NAME: Tracius Maxillius
RANK: Commander
EMPIRE: Romulan Star Empire
RACE: Romulan (as if we'd give ship to a Reman

SHIP NAME/SERIAL NUMBER: RIS Velociraptor (no set number)
FLEET AFFILIATION/ASSIGNMENT: Patrol on Federation border
SHIP & FLEET EMBLEMS (IF ANY) (no pictures just links please): ship- Stock Taldren Eagle-hull emblem- none
SPECIAL AWARDS (IF ANY): Tal'Praiex decoration of unexpected victory
HEIGHT: 6'0"
WEIGHT: 230lbs (?) (how much heavier is a Romulan that a human if they're the same build?)
GENERAL APPEARANCE: on duty: Regulation Officer of the Empire off duty (and off world): just picture Fatboy Slim with black hair
MARITIAL STATUS: single (tried doing the girlfriend thing, the Empire doesn't like it when you have a relationship aboard ship)

GENERAL PERSONALITY DESCRIPTION: In command he's a total bastard, and will do anything it takes to get the job done. But he's a fair bastard; no one dies without a reason. Off-duty he's a really cool guy, a professional DJ in the Federation club circuit, and no one would ever expect he's a Romulan Commander.
NOTABLE CREWMEMBERS/PATRONS/CONTACTS: Centurion Norex. Right-hand man and life-long friend. Maxillius and Norex grew up together after the House of Maxillius took young Norex in after his family died in a transporter "accident" intended to occur 3 pads over and 5 minutes past. House of Maxillius also took in the other children in that family. As a result, House Maxillius lost some prestige, but more than made up for it when Tracius's father, Telec, exposed the saboteur and informed the senator that was the intended target. Tracius was able to take any comand he wished when it was offered him. Instead of choosing the flagship or a brand-new ship, he chose one of the old Eagles and elected to make his prestigeless friend Norex Centurion, effectively giving him the rank of Sub-Lieutenant in the Romulan Space Navy. Tracius's superiors warned him that bringing someone outside his caste to serve along side him wouldn't serve his career well, but they allowed the request, so long as Norex didn't try to make a name for himself too quickly.
NOTABLE ENEMIES: Gorn Captain Kroma-BaSyl, the self-proclaimed "Hostess with the mostest" Many times Tracius and Norex shared an escape pod after Kroma has his/her way with his ship. This is the reason Tracius patrols the Federation boarder nearer to Klingon space.
STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES strength: no Federation ship is immune to his Plasma torpedos weakness: neither is his own ship!
FAVORED TACTICS: Anchored overrun followed immediately by a nuclear mine and T-bomb
HOBBIES/VICES: Club DJ with an affinity for 20th and 21st century Earth techno
MOST NOTABLE ITEMS OF PERSONAL HISTORY (IF ANY): Destroyed a Federation New Aegis Cruiser while in command of an ancient Warbird (plus-refit), which is the event that brought him the Tal'Praiex decoration of unexpected victory