We do not use Dynaverse, we use a set of rules (on the site) to govern a campaign that has grown since the origins of SFB. Back when it was a board game the first version of these rules came out. A ref handles movement, construction, etc. Each player sends orders to him about once every two weeks. When nations have conflict the battles are resolved via LAN (many of us are clustered in Western Mass) or internet for those more distant. We use Sector Assault because it records damage and the SFB OP 4.0 ship list. No one can see the master map and not knowing where enemy fleets are sucks. So having a scout is pretty helpful . If you can see them before they can see you, then your doing pretty well. Standard ships can see only adjacent hexes, a scout can see two hexes.
I think it is technically a Play by Mail game.
www.sfbuaw.comI also had difficulty getting the Dynaverse to work, but saw a write up on it somewhere on this form. I still need to sit down and do the instructions I printed out. If I get stuck I hope Frey will also help me out. Before I waste any of his time let me install the goo I downloaded and follow the instructions.
I am confussed about the Dynaverse,.. is it like a real time campaign? What happens to the ships your running, when you quit the game for the night ?
I am also glad to find this form and others as dedicated to the SFC world as myself