Topic: SG05 - XenoCorp Storyline Thread - Episode 1  (Read 1058 times)

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Offline FA Frey XC

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SG05 - XenoCorp Storyline Thread - Episode 1
« on: October 25, 2005, 12:35:23 pm »
With a chime, the datapad lit up and a voice came forth

"Fleet Admiral, is this a bad time?"

"No, Ensign, what is it?"

"I've got a priority I message from the Federation. Shall I patch it through?"

Frey, Owner of XenoCorp Inc, looked up from his design station. He keyed close the current design schematics and patched the Ensign through to his main terminal. As he turned to face the viewscreen he keyed several toggles on his console. Several lights dimmed.

"I'll take it from here, Ensign. Thank you."

The image of the Federation's Commander of Starfleet swam into view. Human, and dashing, that much could be said. Frey's face turned into a impasive mask as he faced the viewscreen.

"Yes, Wanderer, what can I do for you?"

"Frey, how goes it? I'm glad you found the time to engage in this the record conversation."

"Oh, this is off the record?"

"Yes, is that a problem?"

"Wanderer, you should know nothings off the record here at XenoCorp, but I'll indulge you for the moment." Frey flipped two more toggles on the console.

"Haha, true, quiet true...ever to the point, eh Frey? Listen, We've received credible evidence that the Orion Slave Cartels are ramping up for another 'big push'...well, actually I'd call it a 'enormous push' but that's just me. We need to get someone on the inside to see what the real deal is. The only one that can do that is you."

Frey considered the intel he had just been going over with his Number 1 just yesterday. It did, indeed, appear that the Orions were ramping up - but not all the Orions, just one in particular. Rather than volunteer his information, Frey did as he always had done - remain silent and let the silence provoke more information from the Federation. They were somewhat loose around the lips when it came to situations like these.

"What we'd like, Frey, is for a small strike team to infiltrate this before it even begins. We can't do it as I'm sure you know - there's no one in the Federation that can get into the places you and your organization can. We're sure something really big is up but for obvious reasons we can't touch it. If we did, our trade deals with the Orions would ...suffer." Wanderer looked uncomfortable, and it was understandable. All the intel XenoCorp had collected on the Federation Protectorate Fleet's commander pointed towards a man with morals, ethics, and a steadfast consistancy. Simply facing, let alone bringing up the Federations necessary dealings with the Orions seemed difficult for Wanderer, and he didn't try to hide it.

Frey's face remained unchanged. "It will cost you, as you well know. Nothing is for free in this world. But, yes, we can do it. Our standard arrangement, then? You know where to transmit the data, and more importantly the funds. 1/2 down. 1/2 at completion of the mission, regardless of the outcome."

"Regardless of the outcome? I don't think the Federation Council will like that, Frey"

"The Federation Council are not the ones doing this mission, Wanderer. Risk is part of my business, and if I am shouldering that risk alone, then I will make sure I am paid for it. Understood?"

"Understood, Frey."

"Good, now that we've gotten that out of the way, did you receive that crate of Romulan Ale I sent you?"

A shocked expression came over Wanderer's face, "That was you? Good Lord, Frey, that was some good stuff. I should have know it was you...we're on a open signal, though..I could be"

"Whatever else we may be, behind all that we'll always be friends. Don't forget that. And I wouldn't worry about the signal, no one else is going to hear."

Frey smiled.

"well, I should have known better than to second guess you, old friend. Now I'll get the credits transferred, as well as your standard tech assignments. I appreciate your help." Wanderer held up his hand and the viewscreen went dead.

"I just hope you recognize it's the help you need, not necessarily the help you want."

Frey gazed into the viewscreen, lost in thought.
Vice President of Technology,
Dynaverse Gaming Association
Owner, CEO XenoCorp Inc.


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Re: SG05 - XenoCorp Storyline Thread - Episode 1
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2005, 12:41:01 pm »
Frey I hope you got the standard payment contract with FPF:

I'd like mine in blueberry please.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2005, 01:03:51 pm by 762_XC »

Offline FA Frey XC

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Re: SG05 - XenoCorp Storyline Thread - Episode 1
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2005, 01:03:27 pm »
Fleet Vice Admiral 762 walked into the main briefing room at XenoCorp HQ Alpha. The sheer enormity of the room never failed to impress him. Everywhere he looked, he saw terminal after terminal of sheer data - taps into almost every galactic news line, government lines, even data shunts that most in the Galactic community didn't know existed. All of these terminals lead to the main CompCORE here at XC HQ Alpha, where all of the data was analyzed, processed, collected and dissiminated to the various inner departments of XenoCorp Information Services, the very heart of XenoCorp Inc.

As he proceeded to the raised dais another member of the Admiralty joined him.

"Fleet Read Admiral Kehakoul, it is good to see you again."

"Likewise, Fleet Vice Admiral. It has been too long since we've had the pleasure. How goes the Hydrans and their relations?"

"Well, well. I've always been amazed at the sheer tenacity of my Hydran Brethren. We continue to work towards complete independance economically AND emperically. We're almost there. How about you? What's the XenoCorp Federation Envoy up to these days?"

"We've begun work on a new starship design. It's very interesting...much larger than any of our previous designs. I will be happy when we enter the actual nuts and bolts design phase - that is always my favorite. Very interesting design though."

"I know, I've seen it." 762's face - or what Humans would call a face - clenched up in the Hydran version of a smile.

"Ahh good, then you did get the communique!" Kehakouls face held nothing back.

"Yes, and I will have to tell you, this 'mega-gatling' concept is most interesting. I have already dispatched the base design to several Hydran Engineers for confirmation. What your Federation designers have built is almost a copy of our net Gatling-2 design. May I ask if your Federation engineers arrived on this material on their own?"

"762, we're XenoCorp. Everyone gets everything from us. Stop putting me on, why did you call this meeting"?

Kehakoul shifted somewhat, and then decided to sit down on the spacious deck chairs. 762 joined him. He pulled a datapad from one of his numerous pockets slung around his body with one of his appendages and handed it to the Federation Envoy. Kehakoul's demeanor darkened as he read the datapad.

"This will be difficult."

"I know, but it's necessary. We need you on the inside to ensure that this turns out right. Frey's insisted on it."

Kehakoul turned to his superior with a look of resolution "Well, if Frey has his hand on this one, then I know better to question it. Tell him I will complete this task, although it pains me."

"I know, Synaps, I know" A Hydran on a first name basis with a Federation Officer was rare.

Rarer indeed was the task he had asked of his friend. One that could lead to his death.

Kehakoul turned and walked out without another word. It's a wonder we do this - without recognition, without glory - and certainly without knowing the end result. But it's not without reward, thought 762. No, it's not without reward as he walked off the dais and towards the Research & Development labs of XenoCorp.
Vice President of Technology,
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Owner, CEO XenoCorp Inc.

Offline FA Frey XC

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Re: SG05 - XenoCorp Storyline Thread - Episode 1
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2005, 03:55:21 pm »
In space, the absolute LACK of matter is what fascinated many. It's hard to say how each person interpretes the concept, but the startling fact is this: Life itself is in no way equipped nor designed to exist in absolute nothingness. In fact, some in the later 26th century actually equated the vacuum of space to be just that - the embodiment of death itself. One thing is very clear : space is just that - the lack of matter or anything else for that matter. Sure, there's the stray gamma ray, tachyeon particle, or quark...but for the most part there's just NOTHING, and a whole lot of it. Alone in the dark of this space, a small craft traversed the void between all things; protecting it's fragile occupants from the utter nothingness. Inside, it was almost completely black - a type of black the Gorn did not like.

AlienLXIX was not comfortable being in this type of craft, so small and confining, but she dealt with it in the best of matters.

"Pilot...I'm curiousssss, when we dock do you have plansssss?"

AlienLXIX could speak Alliance Common well enough, but she liked the reaction she got from the fleshlings.

"I'm sssstarting to get cold...I get frisssssssky when I get cold!"

"Senior Captain, we'll be arriving momentarily. I apologize for the cabin temperature, it's the best we could do."

"Very well, Youngling. If I sssstart to sssssshiver, may I use you for a warmer?"

"Umm, well ahhhh" stammered the young XenoCorp Diplomatic Core pilot.

"Jussssssst assss well, Youngling, I do believe I've ssssssspotted our dessssstination." AlienLXIX drapped her rather slim hand over the pilots shoulder, and pointed to the viewscreen.

"Respectfully, Senior Captain, I don't have anything on my scans. We were just suppose to warp to this location, and wait for a signal."

AlienLXIX's eyes sparkeled as she continued to stare forward."And there it issssssssssss, Youngling."

Through the rather small front cockpit view screen she could see XenoCorp's pride of the Fleet, the USS ODIN, decloaking almost dead in front of the craft. Growing in size as she moved, the Avenger Class Dreadnought was Fleet Admiral Frey's mobile battlelabs and command station. "For him to be here, it must be important" Thought AlienLXIX. As the ODIN swung into a forward motion, the little craft snuggled up to the rear of the primary sensor platform, below the third nacelle. ALIEN felt the soft *thump* as the ODIN's servos and umbilicals linked automatically to the diplmatic transport, then the slight pressure change as the atmospheres equalized.

As a light went green on the pilots console, the docking door swung aside to reveal a solitary chamber beyond, it's wall smooth and almost glistening.

"Ssssshaaall we, Youngling? The Fleet Admiral doessssss not like to be kept waiting...."

"My orders were to stay here with the ship, Senior Captain."

"TSSSKkkk, I wassssss just beginning to warm up to you, Youngling. Don't be crussssssshed, at leasssst we had thesssssse wordssssss."

"Yes Ma'am!"

"Carry On." AlienLXIX moved out of the diplomatic transport and pressed her hand on a portion of the smooth, silvery wall. Almost instantly, a circle of light appeared around her hand, pulsed twice, and disappeared. Incredibly, a seam appeared where there previously smooth wall. The seam then began to grow to a large rectangular opening that was expanding as the seconds passed until it took the shape of a doorway.
AlienLXIX stepped through the hatchway, and disappeared into the ODIN, and just as incredibly the hatchway began shrinking until each of the four corners had met together in the middle, and the wall was whole again.

"What is it with the Gorn these days?" said the pilot to what he hoped was no one in particular.
Vice President of Technology,
Dynaverse Gaming Association
Owner, CEO XenoCorp Inc.