Hiya folks, I'm hoping someone here can answer this question for me. I know in SFC, EAW/OP and III you can collide with planets and asteroids.....
Q : Is there a way to set up the game that you can collide with bases and other ships as well ?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Hi ModelsPlease their is ways to achieve this, however most base stations has the collision factor engaged, but all asteroids , moons and planets has the collision factor always engaged (hardcoded). I am afraid that you will be disapointed. You can´t mod ships to be both collisionable and selectable from shipyard, well, not from the patch versions. However, you can create mission scripts were you can play or face ships that is collision enabled, or you can edit single- or multiplayers campaign shiploadout so you can start playing with collision enabled ship.
When Taldren released the patch version 1.01 build version 500 and above, they removed the Borg race collision function on their BB´s. However, I think it was only the Borg´s BB´s that had the collision fucntion activated. The thing is, I am unsure if the Romulan, Klingon and or Federation race has the collision function activated on their bbs (Battleships) in the pre-patch version (unpatched). I am not sure since they didn´t release any BBs to these races. I will take a look into this soon enough after I sent this reply.
So if you want to play with ships that has the collision factor enabled in one of the patch versions:
1. Make sure you start with a ship that has the collision factor enabled, that is referred as a BS-class or higher in the DefaultCore.txt file. The Classes is: SH,PF,F,FF,DD,DW,CL,CA,NCA,BCH,CV,DN,BB,LP,BS,BT,SB,BIO,PLANET,SPECIAL
2. Create or edit your own missions so you can play with a specific ship that has collision factor enabled or face ships with collision factor enabled for that matter too.
I have explored the possibilities myself, so I know you can´t buy and play ships that has the collision factor enabled, except for the pre-patch version. I will reply soon again and see if the pre-patch version allows Klinks, Rommys and Feds BB classes have the collision factor enabled as well. But if thats not true, then only the selectable and collision enabled ships will be the BBs for the Borg race in the pre-patch version.
Since I am creating a mod myself, I had to find out this possibility myself sooner or later.