If players drop -- -everyone try one more time -- if it still dont work -- all palyers should move off the hex -- then call it open season again??
I like this
You also seem to have a fondness for canines..
t00l & Shadowlord are on a hex, Dizzy & DH jump & draft them
someone (t00l) crashes
everyone logs back one, tries again- this time Dizzy drafts, someone crashes
Everyone backs off and it's "open season"
t00l & Shadowlord move back onto the hex
Dizzy & DH jump them
someone crashes...
t00l & Shadowlord are on a hex, Dh & Dizzy jump them
someone crashes
second time someone also crashes- but this time disengagement penalty applies
Example 1 accomplishes nothing on hot spot.
Example 2 moves someone out of the hex.