Here's the thing. You can buy a lot of different shows seasons for about 40 to 50 bucks, so paying 30-40 for just 4 episodes seems a little over the top. If you took that and extended the pricing out to an average season, then you're talking like 150/180(20 episodes) - 200/240(24 episodes) based on your 30-40 for a 4 episode miniseries becomes extremely expensive. I could see paying about 20 for a 4 episode miniseries, though, which would fall right in line with what they are currently charging for a season of Trek on DVD. One thing is for sure though. Pricing would have to be a factor. Knowing the quality of Trek for the last few series, would you pay a high price for an unknown straight to video Trek product? maybe the first time, I suppose, for those that are hard core trek fan, but if the first offering isn't really top notch, they'll get a chance to watch the sales drop like a rock. Of course they'll say it was the DVD only format and not the quality of the offering, just like they've done for so long with their series. Then they'll try and milk it for what they can, drop the budgets, even lower quality, then they'll drop straight to DVD altogether.