If the silly legislation went through then people would make them. Businesses fill holes, thats how they work.
Again Apple already challenged Microsoft in court over the GUI interface and lost. Businesses is not going to fill this particular hole because there is nothing to fill.
Crap. If Microshaft triple their prices then people will go with Linux. There is competition, however the competition isn't as good. Until either it becomes non geek friendly, or MS makes their product too expensive people won't touch it with a gimp pole.
Could you name me one REAL monopoly that wasn't created by government?
No it is not crap just my opinion, I'm not telling you that your opinions are crap so a little respect in that regard would be appreciated. This has been a very good discussion, lets not kill it now please.
As for people switching to Linux if Microsoft tripled their prices, I think you are making a much bigger assumption then I'd be willing to make. My best guess is that the people would go back to the courts and scream monopoly again. That doesn't mean that competition absolutely does not exist, it does but the competition can't do all the things that Windows can do (ie games). Then again that is not exactly the competing operating systems fault either, I think games could play on other operating systems if they were made for them by the gaming companies. That falls back to Microsofts market share and the competitions lack there of.
Microsoft wasn't created my Bill Gates??!?

And yes IMHO Microsoft is a monopoly, I guess that is something we are going to have to agree not to agree on.
It isn't that no one makes one, it is that there isn't a better one. MS is a victim of their own success, and until they try to gouge the customer they will remain a success.
PS Apple have just changed to the same architecture as the PC, so the next Apple OS should be PC compatible. That should make for some fun.
They have also added another mouse button (at last, heathens) 
Actually I think that Apple's Mac OS X is far superior to Windows. If you change that first sentence to "... it is that there isn't a better one"
for the PC platform then I would agree with you whole heartedly. While Apple is changing to the Intel platform, Apple is still using special Rom chips on the motherboard so people can't use OS X on any PC. The way it stands now, the new Intel Mac's will be able to run Windows but PC's still can't run OS X. Personally I think that Apple is testing the waters to see if he wants to drop the Apple hardware and sell the OS off the shelf. IMHO that would be the best thing for Apple and consumers, but yeah as it stands now it should make for a whole lot of fun.
Yeah but the Apple mouse still sucks, I just read the review for their newest one and I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot USB cable.