cut this time but its only a matter of time before I do, as Im still a low man on the totum pole, and I cant do any stiping or waxing yet.
And with this anoucement I dought if they will be in any hurry to teach me now. Will probably put some one else in my store that can do all that, and either put me some where else and cut my hours or let me go,which I cant aford to have either happen. Or keep looking for other work, as I wasnt planning on quiting this job anytime soon
Espicaly sence I got to get the brakes fixed on my car, Or get another car.
Seem like every time things start looking up a bit I allways get knocked back down. Im getting to old too keep looking for work.