
Topic: Games, games, games, and games!!!!  (Read 2756 times)

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Offline Elvis

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Games, games, games, and games!!!!
« on: October 18, 2005, 06:07:25 pm »
What a big week for games, haven't had a week like this in awhile; will there be another week like it before Christmas.

As mentioned in another thread Serious Sam 2 is out.

But if that isn't interesting enough Call of Duty 2 is also out this week. Played the demo. Give it a  :thumbsup: . (The demo that is.)  I am a sucker for WW2 fps and alas I haven't had enough time to finish BIA: Earned in Blood so COD2 is going to have to wait.

Quake 4 is also out this week for all you twitchers...

The best of the bunch of fps this week very well may be FEAR, and from the reviews may even push COD2 further down the list.

Last but definitely not least AOE3 had made its debut 2 days early at Best Buy, I thought it was coming out on Thursday but was in BB today when they were ripping off the plastic wrap from the display. No collectors edition out yet though.

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Re: Games, games, games, and games!!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2005, 08:04:47 pm »
AOE3 looks pretty cool.  8)

Offline Dracho

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Re: Games, games, games, and games!!!!
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2005, 08:51:17 pm »
Civilization IV is also out next week.

and Elder Scrolls:Oblivion on November 21.

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Offline Toast

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Re: Games, games, games, and games!!!!
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2005, 10:18:17 pm »
 ;D Tried out the COD2 demo looked cool i thought.

Offline Hexx

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Re: Games, games, games, and games!!!!
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2005, 09:52:46 pm »
FEAR is cool, feels a little linear to me though- Half Life and Doom were linear, but I managed to take the wrong way most
of the time, here I just kept heading forward. Also (imho) kinda short.
The enemies (as has been mentioned in reviews) have some of the best AI I've seen- sometimes
Often they'll actually work to use supressing fire, while a couple of them try and flank your position, tossing a couple
of grenades to force you to move into the open.
Sometimes they just kinda stand there though .
And- teh worst part- there's really not much variety in your enemies
Enemy #1- General trooper -comes with different uniforms, but really all the same
Enemy #2 - Heavy Armour Enemy trooper- doesn't appear that much, only saw mulitples of them a few times
Enemy #3-  Assault Robot type things - very tough, but fairly rare
Enemy #4- Ninja guys- very cool, the games practically worth playing for thse guys alone. unfortunately they appear
                 very few times, like I think twice.

Overall has fantastic graphics, the AI is amazing (most of the time) and the fights/powers /and moves are fun
          Downsides are the lack of variety of foes, seems singularly linear.

Multiplayer seems pretty good

Better (imho) than Doom3, but not even a contender to HL2.
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Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Games, games, games, and games!!!!
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2005, 10:55:57 pm »
Didn't care to play HL2 much.

That entire Steam thing (and it popping up to ask about installing other games and such) was a HUGE turnoff to me.

I wonder how many sales they lost due to that little copycat of Microsoft's Windows authentication software???

HL2 did have some nice graphics though.  Pretty wacked out story too.

Anyone tried Quake 4 yet?
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Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


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