NAME : el-Karnak, House of Koshnaranek.
RANK : Head of ISC Navy Technical branch. Permanent staff officer to ISC High Command Strategic Studies group.
EMPIRE : Interstellar Concordium
RACE : Meskeen
SHIP CLASS/DESIGNATION : Concordium StarShip, Heavy Battle-Cruiser class
SHIP & FLEET EMBLEMS (IF ANY) (no pictures just links please) : None.
SPECIAL AWARDS (IF ANY) : Various technical achievement awards. ISC ARM for ISC for AoTK2 where ISC actually won something thanks to great Kittie team effort.
HEIGHT : 6'2"
WEIGHT : approx 200 lbs
GENERAL APPEARANCE : Typical Meskeen, no real "distinguishing" marks. Dress is standard ISC white uniform with Red/Gold markings to indicate Technical Services and Strategic Staff branch affiliations.
OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS : Lady Valakena, Wife. Pet dawg called "RunRiot".
A typical Meskeen officer with a in-grain sense of superiority. Honest to a fault. Loyal to friends, un-forgiving to enemies. At times, can be quick to anger. Not a frog to trifle with if one is looking to start trouble. Has little patience for sub-ordinates that cannot perform at above-average levels. Will delegate duties to trusted sub-ordinates and back them up with superiors. Has little appreciation for other races in the galaxy that think they are peers and/or superiors to the ISC, but is willing for the ISC to enter into structured alliances with worthy races.
NOTABLE CREWMEMBERS/PATRONS/CONTACTS : Has standard ISC Captain's 2 Pronhoulite/2 Korlivilar honor guard that is very capable at security work.
NOTABLE ENEMIES : Bugged missions.

STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES : ISC ARM for ISC for AoTK2 where ISC actually won something thanks to great Kittie team effort. Lord of the EEK Missions. Can be very open-minded unless you take away the ISC from the dyna cuz that just stinks.

Does not make friends easily, but is loyal to those he has.
FAVORED TACTICS : Echelon maneuvers. Intermediate-range peels, and a generally good BBQ.
HOBBIES/VICES : Can be a little too vain and self-centered. Does not drink alcohol. Has pet dawg that runs rampant all over the ship which can be quite annoying to the crew.
MOST NOTABLE ITEMS OF PERSONAL HISTORY (IF ANY) : Born of minor nobility, as a college ugrad Karnak was not afraid to tell profs what he really thought of them. Unless, he really needed that prof's help, of course. Then Karnak just slammed these profs when he no longer needed them. Fortunately, his innate technical talent made Karnak an officer on the rise in spite of his big vinegar ways. Initially posted to the Federation front when he achieved the coveted BCH command, Karnak lost little time in telling the Federation that the ISC has a much bigger galactic ego than them. Did one tour of duty in the Klingon Deep Space fleet as an exchange officer and got into a couple fabulous food fights where slimy food was flying all over the place. Also, Karnak picked up a "stray" pet targ until the owner showed up with big knives demanding their animal back. Then, Karnak started annoying the Gorns which started quite a riot, and incurred the attention of the great Gorn Diva Kroma whom he affectionately calls "pookie-poo". ISC High Command was forced to step in when Karnak tried to call one of his squadron's ship "CSS Pookie-Poo". Apparently, many of the ISC captains were uncomfortable with seeing ISC ships named after their wives' nickname.
By now, Karnak was on a real roll and made sure that he annoyed every race, reminding them all why Meskeen frogs can be really bombastic and arrogant. When ISC High Command questioned this form of diplomacy, Karnak replied: "What do we care? They are so feeble!! They can't beat the I-S-C!!". Apparently, the other races agreed because for many years no galactic power dared take on the ISC in dyna combat. Consequently, many ISC captains left the service due to boredom and were sick of only being able to use PPDs to break-up asteroids instead of enemy hulls.
After a long lull of inactivity on the ISC border regions, the non-ISC races have apparently seemed to have forgotten why they are barbarians and the Frogs are their more civilized superiors, so dyna combat has finally picked up. Karnak is attempting to remember where he put his tactics manual after letting his combat skills grow so stale. It also did not help that he was stuck in the Computer Sciences Lab concocting wild and wacky missions and got a little obsessed with them.