Topic: Question about in game collisions  (Read 9512 times)

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Question about in game collisions
« on: October 26, 2005, 08:28:31 am »
Hiya folks, I'm hoping someone here can answer this question for me. I know in SFC, EAW/OP and III you can collide with planets and asteroids.....

Q : Is there a way to set up the game that you can collide with bases and other ships as well ?

Thanks in advance for any help.

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: Question about in game collisions
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2005, 04:25:25 am »
I'm not exactly sure what or where it is, but the thing that made the borg cube no longer give damage while colliding with the ships may be the answer.
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Re: Question about in game collisions
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2005, 07:47:48 am »
Hiya folks, I'm hoping someone here can answer this question for me. I know in SFC, EAW/OP and III you can collide with planets and asteroids.....

Q : Is there a way to set up the game that you can collide with bases and other ships as well ?

Thanks in advance for any help.

I know that you can accidentally collide with the Unity Starbase in III. Didn't really do me any good.....

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Re: Question about in game collisions
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2005, 09:16:59 am »
Hiya folks, I'm hoping someone here can answer this question for me. I know in SFC, EAW/OP and III you can collide with planets and asteroids.....

Q : Is there a way to set up the game that you can collide with bases and other ships as well ?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Hi ModelsPlease their is ways to achieve this, however most base stations has the collision factor engaged, but all  asteroids , moons and planets has the collision factor always engaged (hardcoded). I am afraid that you will be disapointed. You canīt mod ships to be both collisionable and selectable from shipyard, well, not from the patch versions. However, you can create mission scripts were you can play or face ships that is collision enabled, or you can edit single- or multiplayers campaign shiploadout so you can start playing with collision enabled ship.

When Taldren released the patch version 1.01 build version 500 and above, they removed the Borg race collision function on their BBīs. However, I think it was only the Borgīs BBīs that had the collision fucntion activated. The thing is, I am unsure if the Romulan, Klingon and or Federation race has the collision function activated on their bbs (Battleships) in the pre-patch version (unpatched). I am not sure since they didnīt release any BBs to these races. I will take a look into this soon enough after I sent this reply.

So if you want to play with ships that has the collision factor enabled in one of the patch versions:

1. Make sure you start with a ship that has the collision factor enabled, that is referred as a BS-class  or higher in the DefaultCore.txt file. The Classes is: SH,PF,F,FF,DD,DW,CL,CA,NCA,BCH,CV,DN,BB,LP,BS,BT,SB,BIO,PLANET,SPECIAL

2. Create or edit your own missions so you can play with a specific ship that has collision factor enabled or face ships with collision factor enabled for that matter too.

I have explored the possibilities myself, so I know you canīt buy and play ships that has the collision factor enabled, except for the pre-patch version. I will reply soon again and see if the pre-patch version allows Klinks, Rommys and Feds BB classes have the collision factor enabled as well. But if thats not true, then only the selectable and collision enabled ships will be the BBs for the Borg race in the pre-patch version.

Since I am creating a mod myself, I had to find out this possibility myself sooner or later.


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Re: Question about in game collisions
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2005, 12:00:40 am »
Thanks all, specifically I want SFC II/OP as that is what I play. BUt if it is possible to have all ships allowed to collide with everything in game, then the Dominion ships could really reek havoc  ;D. Please let us know what ya find out.

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: Question about in game collisions
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2006, 04:44:06 pm »
I don't know about  II/OP but with sfc3 you can make a minor edit in the DefaultCore.txt file in the  Attributes column.. just a quick change from...  ship  to  ship:Planet.  But I am unfamiliar with sfc2's files.  Easy for SFC3. (the one small draw back is if you do designate a ship to the ship:Planet, if you do not edit your InnerCorona texture and your InnerInnerCorona texture, then your ship will show a corona at it's start location... even if the ship moves!!! I have gotten rid of those 2 files due to my multiple planets models that I use!) 

Offline Stealth

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Re: Question about in game collisions
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2006, 07:10:28 am »
I don't know about  II/OP but with sfc3 you can make a minor edit in the DefaultCore.txt file in the  Attributes column.. just a quick change from...  ship  to  ship:Planet.  But I am unfamiliar with sfc2's files.  Easy for SFC3. (the one small draw back is if you do designate a ship to the ship:Planet, if you do not edit your InnerCorona texture and your InnerInnerCorona texture, then your ship will show a corona at it's start location... even if the ship moves!!! I have gotten rid of those 2 files due to my multiple planets models that I use!) 

Good job, Riptide! :)

Offline Scott_Bruno

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Re: Question about in game collisions
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2006, 03:53:26 am »
I suppose you could check the distance between ship positions and call it a collision, manually blowing up or damaging the ships, if they get too close. It's ghetto but not nearly as dumb as us leaving collision options out of the API.

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Re: Question about in game collisions
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2006, 08:07:37 pm »
I suppose you could check the distance between ship positions and call it a collision, manually blowing up or damaging the ships, if they get too close. It's ghetto but not nearly as dumb as us leaving collision options out of the API.

Heh, that's pretty much how we've started doing simulated minefields -- check for range to a postion then generate and blow up something with the desired explosion strength.  Kludge is my middle name  ;)


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Re: Question about in game collisions
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2008, 05:54:23 pm »

Have another one for ya.

Is there a way to make mines targetable in SFC III?   I'd like to be able to target and destroy those pesky mines.

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Re: Question about in game collisions
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2008, 11:32:27 am »

Have another one for ya.

Is there a way to make mines targetable in SFC III?   I'd like to be able to target and destroy those pesky mines.

I don't think that's even possible in the other SFC games.  At least I've never heard of it happening. 
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Re: Question about in game collisions
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2008, 12:14:22 am »
Collisions in SFC games is not possible except SFC 3.

Setting a ship in EAW or OP as a planet will remove the ability for your ship to move forward. all you can do is turn. That is hard coded.

The game is supposedly designed to graphically show the faster ship flying over the top of your enemy, thus there is no "collision". the purpose of being a captain is to preserve your ship not destroy it by ramming something.. the game has a Pseudo z axis that happens only when you fly over something.

Hopefully this information will help about collisions in EAW and OP

as for targeting mines, it is not possible. it is not in the game engine.
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