"Captain picking up a transmission in the clear from an unknown source. Mainly static Sir"
"Wait it is coming in now..."
Stardate unknown
Location unknown
Lyran brethren and Alliance partners these atrocities must not be allowed to continue, I present photograph proof that the coalition is not treating our fallen and captured wingman in accordance with the general guide lines of treatment of POWs. They are stealing our very dignity. We must double out efforts and free these imprisoned wings.
Here is one of our kin in an ISC confinement cellThe delousing process is criminal no feline should be treated in this manner Oh the furmanity!
They are even doing illegal experimentation of other species look at this poor federation dog being made to fly. No telling how soon or even what they would do to us.
and my fellow felines the pitiful rations that they do give us is barley enough to sustain life. We wants some meats!Save us from this outrageous treatment, free us...free us now..."Transmission ends.
"Sound general quarters... set ESG radius two, take us in!"